Saturday, May 29, 1971
Page Sever
2-S. Viets, N. Viets clash in third
day of fighting in east Cambodia
Unwelcome find
Sutter County deputies excavate a grave in a prune orchard north
of Yuba City, Calif. where the 13th victim of a mass slaying had
been found buried Thursday. The 20th body was discovered yester-
day just before the search stopped temporarily on account of rain.
(See News Briefs, Page 7.)
[ne wNs b rie fs
By The Associated Press
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI moved yesterday to keep fed-
erally registered voters, mostly blacks, on its pollbooks, despite a
state wide reregistration plan.
The action came as a response to civil rights leaders who had
charged the reregistration program was designed to remove the
names of black voters from the voting rolls of the state.
Mississippi Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer charged that congressional
*earings called to investigate the program were merely an attempt
by "liberal Democrats" to discredit the Republican administration
by "making it seem that they were not enforcing the voter rights
act in Mississippi."
DREW HIGH SCHOOL was made available yesterday for the
funeral of Jo Etha Collier, whose murder Thursday after her high
'school graduation, sparked riots in Drew, Miss.
The move, along with the dropping of charges against 31 ar-
rested during the protest, was made by city officials as a goodwill
gesture to the black community.
FBI agents, under presidential orders, are checking to see if any
federal violation was involved in her shooting.
THE DEATH TOLL ROSE to 20 yesterday in the mass murder
of migrant farm workers as sheriff's deputies in Yuba City, Calif.,
discovered five more bodies in a prune orchard.
Juan Corona, 37, a farm labor contractor and native of Mexico
has been charged with 10 of the slayings.
The confirmed death count was one of the largest numbers of
persons allegedly slain by one person in the United States in this
THE FOURTH ROUND of the American-Soviet strategic arms
limitation talks (SALT) ended yesterday in Vienna on the note that
long and difficult negotiations still lie ahead despite the break-
through achieved eight days ago.
U.S. and Soviet delegations had agreed May 20 to concentrate
this year on working out an agreement on limiting antiballistic mis-
'elegations are slated to focus on defensive ABM's.
SAIGON (P) - North and
South Vietnamese forces clashed
bloodily yesterday for the third
straight day in eastern Cambo-
dia, marking the heaviest fight-
ing there in three months.
The Saigon command claimed
control of the bomb-blasted town
of Snuol, after waves of U.S. and
South Vietnamese a i r c r a f t
bombed and strafed North Vietna-
mese forces near that town.
At the same time, new battles
flared in the central highlands of
South Vietnam and near the A
Shau Valley in the coumtry's ex-
plosive northern sector.
The South Vietnamese claimed
403 enemy troops killed in the
fighting on three fronts, a claim
open to some doubt.
Only a relatively f-w enemy
weapons - 21 by official count
- were recovered from the bat-
tlefields. In addition, many of
the claimed North Vietnamese
dead were killed by allied air
strikes and artillery. The count
was based on reports from aerial
observers, and thus was an es-
timate at best.
Against these claims, South
Vietnamese losses were reported
officially as 12 killed and 52
wounded. Field reports told of
a higher toll, notably in the fire-
fighting in eastern Cambodia.
The Cambodia action centered
at Snuol, a small rubber plan-
tation town 10 miles west of the
South Vietnamese border.
The fighting broke out Wed-
nesday when as many as 400
North Vietnamese soldiers in-
vaded Snuol and triggered fight-
ing in the market place. The
main force was driven back to
the outskirts of the town Thurs-
day with the help of U.S. air
strikes, spokesmen said.
Many of Snuol's few hundred
houses were destroyed or dam-
aged a dear ago during the big
U.S.-South Vietnamese drive into
eastern Cambodia and more de-
struction came in the latest fight-
The town has been contested
since Wednesday morning when a
500-man North Vietnamese force
attacked the South Vietnamese
defenders inside Snuol and at
four points close by.
The North Vietnamese reached
Snuol's market place, but the
-uth Vietnamese reported they
regained control Thursday after-
r,oon, although conceding that
small pockets of enemy troops
were still there.
Nixon to set fall deadline
for bussing plans in South
The new fighting broke out
barely more than a quarter of a,
mile west of Snuol at 9 a.m. yes-
terday and continued for three
hours, the Saigon command re-
A command spokes-san, Lt.
Col. Vge Tyxung Hien, said,
"There are no more enemy in
the town of Snuol. It is under the
control of South Vietnamese
Nixon administration indicat-
ed yesterday it will set a fall
deadline for Southern cities to
comply with the recent Su-
preme Court decision that sanc-
tioned crosstown busing and
other measures for further
school desegregation.
"Fall is in many respects the
practical requirement for many
school districts," Elliot Rich-
ardson, secretary of Health,
Education and Welfare, said
in an interview.
Richardson's statement is
the first public one from the
administration confirming the
government will require South-
ern cities to redraw attend-
ance zones, bus pupils, and use
other methods to eliminate all-
black schools by the opening of
the next school year.
Richardson outlined a series
of compliance steps, emphasiz-
ing local initiative, reliance on
advisory councils in seven stat-
es, and the lowest possible pro-
file for government civil rights
Southern cities will be told.
for example that they "will
have new tools to finish the
desegregation job and the gov-
ernment will help in any way it
can," Richardson said. Heavy
emphasis will be placed on
maintaining cordial relations
with Southern officials.
As part of this public rela-
tions effort, Richardson r e -
cently appointed Richard Scott
Brannan to his immediate staff.
Brannan is a South Carolina
minister, writer, and radio per-
sonality with close ties to White
House aide Harry Dent.
Brannan understands "both
the individual point of view of
the communities affected, and
what the desegregation cases re-
quire," Richardson said.
It will be Brannan's job to
convince unhappy Southerners
that the administration is do-
ing only what the courts com-
pel it to do in requiring mo r e
desegregation, HEW officials
These officials added that the
differences between HEW for
faster desegregation and the
Justice Department for slower
is now over.
"Recent court decisions have
made it pretty explicit w h at
has to be done," according to
one official. "HEW and J us-
tice are now walking together
behind that court shield."
In coming weeks HEW hopes
to negotiate voluntary plans
for further desegregation.
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