Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 29, 1971 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 29, 1971 BILLIARDS Michigan TABLE TENNISU i Union BOWLING Oe e Open FOOSBALL This Weekend * N VOLKSWAGEN OWNERS WAGON WERKE SUMMER TUNE-UP SALE - -COUPON-- WITH THIS COUPON A COMPLETE TUNE-UP INCLUDING PLUGS AND POINTS, VALUE ADJUSTMENT r only 12.95 SAME DAY SERVICE AVAILABLE " AND WARRANTEED WORK 1245 Rosewood, Ann Arbor-Phone: 662-2576 r GOOD UNTIL SAT., JUNE 12 # IOo MMA R ANN ARBOR MICHIGA~N 7698511 OUR BUYERS ARE NOW IN NEW YORK Come see us next week J]ne ?$en J imported §poriwecar CALL PRISONERS 'PAWNS' POW families hit U. S., N. Viets WASHINGTON ) - A group of families of American service- men missing or captured in the Indochina war charged yesterday they are being used by bota sides as pawns in the conflict and called for an immediate end to the war. Mrs. Harold Kushner, wife of an Army doctor captive in Viet- nam, said the Nixon administra- tion is "using the prisoner issue to buy time for the South Vietna- mese government." "There has been no solution to the prisoner problem within the framework of Vietnamization,* said a statement issued by the group at a news conference. "The pledge of president Nixon to maintain a residual force of troops within South Vietnam gives no real hope for the re- lease of our men," the statement said. "In fact, it creates a situa- tion in which the prisoners have become political hostages." But the group also accused the Communist governments involv- ed in the war of trading on the prisoner issue. "We've been fair game for everyone," said Rushner of Dan- ville, Va., "not just the President, not just the right, not just the left. All kinds of people have been trying to justify their causes in the name of the POW families." Another member said the group was particularly 'pposed to Nixon's announced plan of keeping a residual force in Viet- nam and pegging it to the priso- ner issue. "To us this meant an intermin- able war," she said. "It meant the prisoners would be held as long as we have forces in Viet- nam. It meant the men may never be seen again." The group is asking that the United States reach agreement with the Communists that the prisoners will be released when a withdrawal date is set and that after such an agreement is reached, U.S. forces be with- drawn completely within 150 days. The group said it was not ready to endorse any of the proposed- legislation calling for a fixed RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE SUMMER THEATER presents THE EMPIRE BUILDERS by BORIS VIAN June 3-5-8:00 P.M. EAST QUAD AUDITORIUM 75c DONATION STORE WIDE L.P. SAVINGS * TWO DAYS - SUNDAY and MONDAY withdrawal date because the Communists so far have agreed to discuss prisoner release only if a date is set. However, the group said it would push for a legislated saith- drawal date once the Commun- nists confirm officielly that prisoner release would follow. S. V iets sa y U .S. merel y marks ime SAIGON (MP) - South Vietna- mese leaders have speculated this week, both privately and in print, that the United States goal in Vietnam is now only to mini- mize American casualties until U.S. prisoners of war are re- leased. The speculation came as South Vietnamese officials prepared for the release next wee of 580 North Vietnamese prisoners, amid their expressions of doubt that North Vietnam nas any in- tention of reciprocating. The implication of this South Vietnamese thinking is that if American prisoners were releas- ed the United States would ter- minate its involvement here as quickly as possible - perhaps simply declaring Vietnamization a success and getting ut, An editorial in the Vietnamese language newspaper Dan Tien said negoiations at the Paris peace talksthave been stalled only because of the POW prob- lem, and that American nego- tiators were concerned with little else. "What actions will the United States take at the Paris confer- ence table after it has reached agreement with the other side concerning the fate of its pris- oners?" said the editorial. The future of the Vietnam war will not be influenced by the fighting 'and endurance capabilities of North and South Vietnam, but will actually be decided by the requirement for the protection of the lives of U.S. soldiers." Despite his interest in mini- mizing U.S. casualties and get- ting American troops out of Viet- nam, Nixon has publicly tied the withdrawal of all American forces to the release of U.S. pri- soners by the North - seeming- ly putting himself on the spot if Hanoi should respond. The North Vietnamese have [e- peatedly stated that they will not agree to discuss the release of prisoners until the U.S. sets a date for the withdrawal of its troops. Rent your Roommate with a Classified Ad TV RENTALS $10.00 per month NO DEPOSIT FREE DELIVERY, PICK UP AND SERVICE CALL: NEJAC TV RENTALS 662-5671 CLEARANCE SANDALS-BAGS EVERYTHING Amanda. Fenwick 522 E. WILLIAM (corner of Maynard & E. William) $ ,or also available in cartridge & cassette STEPPENWOLF GOLD- THEIR GREAT HITS -Islowias $ 9 JAMES GANG- 3 DOG NIGHT THIRDS NATURALLY -as low as " Joy to the word") --as low as NAME YOUR DISCOUNT . STORE HOURS Sunday: Noon-5 P.M. Mon.-Fri.: 9:30-9 P.M. Saturday: 9:30-6 P.M. STOREWIDE SALE* $4.98 List $5.98 List $6.98 List Buy 1-5 L.P.'s 9 and you pay only prL.P. pe L.P. per LP. Buy 6-10 L.P.'s 3333 and you pay only per LP per LP per LP Buy 11 or more L.P.'s 99 and you pay l per L.P per L.P per LP *BUDGET LABELS & IMPORTS EXCLUDED OVER 25.000 LP'S, OVER 300 LABELS IN STOCK isAIru,, WHATCH FOR SPECIAL SALE ITEMS CHANGING WEEKLY IB= 15 iscouat records 1235 S. UNIVERSITY * 300 S. STATE 0 ANN ARBOR, 668-9866 665-3679 MICH. --