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May 29, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-29

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Vol. LXXXI, No. 19-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, May 29, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Draft opponents face uphill struggle

Daily News Analysis
Like spectators at the Ali-Frazier fight, ob-
servers of the Senate draft debate are hanging
onto the edges of their seats, while the fight
goes into the last round.
Senators John Stennis (D-Miss.) and Mike
Gravel (D-Alaska) have vowed to fight to
the finish on whether the Military Service
Act should be extended beyond its July 1
expiration date -- and no one is placing
bets on a possible winner.
Stennis, floor-manager for the bill, ap-
pears to be leading at the moment, while his
opponent Gravel, who has threatened a fili-
buster should the bill not be amended, faces
a variety of opposition to ending the draft.
Gravel told The Daily Thursday that a fili-

buster would not be used until "absolutely es-
sential." Gravel said he plans to delay a final
vote on the draft bill until the last possible
moment, and 'then will take the floor, hoping
to talk the bill to death.
He further noted that there are several
amendments yet to be voted on, including
one proposed by Senators Mark Hatfield (R-
Ore.) and George McGovern (D-S.D.) which
would end the Vietnam War by the year's end.
Gravel said he also intended to introduce
several amendments.
He calculated that debate could be pro-
longed until the middle of June, after which
he will begin filibustering until the expiration
date has passed.
See SENATE, Page 2

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UNIVERSITY HEALTH SERVICE is undergoing an extensive, $300,000 program of rehabilitation.
' U' Health Service, to
'h-ave major renovation

New bond set
at $50,000
for Plamondon
Bond for Pun Plamondon, officer of the Rainbow Peo-
ple's Party (formerly the White Panther Party) was reduced
yesterday from $100,000 to $50,000 by Detroit federal dis-
trict judge Damon Keith.
Plamondon is being held along with fellow party mem-
bers John Sinclair and Jack Forrest on conspiracy charges
stemming from the 1968 bombing of the Ann Arbor offices
of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Before he can be released the disposition of three other
other charges pending -
against him must be settled -
Those charges stem from ar-
rests in Traverse City for pos-
session of marijuana, Grandn o re a1
Rapids for possession of a fake OL IP We 1Se
draft card, and Ann Arbor for
distribution of obscene mate-
rials - specifically the White
Panther Party's 10 point pro- i a O f
Keith's ruling came a week SEATTLE 0P)-A federal judge
and a half after Plamondon's refused to release antiwar ac-
defense attorney Hugh "Buck" tivist Leslie Bacon from jail yes-
Davis, filed a motion in federal terday saying she was "danger-
court requesting a reduction of ous to be at large,"
bond. The 19 year old Atherton,
Unde th rulng ond s ofs- Calif., girl was jailed May 12 for
ca lwee fom$00,00t
dially loee0 rm.1000t contempt for refusing to answer
18 questions before a federal
However a provision dropping grand jury.
the surety requirement was Two of the questions Bacon
included in the ruling, which refused to answer concerned the
means Plamondon will only be anti-war organizing conference
required to pay 10 per cent or in Ann Arbor in February.
$5,000 rather than the entire Other questions dealt with
amount of the bond. Bacon's relationship with two
Also included in the terms for local radicals who were sub-
reduction is a clause requiring peonaed Wednesday to appear
Plamondon, once released, to before a federal grand jury in
periodically report to authori- Detroit next week.
ties where he is living. She was arrested April 27 In
One Rainbow People's Party Washington, D.C., and held on-
spokesman told a newsman yes- der $100,000 bond as a materIal
terday the party is optimistic witness in connection with the
that Plamondon's legal difficuil- bombing of the U.S. Capitol and
ties can be worked out and that other national security matters.
bond money can be raised to
free him within a month. Her attorneys asked she be
freed from jail pending' an ap-'
He based his optimism on the peal of the contempt citation
opinion that charges remaining to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of
against Plamondon will either Appeals.
be dropped or reduced and that
bond on them will soon be set. U.S. Dist. Judge William N.
Goodwin granted Bacon immu-
Coinciding with the reduction nity from prosecution, then or-
of Plamondon's bail was the dered her to answer questions.
start of a drive by the party to Goodwin criticized Bacon's
gain the release of its leader, attitude and behavior of spec-
John Sinclair who is presently tators in his order denying her
serving a 9x/-I0 year sentence release.
for possession of marijuana. "Miss Bacon appeared to take
The campaign will be center- the matter as a joke with much
ed around pointing out what the giggling an d communication
party considers to be inequities with people in the courtroom
in the present state marijuana with who she apparently was
laws, acquainted," Goodwin said.

The University Health Serv-
ice Building, which provides for
the health needs of the Univer-
sity community, will soon un-
dergo a $300,000 renovation
program to help the 32-year-
old structure more adequately
serve the campus population.
At their May meeting, the
Regents approved the massive
renovation program, citing the
building's deficiencies in elec-
trical power and provisions for
the handicapped and the struc-
ture's failure to meet current
fire safety standards.
It is not often that The Daily
tells its readers what to do, bull
there are exceptions to every
On Tuesday morning, June
1, Co not rush out of the house
at eight in the morning, just
to grab hold of your Daily be-
fore the neighbors steal it.
That's right, let them get
there first for once because the
crew on Maynard Street is tak-
ing a day off for Memorial Day
weekend. After all, who needs
an excuse for a holiday?

The renovation schedule sub-
mitted by Vice President Wilbur
Pierpont, University chief finan-
cial officer, calls for the work
to be done in two stages over a
period of eight to ten months.
Dr. Robert Anderson, director
of the Health Service, says the
initial phase of the project will
involve visible, physical changes
to the building.
Ramps will be built through-
out the building to make the
passage of handicapped persons
easier, and fire doors, fire
sprinklers, and a fire alarm
system will be added, Anderson
The second stage of the re-
novation calls for a new elec-
trical power substation, the de-
velopment of clinical and lab-
oratory areas and the remodel-
ing of a kitchen areadthat cur-
rently cannot be used.
The new kitchen will provide
food for in-patients. At the
present time, food must be
brought from the Michigan
Already, new c o 1 o r f u l fire
doors h a v e b e e n installed
throughout the building. As
Anderson points out the doors
not only look attractive, they
also provide any easy way to

find your way to any given area.
With the addition of the fire
protection devices which fulfill
the fire safety requirements on
the building, currently unoccu-
pied space on the fourth floor
will be utilized.
Dr. Anderson says he hopes
to construct a multipurpose
clinic there to provide increased
facilities for family planning,
contraception information and
general medical services.
In addition, an area will be
set aside for health education
which will include audio-visual
aids describing common medical
problems and diseases, such as
the symptoms of mononucleosis
or breast cancer.
An unused kitchen on the
fourth floor will be altered to
accommodate an electrocardi-
gram room and a new larger
allergy clinic,
The facility's main medical
clinic will be modernized with
additions to the waiting area
and the installation of counters
to replace the desks scattereed
throughout the clinic.
Also included in the main
clinic overhaul will be the addi-
tion of a "quicky clinic" where
colds and minor ailments can
See HEALTH, Page 10

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