Vol. LXXXI, No. 18.S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 28, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Ann Arbor linked to D.C. acts
Ann Arbor has apparently become a focal point in the
federal government's wideranging investigation into the
March 1 bombing of the U.S. Capitol and anti-war demon-
strations in Washington, D.C., early this month.
Questions put to Leslie Bacon, 19-supposedly the gov-
ernment's key witness to the Capitol bombing-indicate the
government believes a connection exists between a February
organizing conference of anti-war activists in Ann Arbor
and the Washington explosion.
Bacon, held since April 28 by a Seattle, Wash., grand
jury as a material witness to - -
the bombing, was jailed on
a contempt citation lastSc lb (
week after refusing to an-sSeaseotoubh
swer questions a b a u t the
Ann Arbor conference and
her relationship with other
radicals-including two lo-
cal Mayday organizers who
were subpoenaed by a fed- bond set
eral grand jury in Detroit
this week. CHICAGO (A')-Black Panther
Two of the 18 questions Ba- C h a i r m a n Bobby Seale was
con refused to answer directly granted bond yesterday pending
referred to Ann Arbor. appeal of a four-year contempt
One asked Bacon to reveal the sentence imposed during the
names of persons from the Chicago conspiracy trial in 1969.
Seattle area who attended the The ruling permits Seale to
conference. be freed for the first time in
The other asked her to ex-. almost two years.
plain her knowledge of a pro- Bond was set at $25,000 by
posal submitted to the confer- 7th U.S Circuit Court of Ap-
ence by the Seattle delegation. 7tU..CrutortfAp
The Seattle proposal called peals Judges Luther Swygert
for the establishment of organ- and Thomas Fairchild. Seale
izing regions, each of which was ordered to notify the U.S.
would delegate two members to marshall when traveling beyond
a Mayday steering committee to the court's jurisdiction, and to
plan strategy. receive permission for any travel
Agents of the Federal Bureau outside the United States.
of Investigation served subpoe- An attorney for Seale, who
nas Wednesday to Ken Kelley, was being held in jail pending
20, and Terry Taube, 18. the setting of bond, said efforts
Kelley-founder of the Ann were under way to get Seale
Arbor Argus-and Taube, both freed as soon as possible, but it
former members of the Ann Ar- was unclear how long the pro-
bor White Panther Party, stayed cess might take.
in the same house as Bacon in The government had opposed
Washington, D.C., prior to the Seale's appeal bond while capi-
Capitol bombing and the May- tal charges were pending against
day demonstrations. him in New Haven, Conn., and
The two were with Bacon on continued its opposition when
the morning of the explosion, the case ended in a mistrial and
according to Kelley. dismissal of the charges Tues-
Bacon refused to answer gov- William Bauer, U.S. district
"describe the conversations that attorney, said the government's
took place on the morning of continued objection was based
March 1, 1971, at 2226 M Street on Seale's not being acquitted in
See LOC, ag2 1 t the Connecticut case.
See LOCAL, Page 3
Model Cities vote
* A local resident voices his opinion concerning the five Model Cities contracts before the Ann Arbor
City Council. The council approved the contracts in a special session last night. (See story, Page 3).
Proposal or low cost
housin units rejected
1 By ROBERT SCHREINER versity Cooperative, University The department of Housing
The Michigan State Housing Employes Credit Union and the and Urban Development, the
Development Authority (MSH- University Hospital Credit Union Federal Housing Administration,
DA) yesterday rejected a pro- to take advantage of a 1967 state and MSHDA would trovid finan-
posal for the construction of 600 legislative act authorizing state- cing for the project.
units of ultra-modern, low-cost chartered credit unions to spon- The present plans call for a
housing on North Campus be- sor state or federally assisted co- unique semicircle of townhouse
ginning in August, but at the operative housing for their mem- "clusters", with a medium or
same time indicated it would give bers. high rise complex so the middle.
strong consideration to a similar
proposal involving only 400 units.
At a meeting in Lansing yes-
terday with representatives of
UCU (University Credit Union)
Corporation, MSHDA officials
said the proposal was too large
for the state's pocketbook at the
present time, but that if UCU
could present plans for a reduced
project involving around 400
units, it would probably be ap-
UCU Vice President Arthur
Reed said last night if the cor-
poration finds that rents could
still be, kept down, despite the
reduction in possible quantity
buying of fixtures, it will try to
formulate a new 400-unit pro-
posal within ten days,
Reed said MSHDA computer-
ized the projected rent-costs for
a 400-unit proposal last night and
would make them available to
UCU sometime today.
If the figures prove low enough
for the corporation's liking, Reed
said, architects will be asked to
redraw the original 600 unit pro-
" posal on a less-grand scale.
Reed said UCU would have to
give formal approval to a revised
plan at its meeting next Friday,
and that another meeting with
MSHDA would probably be held
the following week.
UCU was formed last January
by the Student Credit Union, Uni-
The government had asked
that bond be denied but, failing
that, recommended the amount
of bond and restrictions ulti-
mately set by the court.
The contempt sentence was
issued to Seale in Chicago in
1969, when he and seven others
were tried on charges of con-
spiracy to incite rioting during
the 1968 Democratic National
Seale was severed from the
trial and sentenced for con-
tempt after he repeatedly de-
manded of Judge Julius Hoff-
man that he be allowed to con-
duct his own defense after being
denied a delay in the proceed-
ings while his attorney recovered
from an operation.
At one point in the trial, Seale
was bound and gagged in the
Five of the defendants in the
case.were convicted of inciting
rioting while two were acquitted
of the charges. Charges against
Seale were later dropped.
In addition, J u d g e Hoffman
held all seven defendants and
their two attorneys in contempt,
giving sentences ranging from
several months to four years.
All are currently free on bond,
but are under the same travel
restrictions as were imposed on
Seale yesterday.
Legal f eat
Ruchell Magee, on trial in San Rafael, Calif., with Angela Davis for conspiracy and murder is
shackled to his chair yesterday at his pre-trial hearing. Deputies, however, neglected to bind his
feet, enabling Magee to kick his court-appointed lawyer, Ernest Graves, shortly thereafter.