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May 27, 1971 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-27

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Page Eight


Thursday, May 27, 1971

Yankees snap Bengal strea


Special to The Daily
DETROIT - Bobby Murcer
doubled home two runs I a st
night in the eighth inning to
ruin the Tigers' seven g a me
win streak and Mike Kilkenny's
bid for his first victory of the
year, as New York beat De-
troit, 2-1'
Kilkenny allowed only four
hits in his 7% innings, but
wildness was his undoing in
the eighth.
Kilkenny walked Gene Mich-
ael to start the inning, and with
two out Michael tried to steal
second. He got a terrible jump
and would have been out were
it not for catcher Bill Free-

han's high throw and Michael's
toothpick-thin leg, which slip-
ped under the tag.
Thurmond Munson walked,
and as Kilkenny worked t h e
count to three and two on
Murcer, Detroit manager Billy
Martin came close to lifting the
He didn't, however, and Mur-
cer drilled a line drive off the
left field wall.
The Tigers scored their run
in the fifth when Al Kaline
singled home Aurelio Rodri-
guez with two away.
By The Associated Press
Sox slip by
BOSTON -- Reserve-catcher

Campy sends 'U'
letter of intent

Michigan's basketball for-
tunes, which seem to be getting
brighter all the time with the
recruitment of several of the top
names in the nation, received a
long-awaited and perhaps most
important dose of added bril-
liance yesterday morning as
hoop coach John Orr announced
that he had received a Big Ten
letter of intent from Campy
B, Ten
still seeking
new leader
IOWA CITY, Iowa (P) - The
Big Ten's search for a $30,000-
-a-year athletic commissioner
was under full steam yesterday
with a preliminary list of
about 20 candidates.
Chairman George Yo u n g,
Wisconsin faculty representa-
tive, said his committee a 1 s o
would contact the presidents
-of all conference schools f o r
their possible nominations.
"Each of our five-man groups
has been given a list of four
or five prospects and from now
on we'll be getting in touch
with the candidates on our
list," Young said.
Marcus Plant of Michigan, top
apokesman for the faculty
group, and John Fuzak of MSU
have been mentioned as like-
ly strong candidates from the
Big Ten itself.
Young added that he hoped
the new commissioner c o ul d
be selected before the n e x t
regular conference in e a r 1 y
August at Petoskey, Mich.

By signing the letter, the Pon-
tiac Central star, recognized as
one of the finest schoolboy play-
ers in the country, signified his
intention to enroll at Michigan
next fall. The signed letter
makes it impossible for Campy
to attend any Big Ten school
other than Michigan next year.
The athletic department has
announced a formal press con-
ference for this morning at Pon-
tiac Central high school at
which time Russell will sign the
necessary national letter. His
signature on this letter essen-
tially rules out attendance of
any school outside the confer-
Coach Orr said of Campy's
signing, "Campy certainly will
be a boost to the long range bas-
ketball program at Michigan".
Tuesday a report had been
filed with the wire services ac-
knowledging Russell's intention
to attend Michigan. Russell was
quoted at that time as saying
"My friendship and respect for
assistant coach Fred Snowden
and the entire Michigan staff
was instrumental in my deci-
However, University officials,
who had not yet received
Campy's letter of intent, failed
to confirm the report.
The 6-7 All-America., who
sported a 26 point scoring aver-
age in his senior year, ended
nearly two years of intense spec-
ulation about where he would
play his collegiate ball, by choos-
ing Michigan. Earlier in the year
he had indicated his intention to
stay in the state.
Among the some 74 other
schools recruiting him were
Michigan State, University of
Detroit, and NCAA champion

Bob Montgomery's third straight
single drove in the tie-breaking
run in the sixth inning as the
Boston Red Sox nipped the
Washington Senators 3-2 last
Billy Conigliaro opened the
inning with his second double
of the night and fifth in the
last two games and was sacri-
ficed to third. Montgomery,
playing because regular receiver
Duane Josephson has a shoulder
injury, then came through with
a line shot to right to snap a
2-2 deadlock.
The Senators scored a run in
the second on Frank Howard's
double and Larry Bittner's sin-
gle, but the Red Sox tied it in
their half on Conigliero's first
two-bagger and a single by Doug
Boston took a 2-1 lead in the
third on Reggie Smith's double,
a ground out and sacrifice fly
by Rico Petrocelli, but Washing-
ton retaliated in the fifth on
Tim Cullen's single, a sacrifice
by loser Jerry Janeski, 1-4, and
a run-scoring single by Del
Birds bop Indians
BALTIMORE - Ellie Hend-
rick, a .175 hitter at- game
time, rapped out three singles to
Fife tabbed
Athlete of the Year
Wolverine basketball captain
Dan Fife was named Michigan's
Athlete of the Year Tuesday
night by the Michigan quarter-
back club. Fife beat out foot-
ball quarterback Don Moor-
head and gymnastics star Rick
McCurdy in winning the honor.
drive in two runs and figure in
all of Baltimore's scoring as the
Orioles beat Cleveland 3-2 be-
hind Mike Cuellar.
Hendricks, who raised his av-
erage 30 points, singled in sec-
ond and fourth-inning runs. In
the sixth, when Ellie's two-out
single was bobbled by right
fielder Vada Pinson, Merv Ret-
tenmund scored from first base.
Cuellar, 6-1, allowed eight hits
while hurling his fourth straight
complete game victory.
Cleveland scored in the sec-
ond on a single ly Eddie Leon,
an infield out and a single by
Fred Stanley.

-Associated Press
CHICAGO'S RICK REICHARD slides into Kansas City second-
baseman Cookie Rojas too late last night as he's forced at second
base. Play turned into a double play when Rojas fired to first-
baseman Bob Oliver to catch Ed Hermann at first.

Hendricks drove home Frank
Robinson in the bottom of the
inning and then put the Orioles
ahead in the fourth with a
bases - loaded single, s e o r i n g
Boog Powell.
Cards club Cubs
ST. LOUIS - Julian Ja-
vier's two-run single and a two-
run homer by Jerry McNertney
in the seventh inning powered
the St. Louis Cardinals past the
Chicago Cubs 9-4 last night and
into first place in the National
League East,
The four-run rally wiped out a
4-3 Chicago lead as the red-hot
Cardinals won their 11th of 14
games and climbed into first
place by a half-game over the
New York Mets, who lost 3-2 to
Philadelphia in 12 inngs.

After Javier and McNertney
delivered their game' - winning
hits off reliever Phil Regan,
who spelled starter Ken Holtz-
man, 2-5, the Cardinals added
two insurance runs in the eighth
on Joe Torre's sacrifice fly and
a run-scoring single by Jose
Chuck Taylor, the th .rd St.
Louis pitcher who came on in
the seventh, picked up his first
victory in his first decision.
Mets nipped
NEW YORK - The Philadel-
phia Phillies, one out away from
defeat, tied the game with a two-
out rally in the ninth inning and
pulled out a 3-2 decision over the
New York Mets last night on
Larry Bowa's run-scoring single
in the 12th.

Patterson devastates Daniels

Ali, Ellis slated for bout

CLEVELAND (A"') - Form-
er heavyweight champion Floyd
Patterson won a unanimous
decision last night over Terry
Daniels of Dallas in a 10-round
boxing match at the 'Cleveland
It was Patterson's fourth vic-
tory is as many bouts since com-
ing out of a two-year retire-
ment last October in a bid to
win the world heavyweight title
for a third time,
Patterson, 36, dominated the
punching, waiting for Daniels,
26, to leave himself open for
devastating lefts and rights to

right hook that knocked Dan- It was Daniels' third loss in
iels down for a count of nine. 28 fights. Twenty-two had been
Patterson tried to catch him as by knockouts. It was the 50th
he fell. victory of Patterson's 19-year
Patterson tried for a knock- career, a record including sev-
out finish in the ninth w i t h en losses and one draw.
several hooks to the head and Referee Tom Christopher
in the 10th landed a solid left scored the bout 49-41 for Pat-
to the jaw that hit Daniels with terson. Judges Tony LaBranch
several lefts and rights to the and James Bidens scored it 50-
face before staggering him again 30 and 50-41, respectively, for
with a righat hook. Patterson.
Major League Standings


- Muhammad Ali said on local
television last night that h i s
next fight will be against Jim-
my Ellis.
The Associated Press had
learned earlier in the day that
the match would be made for
sometime this summer,
Then Ali, here to speak at the
University of Minnesota, con-
firmed in a TV interview that
he will fight Ellis.
Ali did not say when or where
the fight would be but did say
a formal announcement would
be made tonight.
At an afternoon news confer-
ence Ali had declined to name
his next opponent.
"Before I meet Frazier again
I'd like to have two more
matches," said Ali who lost a 15
round decision to heavyweight
champion Joe Frazier in New
York's Madison Square Garden
last March 8.
It was against Ellis that Fraz-

ier gained universal recognition
as champion with a fifth-round
knockout in the Garden in Feb-


Ellis, a sparring partner for Daniels appeared weary as the East East
All when he rose to the chai- fight progressed through the Boston 27 15 .643 -. St. Louis 27 17 .614 -
pionship as Cassius Clay, gain- full 10 rounds. Patterson open- Baltimore 24 16 .600 2 New York 25 16 .610
ed World Boxing Association ti- ed a cut over Daniels' r i g h t Detroit 23 20 .535 4y Pittsburgh 25 18 .581 1Yz
tle recognition a f t e r Ali was eye with repeated left j a b s NeworkeS 1823 .439,8% Montreal 18 18.50025
whenihe Indthe ifth rondetheeworked Cleveland 57 34 .4159Y2 Chicago 20 23 .465 6%
stripped of the title washington 17 27 .386 11 Philaldephia 16 26 .381 10
was convicted of refusing induc- on that area for the next three west West
tion into the Army in 1967. rounds with hooks and upper- Oakland 31 15 .674 -- San Francisco 31 13 .705 -
Ellis is managed by Angelo cuts staggering Daniels repeat- Minnesota 23 21 .523 7 Houstan 22 22 .500 9
DudewoiKh o dy ansas City 20 2476 9 LaS Angeles 31 23 .477 10
Dundee who is the trainer for edly.Calirna 21 44679 Atlanta 21 24 .467 10%
Ali. Dundee has said that if the Daniels' nose began to bleed Chicago 16 23 .410 11Y2 Cincinnati 18 26 .409 13
fighters meet, he will be in El- in the seventh round and in the Milwaukee 16 23 .410 11 sn DIegos 13 31 295 51
lis' corner. ninth Patterson unleashed a Yesterday's Results Ys LouaS , Chlcaga 4
Baltimore 3, Cleveland 2 Staisaelphia 3, New York 2, 12 In,
New York I, GetNoIt Montreal 11, Atlanta 1
W OLVERINE PITCHING Bnosta3,Washingt 2ine.Pittsburgh 2Cincinnati
g gs eg gIsho. w 1 so bb pet. wp hb ip h hr r er era Chicago 7, Kansas City 2 Houston at San Diego, 2nd, inc.
xsurton 12 12 9 9 4 7 2 97 30 .778 3 3 79 46 5 18 13 1.48 Minnesota 4, Milwaukee 1 san Francisco at Los Angeles, inc.
Helt 13 8 6 10 2* 6 3 78 IS .667 2 0 76%353 2 16 14 1.64 **** *0**
Elwood 12 8 7 10 0* 6 4 56 20 .600 6 1 61% 57 1 27 15 1.97 Today's Games Today's Games
xFite - 7 3 1 4 0* 2 1 23 16 .667 4 1 27% 25 1 15 10 3.29 Minnesota at Milwaukee Chicago at St. Louis
Fleszar 7 5 4 4 1 2 3 26 21 .400 0 1 34 32 3 31 22 5.74 New York at Detroit San Francisco at Los Ange
B 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 .000 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 18.00 Cleveland at Baltimore Atlanta at Montreal
TOTALS 37 37 27 37 8 23 13 281 107 .639 15 6286% 214 12 109 76 2.38 Washington at Boston Cincinnatiat Pittsburgh
Opp. 37 37 16 37 3 13 23 179 121 .361 12 18 279% 268 9 152 127 4.09 Only games scheduled Only games scheduled

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