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May 27, 1971 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-27

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Page Six


Thursday, May 27, 1971

PaeSx H.IHIA ALYTusdy a 2,17

8-6416 OfTonight at
The susp nse builds and builds and builds until you find yourself
wanting along w'th Mick Jagger and The Stones to scream
The Rolling Stones

Renewed fighting erupts
n rea southof M


SAIGON AP -North Vietna-
mese gunners renewed attacks
on U.S. troops near the demili-
tarized zone yesterday and Sai-
gon forces reported sharp fight-
ing on the eastern edge of the
A Shau Valley In South Viet-
nam's northern sector.
South Vietnamese troops are
conducting a sweep of the area
just south of the demilitarized
zone, supported by U.S. B52
bombers and strikes by smaller
tactical bombers.
B52 raids pounded North Viet-
namese positions only 1123 miles
southof the DMZ, which lies
between North and South Viet-
nam, and an enlarged force of
nearly 2,000 Saigon infantrymen
swept into the area.
South Vietnamese headquar-
ters said task forces killed 47
North Vietnamese troops in an
engagement just east of the A
Shau, a 30 mile long valley near
the Laos border.
Field reports said the South
Vietnamese suffered three killed
and 30 wounded.
The U.S. Command reported a
unit of the U.S. 5th Mechanized
Infantry Division was hit by an
undetermined number of mortar
rounds 11 miles southeast of the
demilitarized z o n e. The com-
mand said s o m e infantrymen
were wounded but there were
no fatalities.
Thse shelling was the first re-
ported since Sunday in the sen-
sitive northern sector. Allied po-
sitions in the sector were hit on
five successive nights last week
by rocket and mortar bombard-
Late reports reaching Saigon
told of heavier fighting than was
first reported in a Viet Cong am-
bush Tuesday of a U.S. military
convoy on Highway 1 on the cen-
tral coastal plain 280 miles north-
east of Saigon.
The ambush touched off 21',,

hours of fighting and the U.S. tiamen lost seven killed and
troops were aided by a force of three wounded.
South Vietnamese regional mili- On the central coast, an ex-
tiamen. The U.S. Command said plosion ripped through a market
late reports showed 26 Viet Cong place just outside the provin-
were killed instead of the four gial capital of Tuy Hoa 240 miles
initially reported. northeast of Saigon, killing three
American casualties, were put civilians and wounding 32 civil-
at three wounded. Field reports ians and It South Vietnamese
said the South Vietnamese mili- soldiers.
Black voters purged
itn 10 Miss. co u nties
WASHINGTON (Y)) - Black vestigators telephoned J o n e s
voters are being purged from County clerk Donise Knight yes-
the registration rolls in Missis- terday morning and were told
sippi in defiance of the Voting he was making no distinction in
Rights Act and the Department removing voters.
of Justice, House investigators Norman said later a member
said yesterday. of his staff reached Knight by
Rep. Don Edwards (D-Calif.), phone during the lunch recess
presiding over House judiciary and received assurances that
subcommittee hearings on en- Knight would meet with per-
forcement of the Voting Rights sons improperly purged and see
Act, said in Jones County 34,- that they were restored to the
000 voters have been taken off rolls.
the rolls since March 1 and only A subcommittee investigator
15,000 restored. said later federally registered
Among those removed, he said, black voters had been purged in
were black voters registered by nine other Mississippi counties,
federal examiners under the none of which had received the
Voting Rights Act, which ap- attorney general's approval for
plies to seven Southern states. their re-registration plans as re-
David Norman, acting head of quired by the Voting Rights Act.
the Justice D parimnt's Civil Norman said two Mississippi
Rights Division. said the depart- counties had told the Justice De-
ment had approved Jones Coun- partment they would not seek its
ty's re-registration plan but or- approval, but that he expects the
dered that no voters registered other 29 to comply with the law.
by federal examiners be remov- Norman a n d subcommittee
ed. members clashed repeatedly ov-
Norman, who earlier told the er their differing interpreta-
subcommittee the department is tions of the Voting Rights Act,
vigorously enforcing the Voting with several members insisting
Rights Act, apparently was un- that counties going ahead with
aware that federally registered their plans without Justice De-
voters were being purged until partment approval are subject
Edwards told him. to criminal penalties under the
Edwards said subcommittee in- act.
The tush scene alone
U is worth the nrice of admission.


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