a1ieor r~1au 4!Iat1j Vol. LXXXI, No, 17-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 27, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages FBI calls 2 local radicals to face rand jur probe Search for victims Sutter County, Calif. sheriff's deputies continued digging yesterday as they sought to unearth more victims in a series of bizarre slay- ings. A 37-year-old farm-labor contractor has been charged with nine murder counts in the incident, but officials fear more bodies 4 may be found. SECRET ARMY: CIA-trained troops infiltrate Cambodia PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (P)-Twelve-man teams of Cambodian spy troops, trained by American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) personnel at an undercover base in Laos, successfully infiltrated deep into Communist territory in Cambodia two months ago, said reliable western sources in Phnom Penh. The sources said about 20 intelligence teams of a dozen men each were flown last March from a base in Southern Laos to Communist- controlled areas of northern Cambodia. The Cambodian spy teams were flown aboard Thai helicopters from the U.S. air base at Udorn, Thailand, the sources said. American 4 pilots and crewmen in uniform were aboard some of the aircraft, they added. Some details of the accounts were confirmed by U.S. officials, but these officials claimed they had not been informed of the full extent of the infiltration teams' activities. The sources gave this account: In July 1970, about 250 young Cambodians were selected from volunteers of the 15th Brigade and were flown to Pakse and underwent eight months of rugged training at a nearby camp. Americans in civilian clothes, who lived in Pakse, supervised their instruction in map reading, radio communications, explosives, first aid, coordination of air drops and other activities. The Americans who trained them did not reveal for whom they worked, but the Cambodians were told by their interpreters that the Americans were members of the CIA. Before being flown to their zone of operations in northeast Cam- bodia last March, the intelligence teams were given North Vietnamese uniforms. This ruse was intended to fool the local hill tribesmen whose loyalty to Phenom Penh was then suspect. The teams were under orders to avoid head-on clashes with the enemy. Their mission was to spy on North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troop and supply movements and send back information about the northeastern provinces. By JONATHAN MILLER Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation yesterday s e r v e d sub- poenas on two Detroit rad- icals who were active in or- ganizing anti-war demon- strations in Washington earlier this month. Ken Kelley, 20, and Terry Taube, 18, former members of the White Panther Party, were ordered to appear before a fed- eral grand jury in Detroit on June 3rd. Kelley told newsmen yester- day he expected the grand jury to ask questions concerning the March 1st bombing of the U.S. Capitol and the anti- war protests in Washington in late April and early May. While in Washington the pair had lived in the sam house as Leslie Bacon, suppos- edly the governments' key wit- ness in the March 1st bombing of the U.S. Capitol. Bacon is currently testifying before another federal grand jury in Seattle which is in- vestigating the Capitol bomb- ing. Stuart Albert and Judy Gum- bo, two radicals who were sub- poened earlier this week to ap- pear before a grand jury in New York, also lived with Ba- con in the Washington house, Kelley said. Everyone in the house, in- cluding Bacon, Kelley said, had worked for the Mayday collect- ive newspaper, "Washington May Go." U.S. District Attorney Ralph Guy s a i d yesterday in De- troit "the scope of the grand jury is secret." He would not comment on any connection with the Federal grand jury in Seattle, where Bacon has testi- fied. Guy also declined comment on any possible connection be- tween the bombing of the Cap- itol and the Detroit grand jury investigation. Guy admitted that other sub- poenas had been issued by the See 2, Page 2 -Daiy-sara rcuwies KEN KELLEY speaks at a press conference of the now-defunct White Panther Party in December, 1970. PIGEON PROBLEMS: 'U' ofiial look for new bird repeilantS By JONATHAN MILLER University officials are seek- ing new methods of repelling pigeons in the wake of an ad- ministrativehdecision to sus- pend the use of the chemical Avitrol because it was killing the birds, not just driving them away. One possible method, suggests Bob Dennis of the environmen- tal health department of the University, is birth control. Ornitrol, a chemical that acts similarly to birth control pills, supresses, Dennis says, "repro- ductivity" in the birds. The problem is cost-effective- ness however. While Ornitrol will not kill birds, it does not necessarily repell them effect- ively either. Only 75 per cent of the pig- eons population could ever be dispelled by Ornitrol, University officials point out, while Avitrol, even though it is fatal, d o e s keep bird droppings off campus buildings. Ornitrol is also more expen- sive than Avitrol, University bird-watchers say. University officials point to two major reasons why pigeons are classified as enemies of the University. The raison d'etre of the repel- lant program is keeping build- ings physically clean. Additionally, health problems caused by the unabated prolif- eration of pigeons are serious ones officials claim. Notorious as disease carriers, University offi- cials argue, pigeons pose a dan- ger to University employes work- ing on the roof-tops of build- ings. Nobody at the University is See BIRD, Page 7 Credit Union proposes housing plan By ROBERT SCHREINER A non-profit corporation of University credit unions will present plans in Lans- ing today for the construction of about 600 units of ultra - modern, low - cost housing on North Campus, beginning in August. The corporation - UCU (University Credit Union)-was formed last January by the Student Credit Union, University Cooperative, University Employes Credit Union and the University Hospital Credit Union to take advantage of a 1967 state legislative act authorizing state-chartered credit unions to sponsor state or federally assisted cooperative housing for their members. The proposal provides for a third of the units to be in high or medium rise structures and two-thirds in townhouses. They would include 100 one-bedroom, 400 two-bedroom, and 100 three-bed- room units and would serve low-to mod- erate income married couples with or without children-whether they be fac- ulty members, students, University em- ployes and retirees. Plans call for single persons to be accommodated later. The plans call for the units to be rented at first, then converted to a co- operative within two years. The department of Housing and Ur- ban Development (HUD), the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), and the Michigan S t a t e Housing Development Authority (TVfSHDA) will provide the financing for-the project under Section 236 of the HUD act of 1968 and 1969. If the proposal is accepted, it will mark the second significant low-rent housing project to be implemented in the area within- the last two months. On April 16, the Regents approved a plan to build 200 low-income housing units near the p r e sent Northwood Apartments site on North Campus, by the fall of 1972. The units are scheduled to rent at two-thirds the present market rate. The project will be financed by the College Housing Program (CHP) of HUD. The CHP is an interest subsidy program under w hi c h the University will obtain a commercial loan and the federal government will pay all but three per cent of the interest. A total of 87 per cent of the units will be open to students, with the re- maining 122/2 per cent available for staff. Up to 15 per cent of the uaits could be occupied by families with chil- dren younger than school age. See CREDIT, Page 7