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May 22, 1971 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-22

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Page Five

Saturday, May 22, 1971


..,urdo My 2.191 HEMIHIANDALYPae iv

For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 761=-557.
Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

I -- -~ -


/T C A SFE p , LARGE EFFICIENo one hi k, ; RADIOS, REPAI RS _.MOVING -Sle-stff includes: '2
u1 t IfC/ VN ry I1A 1 f1 RA ES i uiliiesPad $25.761185 307 S-_Spie, Vx gitr ap..upight
UNC NTR CTE CL SSIIED RAT sliitiPal$12 76-i 307 ONY 355 Tp0Dek Cll 665-548 for p1ian, odds as end and1h0usehold
WORDS 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 das 6 days add. SUR ino 26X15 tinmg. Wake aiEas Shoe Dr.,
0-10 100 2.00 2.40 320 3.90 450 .55 THKIk AR-15. W-saiolde Lxke.lent1
1 1-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 3.90 4.80 5.60 .75 NBETHITAR--.2--- ol,-scllnt
I 620 ,30 2.0 360 -80 5.0 680 85$415(negoiable. 761-9463 7X171 ALL GIT ITEMS 56, OFF
21-20 1.5530 ,10 0 4.30 8:0 .0 6.80 1.5 -_; ai Litle Thing, 215 S. Saiecti.
2256 ,5 10 430 570 70U.0B.5LEIDI T MST SELL-Keawod -7000 AM-EM 76-351
2-30 1.80 3.60 5.00 6.60 8.10 9.40 1.20 ~hne 0ws ~.85 ecs 41
31-35 2.05 4.10 5.65 7.40 905 10.50 1.35 $25.79-14.m91
36-40 2.30 4.60 6.30 8.20 1000 11.60 1.50 REFRiOERAT'OIC-4 cu fIithq frIeeze,
41-45 2.55 5.10 695 9.00 10.95 12.70 1.65 A65-80802 FEMALE ROOMMATE waned foe pt $40. od condition. 76-6555. DlI
46-50 2.80 560 760 9.80 11.90 13.80 1.80 1IJJto I olde hue. 50111 be clean and RBITV 3EGN.660O
INCHES .quiet. Foe inomain call 66-75170m. garanee. $15. 663-6739, 5-7 ees.
1 2.80 5 60 7.60 980 11.90 13.80 1.80 CH-AR~TER B--
2 5.20 10.40 14.65 19.10 23.45 27,60 3.60 ANABRFLLR ETR '0MVRC.E.ta.ColsKo
3 7.40 14.80 21.10 27 60 34.00 40.20 5.40 5EIFV 16 E. Willam-668-983 769-5709 8116
4 9,40 1880 26.95 3530 43.55 51.60 7.20 REA.LTYL G uiar. Bnnos, Fiddles Old & New-
5 11.20 22.40 32.28 4220 5210 61.80 9.00 ( ;f ought sd Sold, Pompt Repairs DOUBLE BE, new. 769-7751. 014
- B~~t____Istucion Xta
N.$. Each 0006$ of charocters counts as one wod- - ... WORT WATCIN?
Hyphenated wods aes 5 characters count as two wrds SUBLET SPINET-CONSOLE PIANO-Wanted- Then we hve T'o $19.95 and up.
{this includes telephone numbers} responsble.partytoltake.oer..9100 Colored TV's $99.95 and up. Call Used
10lnseul nh 5 words per line let. Call 6inebysinle7pt.so ub- piano Easy Terms . Can be seen 1o- T5 6-45 31
10_ine__ ___1_ich ally. Write Credit Manager, P.O. Box -_ __.
_____________________ -AI-CONDITIONED! Clean and quiet. 76, Shelbyvlle, Indiana 4616 5X14 TRANSPORTATION
Maynard House, 1 bdrm.urishlaed.-
FOR RENT _ FOR RENT Avail. June 1. Fall option. 769-376 PHOTO SUPPLIES -- RIDERS WANTED toi Phonix, leaing
____- ---atee 6. Ren negotiable. 92U6 __ ___________ aond May 25. Call 761-5497 ater
FOR RENT-Apt75 total. June-Aug. FURNISHED, carpeted rooms w/own re- ----- WANTED-Used easel and pein dryer 5 pm., pesistently 24014
769-7263. 33C6 frgeraor. Sundeck, large yard. $56 FEMALE-our wn room, two room- for 1114-1620/ Contat Jim, 120 -- ___-"'" --" -
--- __ - ------- up. Aail. now, 761-1932 or 761-7764. mates. Call 663-517 ater 5:0. 9901I5 W. Bron. Apt. 6 ater 5 or weekends RIDE FROM/TO SALINE, viciniy o1
BENJAMIN ST-405. Unbelieable clean 64C4-_ - - ' 53I. Rolling Meadows to Cenral Campus.-
furn. 3 bdrm. house, new carpeting- .__ __ - __ TWO BEDROOM APT. June-Aug. $116.... .._. Call 769-7824 SaturdaySunday only.
new beds and furnture just fin- OW AVAIL. - Large 4-as ap. 2 7617225 94U16 AT ENTUR
Aviledmred.aradIsidend out.er Cdrls76925baths,62-549o.d,C15p.SUBLET FOR SUMMER-Close to cam- The Best in LOST AND FOUND
red. 971-7850. 3123 _________-0312___ 6U4________
AsaL Ime. Gad tuent pele- Cll 69225 or66549, 6C1 pu. 79-312 -Good Used Cameras LOST-..Small,pooibly pregnant, black
' - - SUMMER- SUBLET/Fall option: Furn OWN ROOM in house, bckyard, ar-
CAMPUS, furnished 3 bdrm. hseWBUSLTAE ctCalDn,76-0. 296
Avail May tru Aug. $265m. Aso single with stained glass wndow. den, near campu. June-Aug. _Rent WEBYSLTRDca.Cnin,76-0. 2A1
2 bdrm furnished duple aptaaoll Near campus, A&P, downtown and negotiable. 769-98. 89U14 Eeything Phoographic LOST-Black and Brown 4 as. psppy
thra April 1972, $185/mo. Phone 63- neighbors. Rent negotiable. Call Ann, a-- o u -- rsb DARKROOM SUPPLIES w/ red collar, answes to Kilo. 769-
59eenns272 66-7891. 41C14 APARTMENTS AVAIL.foismeon9A4
5098 evenings, 27022 66 let. 77 Packard. 761-a55. Summis LUMINOUS PAPER 2352.971
2 GIRLS NEEDED begnnin July All GRADUATE FEMALE ROOMMATES - Associates. Utc Repairs on all makes FOUND-Brawn glases, in W. Engl,
utilities paid. $50m. Call 769-5135 Needed for 4-an in hono, near -_____
eeng.9C4campus. Fall occupancy. Call 769-309. 2 BDRM. APT. July-Aug~, great loca- Century Camera arch, Tu. 761-416. DAlI
--C-- lio.6-1315-e-s -U-(At aue new loation) ;FOUND- Selskin change pisI
IV - OMw/i 4254 N. Woodward, Royal 0ak Flshbowl. 769-5057. DAS
LU U Y PRIVATE ROOMw kitchen tr grl MISCELLANEOUS Between 13 and 14 Mile Rd. - - _---___--
f'y nly Avil.immd. 50.668680. Ce BAKYAD BRGAN Sle!May22-3. I 9FOUND-A Beagle puppy on the Dag.
LU UYPAyRAal.TMeE$0.6O-NTtcBCKADSAGINSle a-2-3,L -6355 Well cared fr, very afcint
AP TN EN S EFFICIENCY, unbeatable at $0/mo. No 10 a.m.-4 p~m. Oriinal art, electric Take I-94 to Sothield Exp, North to Give her to anyone who wants her.
lease, Hill Street. 76-124. 114 organ, furniture, clahing,. misc. 109 13 Mile Road-then East 10 761-775. Good w/ children. DAlS
South Forest Between -_____- W Washington. 20014 Wodward and North ___
ROOM FOR RENT, downtown. $15/w. --MihonBkScrtadDne LOST-A black and white kitten neor
S. Univ. &7 HLill coplete, fr temporary stay. 662- TRASH & TREASURE. 1790 Sheridan at MihgnBkScrtadDne Charge accepted) N. Thayer. 769-514. 82A4
Electronic Seurity System 5495.--- 35C4 Washtenaw, Sat. & Sn. 9-4, Antiques, CDtc - - - -"" "-_
-"--- - ----- "----"--" children's gear, small furniure, pc--FO N ,M y 1 A shvrn sk ny
ARBOR FOREST GREATEST AATET .. ONMy1- hvrn knny, the APATT NtN RO ures,linens,,loor poliher, eserciserDCARchartoal graeyskilen eyorralthe&R-
II. .Sae 0 .M dsn- - ____ --- --- ° 7892. DA4
4 lMean for Fall 1 130.Sae5 0 .aia __---- - Wall S_ 1506 Packad VOICE andor PIANO LESSONS by VW, '64. Ecellent inside and out. Still__
63651&2 drms. Air road, well furnishedIi&2 d licensed teacher. 769-675. 16514 n engine rebuild warranty. Mush PERSONAL
Ecelent locations --- --........ _-- -r -- sell. $60. 66-7200. 19N14 -
Inur p.102, 721 S5Foeet Call after 5: 763-366 or 1-353-739 _ --_, _ EAL 0,--PITNGJB.EIED. ae x
Iiicp, -r- Ap..2 _ _-~_-RNAL_0 1967, one owner, lw periene. Free estimates. Relible, ref-
____We hae somae for buined. occupancy EXPERIENCED SECRETARY wishes to mileage, good cond. Leaing csnry erences. all 662-4736. FD
SAVE YOUR RENT MONEY! Ctt do typing ion my home. IBM Eecutive, must sell. Call 662-7645. 25N16_._.-._._.__-LSTutinbyUoMLastde.
Shaorc large 2 bdrm. apt, in 2 familyf carbon ribbo. Call 769-288 ater 530LA uoigb Uo a tdn
ROUSE-OII-compus, located oa bus- -l70JR 66 MUSTAN convertible, rebuilt en- 71-077. 86F14
home. Cst is your peronal epenes, kie Avail. foc 5-6 people. Call 662-- gine, Best aber. Glen, 65-a042 J1N9 -
shrmoo clanngiiindrychand sr ome3484019 LEARN TO FLY. Best instruction low- ---- --- -- - SPECIAL RATES SUN., 1-6 P.M.
malclanng lundyan smeeat price in AA. 65-990. - 5J16 1964 VALIANT ST-WON. Manual trans- Unioa billiards and table tenis
cooking. Call after 4 p.m. weekdays, SUMMER ROOMS near central campus. -...... mission. $225. 663-02, 761-2972. 91N14 - 14
anytime weekends. 76-1036. 915 $35m. Linen included. Call 761-6517 WATERBED WHOLESALERS-Don't py - --- ---------
- "'-_-- - "-- eveings 5171 distributoe price. Get your beds 1960 VW, Sunroof-Good condition. 769- Be Glaorous-e a MOEL. All you
LARGE SELECTION at campsa apart- - wholesale from Tom and Harry down 0330. 39N9 ned is beasty, and a photo co-
aents avail. bar lll rentals. Summit' at Wave of the Future who coo sfer - - - poite. Have Rchard Lee do one for
Assoc. Hamilton Management. 7371 Next Fall is not far awayeosfcoyprcs-laae 6led-'1 VW Delsie Campe. Runs nice, yus, Costs less than an arm and a
Pckard, 761-lass. Cc mut see $60, 42-3183. 78N14
liveryandfiendl face.___cleg. Call 761-452. 4Ftc
BARGAIN ORNER Te est campus apartments Ivr-nfendylcs Jc_______
aAGI CRE FUTURE CPAs - Learn how to -r- PRACTICAL Transportation-1969 Yam- HASSLEBLAD 50C with split-image
ore renigrighlt now. pee- leticsatprfc cni
WAEBD $21; PAS $6;renhing pre fr the CPA Eam. Becker CPA aa5 letistrtcefctcni reen, 12A magazine, 8mm 128
WAEBD 21 AS9; ah11Gve us a call. Review Coure. Cal Collect 313-04- sin_ 15,Dve -163. 80 Planar lens, and accessories. All br
$26. Prices iclude so. Also large or 0128. 5J1 160 VW, sunroof-goad cndton 769- only $500. Call Richard Lee at 761-
s al quantity w oeslEarb Pig, - - --- ---r452.7F14
663-9274. 60W 15 CHARTER' ~(II . TYPING IN MY HOME. IBM Sele tric. 0330. $350. 39N14 942
_. _-.-- -- 971-121 ater 5:30. lio MO -0,194,c-a- lwmieae DOWNOME BLUEGRASS. by the
PACKAGE DEALS a Tom and Harr's ~*~~ ___ -10,16.cen a ieg;Stone oeoeBy.Tngta
Wave of the Future Waterbed Co. REALT IE-ADSCOES drated-must sell; best offer ser CatryLoeseSoa.s ngt sho i l
Amazing bargains on frame, liner, $300._all_ __ 769123_ . 47N14 bulding), 8 p~m. $10. 25F14
waterbed and pad-even eotic tapes- WS-a825 Ctc 1970 HARLEY-DAVIDSON pin. 575. VW ug, 164-69,00 milesfate, -_________ - __
,try 01 your barre choice! 2Wtc 668-6195. 1416 new asuffle, 1aoner gae it god CAT LOVERS! Our 3 afecinate, well-
-- ------ - --- -- NW-SUMMER-2 Bedom, large, fur- - -._._.___. behavd, well-loved cats, 2 and 3
nheAprig$10aa935.HONDA 90. Excellent conditon, rip-ff- ____- _____ years, desperately need new loving
Forest After 5, 62-615. 2C5 at $225. 761-6752. 3016 165 V W-Sunroo, ecelent mechni- homes; must wve. 1-697-2972. 17F2
SAM'S STORE cally. Good tires, new exhaust. $500. TENSLSOSFomrU-lyr
S M S S O E MODERN APARTMENTS, Inc Gurnted M's Call 662-4736 ND TodNIdaLESorgomroup.M663-4767
668-6906 uaranteedmotorcycle service, cn- s..._niidaorup_6346._O1
LEVI DENIMS 6160 4Ctc struction, and repair. Eperened WATD-OR-N-IGTCRPNRY ewodfecs
mechanics fr all makes. Call 426-4560 ATDT ET- LGTCAPNRRdodfne,
Bell Bottoms . ... $8.00 ar 769-7829, Ztc --pelewntorthut tile floors, painting and odd jobs.
_________ -HELP-Stx eolwattrethus Reliable. Call 662-4736, FD
Traditionals ..... $7.50 FOR SALE-1970 Suzuki 500. Excellent beginnng lll tem. Please call David -- -- --- - -
Button Flys .. $6.98 S UMM'ER cnditin Phone 475-931 slter 5 p.m. o Steven: 761-735. Li? BOWLING FOOSBALL BILLIARDS
9511 - -----_________ _____- Till 12 mid. Sun-Tr.
Super slims - $700 ~ ,.. 99IALY30-46 e 50 MARRIED STUDENT working as Pord 1 a.m., Fri-Sat. 14
RATE199HALY30e.40 ilsZ50 Legal staff this summer desies qet, -- - - ---
LEVI CORDUROY 662-3059 5-7 p.m. 7616 reasonable apartment or huse. Oc- GAY 00mmuinnty dance, Fiday, May 21,
___________ uac b /.CnatD 1,8pm, ia nira Srh ah
Bell's-------------. .$8.50 2 Bedroom, einROMTSWNE 266 Lombard Ae., Durham, NC. I now at Berkhire. Community pc-
Iseveral colors) Apartments-$69 each _________________ 27705, 86,16 ni, St., May 22, 1 p.m. Ar. All
SlmFt-----$.8 CAMPUS LOCATIONS EED 1 - MAN foargre ar-cndiioned - ,- - Welcome 21
FUNIHEm1ANF2itsminfu:iedhosetil9ep 1GRAD seeks single room o.effiien
-FRNSHD AD2 oo I frnsedhosetil$25/mo. 71-489.- 93Y17 for all, hospital ara.-Call etu, 2 SALES!!
graduate students, PhD's, doctors. HEPWN D bylclatsnreud by 30/a
Five Colors -...$750 DAHLMANN APARTMENTS Available antime ater Jueil1 f u O PTE Publicnsin 1 - 11Ann AraOrs olyNON-PROFIT scfa ulcsoe 4 hrc t h e o
LEVI LIM FTS - suwmer 1972, Funthed singles 1n51 Health - Bachelors degree, peeer aso $2.75. Full election at the pe-
LEISI IS761-760 large, airy house with ull kitchen, onars graduae; requires knowledge ples store . .. SALVATION,- 336
Five Colors ....$5.98 2tc appliances, within walking ditance of omputer, plus eperence; salary Maynrd. Open 'til 9. 3Fc
----- ______- -5f camps. 80. 769-5050 aer 7 p.m. depends n eperee, educaion; ----- -- -- --- -- -
LEVI FLARES APARTMENTS now available for sum- - -6Y16 resume, references: Dr. Hanson, Albn For the bes in CANDID portraits,
ier, and fall rentals, Please call ____-Twr o 2,30 as v. os-Indoor, or out, also Wedding candds,
In many soids and PMA.76-27 7CCWNE-omaesbrhlof- weal, Washington, D.C. 2016, 231 call Richard Lee, n., 719452,. Ftc
bedroom apartment, air-cndtined, -
stripes- ROOMS foe Grad Student. Summer and near ampus. Cheap. Call 769-5119. SAILING INSTRUCTION, needed a BRIDGE-New spring classes. Begin-
Casual and Dress Fabrics Fall 663-886, 6017- LYlt summer camp In northern Mich. Ex- hers: 10 weeks 12, Intermediates: $15,
- ._:_ ._.___ perence nec. Call 63347. 81115 to enter come to small ballroom, 2nd-
$8.CO--$14.00 _D'VSHARE COUNTRY HOUSE-Own room, .___ ___... _.__...__ _. Ol Mich. Union, Tus., May 25,7
$80-1.0OBSER VATOR firepae, landry, aces. Cuck, 665- SKETCH ARTISTS WNTED p.m.741
LEVI DENIM JACKETS 8712. 68Y4 Drop by 310 N. State, May 20, bewe
$9.00___ry - 5-6 p.m. and brig sampes of pr- WIN AFREE GAME
Unlind perPer 'an y faI tROOMMATE t share large houe with trail skethes 314 MPn boliinc-Uion Lnuse

2bedroom 4 man -H_____ _____ AVE FREE TIME? Want a ome pro - P14
BLUE CHAMBRAY _ PETS ANDS UPPLIES rgsttd, ichpanel t newspaper e shrencssme fJointh -
WORK SH I RTS ... $249 V sI6l3JI IAEE lea1ACA eOser1,taiee-o el wtysmmrwor,132-5 p~m. dGeddes Sentyrance to the
Blue pottfemale, seal pottmale. Stop by 4211 Maynard, 9-5 daily. DM15 Arb, Brtog aports equipt.,,musiala
207 E. Liberty Campus Management, inc. 12 weeks, $25. 761-7322, 79T17-isrmnKatedosrto.
____________________BABYSITTER to live to, lin exchange ALL WOMEN WELCOME! 45F14
Ftc335 E. Hurn dorable FREE Kittens, litter tre loin room and board. Call 769-2729,
________________Otc Call 665-2860 eves, or wkenda, 5317S2RIll

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