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May 21, 1971 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1971-05-21

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420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Edited ond managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual
opinions of the author. This must be noted in oil reprints.
Friday, May 21, 1971 News Phone: 764-0552


On abortion referral I

r iri rooi i r I

Sunday rock concerts:
A call for support
F OR SEVERAL SUMMERS, a number of community-
minded people have worked together to arrange free
Sunday rock concerts in Ann Arbor parks. The concerts
have increased in popularity every year, but due to fi-
nancial problems, this year's concerts may be reduced in
number or even cancelled entirely.
In past years, the concerts have gone on in spite of
harassment from right-wing elements in the community
and from city agencies - most notably the police de-
partment. But last year, the city helped out greatly by
giving the concert-organizers the use of Gallup Park and
providing essential police and sanitation services.
The recent city budget cuts, however, have forced the
city to cut these services, and the Ann Arbor Tribal Coun-
cil has estimated that $29,000 is needed for these and oth-
er expenses for the 13 weekly concerts.
The reality of the situation is that "free concerts" are
hardly "free." Often the burden for paying the, unseen
costs of these ventures falls upon groups like the Rain-
bow People and local bands who volunteer whatever time
or money they might have.
BUT THIS YEAR, The Tribal Council wants to provide
for more of the needs of both the people who attend
the concerts and those who have expended their energy
to make Sunday programs as popular as they are. They
want to provide food at cost, pay each band a "token" $100
per performance and pay each of the Psychedelic Rangers
(who supervise the concerts) $5 per concert.
In addition, medical and drug help facilities are need-
ed and the council wants to buy a permanent sound sys-
tem for the park. Adding these costs to the expenses of
providing the services that the city has discontinued to-
tals an enormous sum --- but not an impossible one to
In the past few weeks, the council has been working
hard to raise the needed money, but it faces an uphill
fight. A concert at the Union Ballroom May 7, raised $500,
a three-day radio marathon on a local station raised sev-
eral hundred dollars, and the search for funds continues
- but there seems little hope of success unless commun-
ity people offer support by donating both their time and
their money.
Today and tomorrow there will be a city-wide bucket
drive. Saturday and Sunday a Flea Market will be set up
on the Diag with proceeds going for the park program.
Saturday evening, Bob Seeger and Teegarden and Van-
Winkle will play a benefit concert at Hill Auditorium for
$1.25 to help raise money. Support these activities -
they're your concerts!
THIS MAY BE the last chance for people in Ann Arbor
to come out and support community music. We aban-
doned Canterbury House when it fell into hard times, we
crashed the gates of the Ann Arbor Blues Festival and
left it with $20,000 in debts. Let's not let it happen again.

(EDTORS' SNOTE: This column
k beiug initiated i nco-opeation
xith the Offie it Student
IN RESPONSE to a need in the
University community f or
more accurate sex information,
the Student Services Counseling
Office, in conjunction with The
Daily, is initiating a regular ques-
tion and answer column dealing
with sex-related concerns.
My job is to write the column.
To be perfectly frank, I pro-
bably don't know a whole lot
more about sex than you do. What
I do know is how to find out
about it. A number of experts in
the various fields that deal with
sex-related issues have placed
themselves more or less at my
disposal for this purpose. They
include doctors, population plan-
ning experts, psychologists and a
lot of books.
Some of the things they know
about are contraception, abortion,
available services for students with
sexual concerns, reproductive bio-
logy, sex roles, VD, the-law and
values for sexual decision-making.
You are invited to send ques-
tions about these things (or any-
thing else you want to find out
about) to Box 25, The Daily, 420
Maynard, Ann Arbor, or to call
your questions in to Student Af-
fairs Counseling at 764-7430 or
76-GUIDE. All questions will be
answered, and your name will not
be made public.
All my answers will be checked
with experts before they are
printed, of course, and I will try

to serve first accuracy, and then
the people. OK? Onward.
As you may have guessed, the
following questions are phony. But
the answers are real, so what the
Q. OK, you know so much,
what's the story on abortion re-
ferral services?
A. Glad you asked. Abortion re-
ferral agencies seem to be sprout-
ing up like mushrooms, and no
wonder. There's lot of money to
be made in this business.
Commercial referral agencies
are basically in the business of
making appointments for you with
hospitals or clinics in New York
where you may legally have an
abortion. For this service t h e y
charge something like 50 or 75
You pay this fee merely for an
appointment. You get no guar-
antee as to the quality of the
care you will receive. Also, the
cost of the abortion, regardless of
this fee, is usually higher than it
is when the client deals directly
with the hospital or clinic. Face
to face counseling before the de-
cision to undergo an abortion, of
course, is generally not available
from these agencies.
University counselors, the Free
People's Clinic and the Women's
Liberation Abortion Counseling
Service refer to a non-profit cor-
poration in New York City. The
facility is certified, has been in-
spected, and has been used by
many Michigan women. In addi-
tion, the Free People's Clinic re-
fers to a commercial clinic in New

York which has been inspected
and which offers competitive pric-
es and prompt quality services.
Sincere, honest counseling and
free referrals are available to
members of the University com-
munity at all these places. There
is no need to pay extra referral
Q. Tell me more about t h o s e
places you mentioned in the an-
swer to the first question,
A. Sure.
If you're considering an abor-
tion, you can go to any of the
fo11owing problem pregnancy
counseling services to discuss the
possibility, as well as alternatives.
If you want it, a referral will be
made. The decision will be yours,
in any case.
The following services are avail-
able at the University:
Counseling Division, B ur e au
of Psychological Services, -1007
East Huron. 764-9466, 764-9467.
Mental Health Clinic, University
Health Service, 207 Fletcher. 764-
8314, 764-8313.
Office of Religious Affairs, 2282
Student Activities Building. s04..
Student Services Counseling Of-
fice, 1011 Student Activities Build-
ing. 764-7430.
Off campus the following serv-
ices are available:
Free People's Clinic, 302 E. Lib- :
erty (counselor available Monday-
Thursday, 7:00-10:00 p.m., and
Saturday, 1:30-4:30 p.m.).
Women's Liberation Abortion
Counseling Service, 663-2363.

Letters to The Daily

Sports critique
To The Daily:
RICK CORNFELD'S a r t i c I el
Daily, May 12), entitled "Jim
Bouton . . . in the All-Star game?"
is the latest example of the irre-
sponsibility which has crept onto
the sports pages.
The article is a criticism of a
sports column by Richard Feuer
in the April 28 State University of
New York at Buffalo "Spectrum,"
In the article Feuer castigates pro-
fessional baseball for its racism,
sexism, exploitation and cut-
throat profiteering.
Feuer proposes a "Fans Lobby
for the Liberation of Sports." He
has even initiated the first action
of the lobby: A write-in campaign
to put Jim Bouton, former Yankee
pitcher-turned TV newsman and
a critic of professional baseball,
on the All-Star team.
Feuer is correct in his criticisms
of baseball. Cornfeld is incidental-
ly correct in his criticism of Feu-
er's write-in campaign: "It ain't
going to do much good," he wrote.
But this is as far as Cornfeld
goes. Aside from passing men-
tions of baseball's hideous reserve
clause and racism, C or n f e ld
chooses to ignore the issues which
caused Feuer to raise his protest
in the first place.
If Cornfeld has an honest in-
terest in sport he might instead
have used his column to illuminate
the problems threatening to de-
stroy professional althetics.
Instead the article is full of con-
denscending phrases like, "Poor
Richard Feuer." Cornfeld distorts
Feuer's arguments - chastising
him for attacking Baseball Com-
missioner Bowie Kuhn's associa-
tion with Richard Nixon (whom
Feuer characterizes as a "mass
murderer.") while failing to note
that Feuer's reference was a com-
parison to Kuhn's suspension of
Denny McLain for associating with
mere gamblers.
But Kuhn's hypocrisy is only of
passing interest, and diverts at-
tention from Feuer's more sub-
stantive attacks on baseball.
Feuer's major point (though he
doesn't make it well) is that the
system of organized baseball has
a series of inherent inequities
which make it a veritable human
YET WITH ALL these things to
write about, Cornfeld chooses to

Man on a White Horse

make an opportunistic and half-
baked criticism of Feuer's cam-
This is the irresponsibility which
Daily Sports has exhibited for the
past year and continues to dis-
play. Last fall The Daily received
a letter from the Michigan Club
Sports Association concerning a
new sports building which the Re-
gents had authorized the Athletic
Department to construct.
The Association q u e s t-i o n e d
whether the new building would
be another palace for varsity ath-
letes, or whether the rest of the
student body would also be able
to enjoy use of the new facility
Daily Sports never printed the
letter, never investigated the ques-
tions the Association raised and
has yet neglected to report the
decision to commence the con-
Women compete athletically at
the intercollegiate level at the
University, yet one would never
know this from reading The Daily.
For over a year Daily Sports has
ignored women's activity in bas-
ketball, speed swimming and other
Th e Advisory Committee on

Recreation, Club Sports and In- ,
tramurals, charged with making
capital improvements in campus
recreational facilities, is in danger
of extinction or at least losing
funding from the Regents. Not a
word from The Daily.
The right or wrong of these
issues is not the present question.
That these issues are of interest
and affect large segments of the
University community, however,
is. And that Daily Sports has fail-
ed its responsibilities is sadly clear.
But if we are to continue in
ignorance ,and bliss (?), then
spare us sanctimonious and ill-
considered articles such as Corn-
PRINT THE box scores of base-
ball games instead.
Jim Forrester
Associate Sports Editor,
The Editorial Page of The
Michigan Daily is open to any-
one who wishes to submit
articles. Generally speaking, all
articles should be less than
1,000 words.

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