page three re Sti~iin Etit
Cloudy, cool
Thursday, May 20, 1971 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: 764-0552
,<l SST revival plan
Shalted in Senate
Fire at EMU
A fire early yesterday morning charred this second floor lounge
in Hoyt Hall at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti. Three
students were injured in the blaze which did $15,000 damage and
forced the evacuation of the building.
Judes attack
Wayne Go. lado
Three circuit judges sharply criticized the crumbling Wayne
County Jail Tuesday for "outrageous, subhuman overcrowding,"
and issued a decision which will result in either a new jail or the
total rehabilitation of the 43-year-old structure.
In a fiery 127-page opinion, the judges found that imprison-
ment in the jail constitutes "cruel and unusual punishment" in
violation of the inmate's Eighth Amendment rights.
Judges John O'Hair, Richard Maher and Victor Baum ordered
the Wayne County Board of Commissioners, Sheriff William Lucas,
jail administrator Frank Wilkerson and two members of the Wayne
County Board of Auditors to take immediate action to relieve
numerous jail deficiencies.
These included bad sanitation, overcrowding, lack of recreation
and a lack of proper medical and psychiatric care.
In addition, the judges gad'e the sheriff and commissioners 90
days to restrict the jail population to 1,240 inmates. In nine months,
the judges ordered, the jail population must be reduced to 813 -
the number of inmates for which the jail was originally designed.
"This intolerable, dehumanizing overcrowding is fraught with
a potential for epidemics and riots," the judges wrote in their opin-
ion. "It compounds the problems of violent assaults, suicides, homo-
sexuality and mental illness, which are endemic to any jail."
In the most sweeping finding in their opinion, the judges
found that all of the 633 individual cells - which hold 90 per cent
of the inmates - are in violation of either the Michigan Housing
Law or the Department of Corrections regulations regarding mini-
mum space requirements.
See JUDGES, Page 9
S e n a t e yesterday rejected
any revival of federal sub-
sidies for an American su-
personic transport, in a vote
underscoring an earlier con-
cession of d e f e a t by the
White House.
The vote was 58 to 37 to halt
new funds for the plane.
The defeat was the third in a
row for the project intended to
put the United States in com-
petition with the Soviet Union,
Britain and France to fly a fleet
of faster-than-sound commer-
cial passenger jets.
House Republican L e a d e r
Gerald Ford, given much credit
for the House's turn about de-
cision last week restoring SST
funds, said yesterday he has
little doubt the House will ac-
cept the Senate decision, thus'
killing the program.
Presidential press secretary
Ronald Ziegler had earlier con-
ceded defeat in a press briefing.
He sa i d SST contractors
would not give way on demands
for more favorable contracts
and that it would now cost
hundreds of millions more dol-
lars to continue the program
than to cancel it.
The Senate vote thus may end
the decade long battle over the
-project hailed by supporters as
vital to continued American
aviation market dominance and
condemned by critics as a gross-
ly wasteful economic and en-
vironmental disaster.
Reporting on two days of ne-
gotiations with the SST con-
tractors, Ziegler placed the chief
blame f or the denouement on
the Boeing Co., and said the
firm had demanded $35 million
extra for the development of
new engines for the SST pro-
Before that demand, Ziegler
said, the White House had been
confident the total costs of re-
starting the program would be
less than the costs of killing it.
He conceded the White House
was giving up all attempts to
convince the Senate to follow
the lead of the House which last
week voted to convert a $85.3
million termination fund into
revival money.
All polls, including one by The
Associated Press, concluded SST
revival would fail decisively in
the Senate.
See SST, Page 10
-Associated Press
SENATE DEMOCRATIC LEADER Mike Mansfield of Montana
walks down the Senate corridor to his office. His amendment to
the draft extension bill which would have halved U.S. troop
strength in Europe was defeated yesterday.
Mansfield bill to eut
U.S. troops defeated
(Continued from Page 1)
meat had been the subject of
strong criticism in Europe as
well as an all-out administration
counter offensive.
Backers claimed the amend-
ment produced a significant im-
provement in the East-West cli-
mate by bringing about last
week's proposal by Soviet Com-
munist party Chairman Leonid
Brezhnev for troop - reduction
talks and the Nixon administra-
tion's response it was interested
in talks.
"If .the climate has changed,"
Sen. Frank Church, (D-Idaho)
told the Senate, "it is because the
senator from Montana, Mr. Mans-
Honorary figtts ban on women
By ROSE SUEBRSTREIN e." itcotined. "to males of rood char-
field, put forth this proposal."
The votes marked the show-
down in a swift, hard fight
launched by Mansfield eight days
President Nixon had taken a
"no compromise" p oti t i osn
against the Mansfield amend-
ment and less-sweeping proposals
pushed by other senators from
both parties.
The N i x o n administration
mounted a heavy public and be-
hind-the-scene drive against the
Montana Democrat, issuing a
stream of statements from promi-
nent officials in past Democratic
and Republican :administrations
and seeking to sway a large body
of uncommitted senators.
Former Presidents Harry Tru-
man and Lyndon Johnson, four
former commanders of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization's
forces, and former secretaries
and undersecretaries joined for-
ces behind the President's effort
to bar any interference with his
ability to deal with the European
Mansfield, who like Nixon had
maintained a "no compromise"
position, threw his backitsg yes-
terday morning behind Nelson's
Inda speech to thetSenate, hi
noted the criticism that his or-
iginal amendment was too dras-
tic and said Nelson's proposal,
which would have brought the
number of troops down to the
150,040 level by June 3, 1974,
"deals very effectively with the
concerns" that have been raised.
At the same time, he criticized
the heavy administration lobby-
ing drive and said "'The responsi-
bility to decide on troop reduc-
tion rests with the Senate at this
point and not the agents ant
drummers of thenxecu"ive
The University's chapter of Phi Delta
Kappa International Honorory Fraternity
for Men in Education (PDK) has become
involved in a dispute with its international
organization concerning the admission of
women to the fraternity.
When the local chapter formulated its
list of initiates last spring, it decided to
include among them two women, accord-
ing to Judith Keefer, Grad. Keefer is one
of the two women seeking membership in
Upon receiving the lists of proposed new
members, the international PDK organi-
zation returned them with a letter explain-
ing that its bylaws prohibit the member-
ship of women,.
"The University of Michigan Chapter
has not proceeded according to the legal
provisions in the PDK constitution," the
letter read in part. "Membership is limit-
The letter rejecting the women initiates
stipulated further that if the local chapter
would send in a new list of only the pro-
posed male members, they would be pro-
cessed and confirmed. "Until such a report
is received," it stated, 'none of the in-
dividuals is a member of PDK."
Keefer has filed suit with the Michigan
Civil Rights Commission, charging sex dis-
crimination in public accommodations. Her
suit has yet to be acted upon, however.
Meanwhile, the local affiliate has sent
in the requested listing of the male mem-
" At its'annual meeting during which of-
ficers.for the coming academic year were
elected, the PDK membership decided to
present to both the state and then the
national organization proposals which
would change the fraternity's bylaws to
permit the women members.
Judith Keefer