Faculty group hits research policy
By ALAN LENHOFF The Coalition recommended that no posal should be considered by Assembly'
The Faculty Reform Coalition has new projects with classified results or in June.
called for an end to all classified re- conclusions be accepted by the Univer- Krimm said that several members of
search projects at the University "the sity, but that the University allow a period the committee testified before Senate
results of which cannot be published." of 18 months for current projects to con- Assembly's Research Policies Committee,
Tlude or adjust to the new policy. which is currently studying the present
t 15 Co In a ul em es - Assembly is currently reviewing classi- University guidelines on classified re-
about 150 prominent faculty members- search.
4 including several members of Senate As- fied research at the University after
semlythefacltyrepeseatie bdy-postponing action at its March meeting The committee is expected to make its
sembly, the faculty represenative body- ponan of prpos deeto report to Assembly in June.
approved the resolution several weeks an a number of proposals designed to "Many of the laboratories which are
ago and distributed copies of it to Assem- abolish or greatly restrict classified and nvolved mainly In classified research are
bly members Monday at Assembly's military research. contributing significantly to the goals of
monthly meeting. The Coalition rejected what it termed the University to which most of us sub-
Since its inception early last fall, the "a blanket prohibition on classified re- scribe," the Coalition's report stated.
Coalition has been an extremely effective search." "We find thpt much of the research is
group in influencing the administration According to physics Prof. Sam Krimm, of high quality, and leads to publication
and University governments. Coalition co-chairman, the group's pro- See RESEARCH, Page 10 Prof. Krimm
Vol. LXXg n 1 Ct
Vol LXXXI, No. 12-5 Ann Arbor, Michigan--Thursday, May 20, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
SEN. WILLIAM PROXMIRE (D-Wis.) talks with newsmen last night after the Senate voted 58
to 37 to refuse further funding of the supersonic transport (SST). Proxmire has been an outspoken
critic of the project and has helped engineer its defeat on two occasions. (See story, Page 3). Prior
to the action on the SST, the Senate defeated various plans to cut back U.S. troops in Europe.
Juryoutin Seale trial
Senate defeats
Mansfield plan
for troop cuts
WASHINGTON (R) - The Senate successively turned-
down a series of proposals yesterday to force cuts in the
300,000-man U.S. military contingent in Europe, including
Democratic Majority Leader Mike Mansfield's proposal
for a 50 per cent cut in the force by the end of 1971.
The day-long debate in which a variety of alternative
proposals were rejected was seen as a major foreign policy
victory for President Nixon.
Despite defeat of all the troop-cut proposals, the debate
disclosed broad support for making some reduction in U.S.
manpower in Europe. Sena-
tors were unwilling, how-
ever, to force Nixon to make Regents
Before rejecting the M a n s-
field amendment 61-36, the Sen-
ate voted:
-68 to 29 against a proposal
by Sen. J. W. Fulbright, (D-
Ark.), to put language into the
Mansfield amendment spelling Ut a ieb
out that any increases above
the proposed 150,000-man ceil- By ROBERT SCHREINER
ing would have to be authorized
by Congress; The Regents will air their
-81 to 15 against an amend- views for the first time on-the
ment by Sen. Prank Church, proposed University - wide con-
mD-Id h.o) to reduce US' duct rules at their May meeting
strength in Europe to 250,000 today and tomorrow.
instead of to 150,000; Members of University Coun-
-03 to 26 against proposal by cil (UC), the body of students,
Sen Galor Neson (DWis), faculty members and adminis-
for a phased 50 per cent cut- trators charged in February,
back of the troops over a three 1970 to formulate a set of rules
to replace the controversial Re-
year period unless East-West t gents'InthecroiveDsiplinRy-
talks start promptly on mutual Res nwt mpwith the Re
troop t 13 aainst a move by gents to find out their opinions
Sen. Birch Bayh, (D-Ind.), that oherning the rules.
urged U.S. talks with its allies Both S tud enat Government
for greater assumption of de- touncil and Senate Assembly
fense costs and providing, in the -have expresed iatisfacon
absence of any agreement, for wihacernsectsft o-
a two part cut in the U.S. force wthcertain aspects of te
to 150,000 by the end of 1972; posed. rules. SGC has criticized
and them for being too harsh in
-73 ' bipartisan places, while Assembly has call-
prpto s'4 agains ta lrsaon ed them too lenient.
proposal urging U.S. talks on Since the rules cannot go into
possible troop cuts, both with effect until approved jointly by
its European allies and the SGC, Assembly, and the Regents,
Communist bloc. Sponsored by UC is anxious to find out the
Sens. Charles Mathias Jr., (R- opinion of the Regents, in order
Md.), Hubert Humphrey, (D- to better know which way to
Minn.), Jacob Javits, (R-N.Y.), move.
and Adlai Stevenson III (D- President Robben Fleming has
ll), the bill would have re- said, however, that the Regents
quired the President to report will take no action on the UC
back to Congress Sept. 15 and rules at their May meetings.
every six months thereafter. In other business, the Re-
Before the voting began, Mans- gents are expected to approve
field again said that, even if he the extension of the Bachelor
lost, he would raise the issue in General Studies degree pro-
again in the future. He said that gram to the Flint campus, and
even critical editorial comments rename the department of elec-
"have contributed to the educa- trical engineering the depart-
tional process" and added "I ment of electronics and com-
have no alibis." puter engineering.
Since it was introduced eight "All in all, it is a rather light
days ago, the Mansfield amend- agenda," Richard Kennedy, sec-
. See MANSFIELD, Page 3 retary of the University said.
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (A') -
The jury began its deliberations
yesterday in the trial of Black
Panther Party Chairman Bobby
Seale and Ericka Huggins, a lo-
cal party leader, after the judge
cautioned them to consider the
motives of prosecution witnesses
"who may be looking for favors."
Seale and Huggins have been
on trial since Nov. 17 in the 1968
slaying of Panther Alex Rack-
ley. The case, along with other
trials of Black Panthers across
the country, has sparked wide-
spread charges of police harrass-
ment of the group.
Judge Harold Mulvey t o 1 d
the Superior Court jury of five
blacks and seven whites t h at
witnesses who admittedly parti-
cipated in the torture-murder of
Rackley "may be in a some-
what different position from the
other witnesses.
"In weighing the testimony
of such a witness," Mulvey said,
"it must be remembered that
he or she is a confessed crimi-
nal." He said "their testimony
may be colored" because of
their status as unsentenced pri-
soners, and the jury s h o u l d
weigh "the consistency of their
stories with that of the other
The judge's remarks referred
to the state's two star witnesses
-George Sams Jr. and Warren
Kimbro - who have pleaded
guilty to second-degree murder.
Neither man has been sentenc-
Seale and Huggins face capi-
tal charges of kidnaping result-
ing in death and aiding a n d
abetting murder, in addition to
lesser charges of conspiracy to
kidnap and to murder. Huggins
also is charged with binding
Rackley with criminal intent.
The prosecution claims Seale
ordered Rackley slain during a
12-hour visit to New Haven two
years ago, and that the alleged
orders were carried out by three
other Black Panthers two days
Only Sams has testified that
he heard Seale give such an or-
der. The defense has contended
that although Seale did visit the
New Haven Panther headquart-
era after giving a speech at Yale
University, he only sat on the
front stairs of the building and
never entered.
The defense also attacked
Sams' credibility, claiming he is
a sadistic man who was once
expelled from the party for
stabbing another Panther in the
leg, and that he had once been
classified by a doctor as a
"mental defective."
Seale did not take the stand in
the trial and Mulvey instructed
the jurors not to draw "any in-
ferences or conclusions" from
the Panther chairman's failure
to testify.
The judge also told the jury to
consider Huggins' "interest in
the outcome of the trial and any
motive she might have for not
telling the truth." She was on
the witness stand for two days.
Mulvey said he understood
that Huggins claimed in her
testimony that her actions in
the days surrounding Rackley's
death were influenced by "com-
See JURY, Page 10