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Vol. LXXXI, No. 10-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, May 18, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Leslie Jones (left), Aerospace Engineering Prof. and member of the Classified Research Committee,
presents the committee's report at yesterday's Senate Assembly meeting. At right is Psychology Prof.
Norman Warren, president of Senate Assembly.
Railroad strike begins;
action byCongress seen
WASHINGTON (A')-A strike rail workers have ceased work, scheduled afternoon hearings a
of railroad signalmen yesterday honoring the signalmen's picket few hours later, but Chairman
halted rail traffic throughout lines. Harley Staggers (D-W. Va.) of
the House Commerce Committee
the nation a n d threatened to It appeared likely that Con- said his committee couldn't con-
paralyze other major industries. gress would act today on Presi- aider until t a d a y Nixonasre-
The 13,000 signalmen who ate act ion tre nd the st k e quest for an end to the strike
triggered the strike comprise until July 1.
only two per cent of the half a "A nationwide stoppage of rail After hearing from adminis-
" million striking rail workers. service would cause great hard- tration officials and both par-
The signalmen walked off their ship to all Americans and strike ties to the dispute, members of
Jobs a f t e r a breakdown in a a serious blow at the nation's the committee indicated t h e y
marathon session of negotia- economy," Nixon told Congress would change Nixon's proposal
tions, with the central differ- in a message from his Key Bis- to provide for an immediate
ences focused on wage increases. cayne retreat in Florida. wage increase to the signalmen
A large majority of the nation's The Senate Labor Committee and to extend the no strike per-
iod perhaps to Oct. 1.
CRC calls
Senate Assembly's Classified Research Committee
(CRC) yesterday reported to Assembly on its operations,
recommending only slight changes in current procedures
used to approve classified research projects at the Univer-
CRC reported it is "satisfied that the present procedures
are adequate for determining whether or not classified re-
search proposals are in accordance with" current Univer-
sity research guidelines.
CRC had been requested by Assembly, the University-
wide faculty representative body,
at its March 22 meeting, to
evaluate the procedures current-
ly used in enforcing Universityerahgilns.Aemy
reserach guidelines. Assembly
asked for the committee reporta ks fund
after it had in effect rejected
several proposals which would
have ended or greatly restricted
classified and military research
on campus=restoration
Assembly is expected to take
some action on the report at its Senate Assembly yesterday re-
June meeting. quested Gov. William Milliken
Current research guidelines, and the State Legislature to re-
adopted in 1968 by the Regents, consider their proposed budget
prohibit research whose "specific cut ending University payments
purpose is to destroy human life to the city of Ann Arbor for
or to incapacitate human be- police and fire protection.
ings." The resolution seeks to inform
The report acknowledged that the legislature of the prob-
current review procedures are lems Assembly feels could arise
largely "dependent upon the in should the budget cut be en-
formation available from the re- acted.
searcher," which it termed "of Assembly's motion indicated
minimal value" in determining three main points:
whether the project complies -- "The University is not a
with the present guidelines. self-contained isolated campus
The report mentioned several clearly separate from the city
procedural changes that the com- of Ann Arbor but is completely
mittee has made to minimize interlaced by the public roads of
this problem but suggested that that city";
Assembly's Research Policies "The establishment of a
Committee (RPC) conduct a s
"post - award audit procedure" separate police and fire service
that would investigate currently ween theUarnversi arriersbe
operating research projects "t o .twa t hen iner rea-
assure that CRC's understand- city at a time when interrela-
ing of certain proposals had been tionships between the Univer-
correct." sity and the community at large
A memorandum containing this have been increasing"; and
suggestion was sent by CRC to - "The final cost of setting
RPC on April 19. RPC is current- up such a police and fire service
ly undertaking a study of pres- at the University will undoubt-
ent research guidelines and iv edly be greater than the pre-
expected to present recommand-
ations to Assembly in June. sent collaborative arrangement
In this proposed audit, RPC with the city, as well as being
See RESEARCH, Page 10 less efficient."
Sen. Jacob Javits (R-N.Y.)
asked C. J. Chamberlain, presi-'
dent of the Union, if he would
accept such a plan. Chamber-
lain said his organization will
accept if this is the will of Con-
J. P. Hiltz, Jr., speaking for
the railroads, said they also
would agree since the plan is in
line with recommendations of
an emergency board which the
industry already had accepted.
Under the plan, the signalmen
would receive the first three
step raises proposed by the
board, effective ° Jan. 1, 1970,
Nov. 1, 1970, and April 1 of this
These would boost pay for the
most skilled workers from about
$3.80 an hour now to about
The committee deferred ac-
tion until this morning.
First class mail continued to
move -'ut an embargo on bulk
mail beyond a 300-mile limit was
imposed by the Postal Service.
Detroit auto makers promptly
announced job cutbacks and pre-
dicted plant closings if the strike
lasted 48 hours. The auto indus-
try relies on railroads as an inte-
gral part of its assembly lines.
Some General Motors and
Chrysler Corp. plants went on
short time immediately while the
rest of the industry faced the pos-
sibility of a total shutdown if
the strike lasted more than three
or four days.
Ford said it managed to keep
all its plants operating normally
yesterday but that a shut down
of some Ford plants would begin
within 48 hours if the strike
See RAIL, Page 10
COAL AND FREIGHT CARS pile up at dawn yesterday in Hunting-
ton, W. Va., as the national strike of AFL-CIO Brotherhood of Rail-
road Signalmen began shutting down the nation's rail system.
RAILROAD CARS loaded with new automobiles stand immobile
yesterday in the shadows of Detroit's skyline. The auto industry
was hit hard and fast by the nationwide rail strike.