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May 15, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-15

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Vol. LXXXI, No. 9-S Ann Arbor, Michigon-Saturdoy, May 1 5, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages

Research unit
to give report
to Assembly
Senate Assembly, the faculty representative body, will
- be presented a report Monday from its Classified Research
Committee (CRC) which will assess current CRC procedures
used in approving classified and miiltary research projects
at the University.
The committee was requested to undertake the study
by Senate Assembly on March 22, after Assembly decided
to postpone action on a number of proposals that would
have abolished or placed stringent restrictions on classi-
fied and military research on campus.
Currently, the University holds $5.6 million worth of
classified research contracts and performs $10.4 million
worth of research for the Department of Defense.
CRC chairman Prof. Gerald Charbeneau said that the
final committee report was approved by CRC members at
a meeting yesterday, but
declined to offer any details
about the report.
Although the report is the
culmination of almost two
months of study, it is un-
likely that it will offer any
suggestions f o r major ad-
justments in CRC proce-
The report will be distri-
buted to Assembly members
Monday afternoon, but ac-
tion on any suggestions of
the report will not be taken
until Assembly's June meet-
At the June meeting, As-
,~ ~sembly will also hear a re-
Prof. Charbeneau port from its R e s e a r c h
Policies Committee (RPC)
which is currently reviewing the overall University guide-
lines on research.
The present University research guidelines, adopted by
the Regents in 1968, prohibit research whose "specific
purpose . . . is to destroy human life or to incapacitate
human beings." The guidelines permit classified research
after a review by CRC.
Any changes the Assembly recommends in the Uni-
versity's research policies would be subject to the approval
of the Regents.
Early in March, a series of demonstrations opposing
classified and military research drew support from large
numbers of students, while about 50 faculty members held
a week-long fast to voice their opposition to such research.
Several weeks later, widespread student opposition
to classified and military research was indicated when
proposals to end such research on campus were approved
by 5-3 margins in student referenda.

STUDENTS VOTE yesterday on procedure during a sit-in at Scarlett Junior High School. The sit-in
was held to protest school regulations concerning the students' lunch period.
Restrictions at tr. high
a s

Over 130 7th through th grad-
ers demonstrated at Scarlett Jun-
ior High School yesterday, stag-
ing two sit-ins during scheduled
class time.
Saying they were "tired of
working through the system."
students finally decided to sit in
when the administration refused
the students permission to leave
the school grounds during tieir
lunch periods. instead, all stu-
dents were restricted as of Wed-
nesday to the limits of the school
cafeteria and a cement court-
Reasons cited by the adminis-

Iration for this change >f policy
included reports of students
smoking and drinking behind the
building, disruption of classes,
tardiness, absenteeism, and a
suspicion of drug trafficking.
Action began yesterday morn-
ing when students staged an i'-
promptu sit-in at which griev.
ances against the administration
were aired. Upon being informed
of the channels through which
legal action could be taken, two
students agreed to draw up a
grievance for review by the
school's grievance committee.
Most students, however, did not
seem confident of the possibility

VP Norman to step down

Vice President for Research A. Geoffrey
Norman is expected to retire July 1.
Norman will step down, sources say, be-
cause he is 65 years old - the retirement
age for executive officers stipulated in the
Regents' Bylaws.
"The President and executive officers,
and deans of the Schools and Colleges shall
be relieved of their administrative posts at
the end of the fiscal year in which their
sixty-fifth birthday occurs, and given the
option of either (a) returning to their pro-
fessorial status under these bylaws; or (b)
terminating their employment completely
following a terminal furlough year," states
those bylaws.
Since Norman was Professor of botany
before assuming his present appointment,
he would be eligible to remain at the Uni-
versity under (a) of the bylaw subsection.

Norman yesterday declined to confirm
his retirement. He said although he is at
the retirement age, the Regents and Presi-
dent Fleming make the final decisions con-
cerning retirement,
As vice president for research, Norman's
major duties involve securing grants from
corporations, foundations and the govern-
ment to fund the research projects being
carried out by faculty members and grad-
uate students.
Over the past year, Norman has been a
strong deferder of classified and military
research on campus. Opposition to such
research led to several mass protests by
both students and faculty, as well as a
week-long fast by over 100 people.
Norman received a B.S., 1925, and doc-
tor of philosophy in plant biochemistry,
1928, from the University of Birmingham,
England, and a doctor of science from the
University of London in 1933.

of an amicable settlement.
"How can you trust the adminis-
tration," said one student, "when
you can't even trust your fellow
As the majority of the dissent-
ing students mobilized for what
they hoped would'become "mass
action," Assistant Principal Rus-
sell considered the disturbance.
"It's too bad that the many
will have to suffer for the sins
of the few," he said. "We know
that all the kids who go out in
back of school during lunch hour
don't smoke and drink. But the
few that do make it necessary to
restrict all of them. While these
kids are at school, I act as their
father. I have to enforce the
laws to the best of my ability."
When asked why students
would not be allowed to leave
schools grounds during their
lunch periods, Russell comment-
ed, "In all the history of Scarlett
Junior High, we have never al-
lowed students to leave the
grounds during their lunch per-
"Up until-last year, they only
had 22 minutes for lunch, which
is clearly not a long enough time
period for them to leave and
come back. This year they have
30 minutes."
Student leaders, some faced
with the threat of suspension, at-
tempted to retain order at the
second sit-in of the day, atiend-
ed by about 115 students and
various patrolling teachers.
Students voted to give teachers
one week to return to former poli-
cies concerning lunch period ac-
tivity, but the meeting ended
abruptly when teachers notified
students that the parents of any
student remaining at the scene
of the sit-in would receive a
phone call from the principal.

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