Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, May 14, 1971 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, May 14, 1971 Phone 344-1782 3020 Washtenow "Funny, Important AND Fascinating." NY, Times "A StunnerlNBC-TV A world where seen and women play by the same rules. City police: Improving 'U' image tContined from Page 3) all members of the University The two officers rarely work "This summer we hope to get community and President Rob- in uniform because they "find the some time to speak with the ben Fleming whenever police uniform is a barrier in initial orientation groups," says Fer- have to be called on campus. contacts." However, when they guson, "so we will get exposure Although the officers a r e do appear in uniform, they say to at least one-fourth of the working on police-community it makes little difference once undergraduates." According to relations and are not involved they have gotten to know the a recent survey, Klinge adds, in any actions which require person they are dealing with. only about 20 per cent of the police on campus, they reiterate "Then they can look right past student body knows the office that they are still policemen the uniform," says Ferguson. exists. and if they see a crime being The campus office is operating The officers work from 12 committed they will make an under a $27,000 federal grant p.m. to 9 p.m. in order to be arrest. which will last one year. "We able to attend night meetings. "We must make the arrest if think the program is successful "We've been going to University we see something illegal hap- and hope to apply for another Council meetings in an advis- pening, even if it might jeo- year's grant," says Kinge. ory capacity and often attend pardize our relations with the " SGC meetings," says Ferguson. students," Atkinson says. "For "If the federal government University Council, a group in- if we fail to do so we can be den't grant therfu e cluding students, faculty, and prosecuted. So far, however, we going to have to re-evaluate the administrators, is proposing haven't been faced with that program and hope that the city rules to govern the conduct of conflict," he adds. will give us the money to con- tinue," he adds. Both officers are college grad- PLEASE NOTE DIAL uates and worked on a regular TIM SHEDLE -u. beat for two years. TIME SCHEDULE! ~ 5-6290 Atkinson graduated from Mich- igan State University in 1966 with a B.A. in criminal justice W IS BEST. administration. Ferguson gradu- ated from the University in 1969 WinrBEST PCTURE with a B.A. in economics. He is WierUV R V BEST ACTOR , currently taking night classes at AMA ,-,the Detroit College of Law. Union elects top officials (Continued from page 1) Further, McCloskey, a main- tenance mechanic, was though to be a candidate of the higher pay grades of AFSCME, while McCracken, who is classified as a wall-washer was consid- ered to represent the lower pay grades, which predominate the union. Some members said they supported McCracken over Mc- Closkey because of his m o r e militant stance toward the Uni- versity and his more liberal yiews on social issues such as the war and racism. Re-elected as second v i c e - president and secretary-treas- urer were Willie Collins a n d Neva Middleton. Collins a n d Middleton ran unopposed. Form- er First Vice-president George Thrope won the recording sec- retarv position in an uncontest- ed election. With the election, minority groups assumed the AFSCME leadership as two blacks and two women took the top four positions. 28 0 FromC oneraa Releasing SNOWS TODAY AT: 7 & 9 P.M. ONLY Box Office Oer'. 12:45 PM PIIMULEMhW1 IRIulna3^ BEST DIRECTOR EE0 (',1 C.SC 0TT/ KAL MALEN Ia"IfTTON" a Shown Daily at 3:34 and 8:45 PLUS ACADEMY AWARD WINNER B C YN BEST SCREENPLAY AT 1AD:45 SHOWN DAILY AT 1:35 AND 6:45 Jewish militants indicted tContinued from Pa,,,e 3 Sommer, a high school teacher. Kahane, Bieber and Calderon were accused of conspirmr" to transport pistols and rifies. Kr- hane and the others with con- spiracy to transport fire and pipe' bombs. The maximum penalty under each indictment is fiv' years in federal prison and 11,10.0u0 fiae. Arrested in Philadelpoia, oe- cording to the Justice Depart- ment, was rn eighth defendert, Russell Kellner. Five others named in the in- dictment but not under arrest in the case are Joshua Joffee. a Russian who is a natualized ea Q e ,lace t~oat Cek AUSTIN DIAMOND 1209 S. University 663-7151 American citizen and car'ently is in jail in Israel; Stewart Co- hen, 18, of New York; Avrahaa Hershkovitz, a native of Hang' y and an Israeli citizen serving a five year federal sontenc' for passport violation; his wife. Nancy. awaiting sentence on a similar charge; and a man iden- tified only as John Doe, alias Dov. Daily Official Bulletin 'The Daiiy OfficrialIBulletinis Iana official publication o the Univer- sit of Michigan. Notices should be sent in TYPEwRITTEN FORM to room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before a p.m. of the day preceding publica- tion and by 1 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. iems appear once only. Student organizatioa notices are not accepted for pub- lication. For more information, phone 4-9011. Fitt5.Y, MitYs4, it97i IDaVy C.alendlar Baseball: Mich v s. Northwes,e dcl ibleheader), Fisher Stadium. 2 Spring Film Festivai: "Charly." Aud. A, Angel Hall, 7, 9,11 p.. International "olk Danc: Lsarbour Gyre, 8 p.m,. OR(.ANIZATION NOTICES All organizations that will be meeting this summer, please contact the Of- ftice for Student Organizations, Room 335, Michigan Union, 662-4431, ext. 335. ECONOMY Jet Flights to Europe One Way $120 Round Trip $186 to $230 Charters within furape-teter- national Stadent ID's -Motor- cycle Purchase & Transportation Package EUROFLIGHT, INC. Room 313 370 Lexington Ave., N.Y. Tel. 212-725-8350 8418 9 4 The one book everycouple should read before marriage. It's sort of a manual. It tells you on your campus or in our Chicago how to buy fine diamonds for less. It's showrooms. There are no middle-man the 1971 edition of the Vanity Fair profits to drive Cp the price. Diamoncl catalog. If you're thinking about engagement Vanity Fair has beet selling the and wedding rings, you need Vanity finest diamonds to dealers across the Fair. Visit our showrooms at 55 E." country since 1921. Now these sane Washington, Chicago. Or send for our diamonds are available to you at the 36-page, full color catalog. We'll send same low prices (50% of retail). it to you free if you send us this coupot. Our secret? r----------- -------- We handle the swhole process ofI Vanity Fair Diamonds 01 I 55E. iashington . Chicago, Illinois 60602 I making a ring ourselves, from bt uvitg icses id a copy of theV anity Fair t t(le rough stone in Antwerp or Lo- s-IssDiamond Catalog. don, to selling the finished ring to yost -Name Address Stat _____ p Vanity Fair Diamonds .55 E. washingtcn ISch ll Chicago, Illinois 60602 - (312) FR 2-0300 SELMUR PICTURES in collaboration with ROBERTSON ASSOCIATES presents CLIFF ROBERTSON COSS5NGCLAIRE BLOOM TECHNICOLOR' TECINISCPE RO CiNERAMA AUEASING CORPORATION4 T ONIG HT Last Night Auditorium A, A nD:ell Hal SHOWN AT 7:00,9:00, ANDl1I100