Friday, May 14, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Friday, May 14, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine For' Direct Continued from Page 8) PERSONAL WIN A FREE GAME M-PIN BOWLING-UNION LANES SUMMER RATES 40c MARTHA COOK BUILDING OFFERS: convenience hot breakfasts Sun. nite meal linen service maid service gracious life spacious garden aesthetic surroundings fuon Applications now being taken for women wishing to reside begoning Foll 1071. Call 769-3200. 7F11 * SINGLE? Meet hy computer. Foe Free information, send name, address, to DATA-MATE, 1324 CD Commerce Center, Lansing. 517-482-2086. 1F9 WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod or Tra- ditional Style. Call 761-0942 anytime. Free Marriage Certificate with order. , 1Ft INTROACT PERSONAL Classified Ad Service, Pl oine 764-0#57 TOM AND HARRY at Wave of the Future offer Ann Arbor's Second Fish-In "Name the .. ." Contest. En- i1onday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. ter the "Name a Waterbed" Contest. Please note: Only ths name "Frater- bed" will be accepted and all other PERSNALPERSNALPERSNALentlries shgwis0«it, wisdoon or imags- PE RSONA L PERSONAL PERSONAL 1000100willbe automatically dis- - - - - - -- qualified. 2Ftc° STUDENT SPECIAL-Waterbeds '$29.95 LIGHT CARPENTRY, Redwood fences, TV RENTALS-Satisfaction Guaranteed qualfie----t King Size, 10 year guarantee. All siees tile floors, painting and odd jobs. Free delivery, service, and pick-sp OMNIBUS-Pholoraphic sevices. Daily available. Speedy delivery. Write: TJ Reliable. Call 662-4736. FD Call Nejac, 662-5671. 6Ftc pick-up and delivery to campus area. Enterproes, 2000 Woods Blvd. 11201)-. Call 971-4663 for Mary or Fred. 7F10 Lincoln, Nebraska, or call (402) 488- NEW PEASANTS! Help farm the AA MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE SIGN UP ----- 0459. 1F2 Community Organic Garden at Ga- SUMMER RATES-UNION LANES For the best in CANDID portraits, cier Way and Beal (N. Campus) 8-6 OPEN NOON MON.-SAT. 1 P.M. SUN. indoors or out, also Wedding candids, Michigan Daily BOX NO. 14-There is daily. DF9 5Ft call Richard Lee, Inc., 761-9452. 6Fto a box in your box. 6F91 EUROPE $159 SUMMER: DETROIT DEPARTURES 3 5 3-6/6 Det/Ams/Det $159 4 5/6-6/25 Det/Ams/Det $169 5 5 16-8/16 Det/Ams/Det $189 Sa 6/20-7/23 Det/Amst/Lon Det $219 6 6/25-8/29 Det/Ams/Det $209 6a 6/26-8/27 Det/Lon/Det $209 7 7/1-8/15 Det/Ams/Det $209 U8 /1-9 2EDet/Ams/Det U$219 SUMMER: NEW TORE DEPARTURES 9 5/27-6/24 NTY'Lon/NT $100, 9a 6/9-8/14 NY/Lon/As/sDet $200 10 7/12-0/1 NT/Ams/NT $200 11 7 8-9 5 NY/Ams/NY $209 WORLD WIDE CHARTER 211 South State Street Ann Arbor, Michigan Dial: "ON-A-TRIP" 66-2-8747 Open only to U of M students, facul- ty, staff and immediate families. will turn out to be one of the loveliest, most intelligent movies we'll see in all of 1971.,' VINCENT CANBY, New York Times '****! HIGHEST RATING!' -KATHLEEN CARROLL, New York Daily News "TRUFFAUT'S MOST GLOWING WORK TO DATE! HIS FINEST ACHIEVEMENT SINCE 'THE 400 BLOWS'! EVERY FRAME IS A GEM!" --Judith Crist, New York Magazine "IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS ABOUT FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT'S GENIUS, YOU MUST SEE 'BED AND BOARD'!" Bernard Drew, Gannett News Service - Weekly 0n weekend groups ExploreP interpersonaI relations conont you 7 self, express feelings. Call 663-7616. CF04 Creative Photography CINEMA GUILD WEDDINGS and portraits. Professional quality at student rates. Call Jim TONIGHT & SATURDAY Evans at 769-0053 for appointment to see portfolio. Ftc LEARN THE FACTS before you buy- there is more to a diamond than meets the eye. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. Flc c l HUNGRY? Board at Bruce Coop. Wash- tenaw near S.U, Call 662-4270 or 761- 2925. 65F12 DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE with dou- ble knit suits, sportscoats and slax from Marty's, 310 S. State St. lFtc OVERSEAS JOBS FOR STUDENTS Australia, Europe, So. America, Africa, etc. All professions and occupations, $700 to $3000 monthly. Expenses paid, overtime, sightseeing. Free informa- tion. Write TWA Research Service, Box 5991-A, San Diego, CA., 92105. 33F83 Rent your Roommate with a Classified Ad Late Show Tonight 6 Breezily enter- 3 taining and pro- foundly poignant! The least one should do is un- cork a bottle of champagne and toast Truffaut! 4 WILLIAM WOLF, CuecVOR" A FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT FILM Fri.-7 :15, 9:00, 10:45 ANcPcERRE LULA . CLAUDE JADE Sat-2:30, 4:00, 5:30, 7:15, 9:00, 10:45 A beautiful film! a lyrical bal- let of love, filled with the charity, wisdom and end- less invention of a director of genius! E -PAUL D. ZIMMERMAN, Newsweek O FIF-TH Forum CIIZE KLtN ANEt ORSON WELLES as Wil- liam Randolph H e a r s t. Welles blows the limits off Hollywood. Our great- est movie. SUNDAY Don't miss this chance to see CHARLIE CHAP- LIN'S MONSIEUR VERDOUX The m o v i e that sent Chaplin out of the USA for his scathing sniggers at war and society. With MARTHA RAYE as the durable widow. Architecture Auditorium Haven & Monroe Streets 7 & 9 P.M. 75c 11 00 P.M. AUD. A, ANGELL HALL SFUANK ZAPPA and the MOTHERS OF INVENTION whith LIVINGSTON TAYLOR and BAMBU . Saturday, 29 May 1911 8:30 P.M. Oakland University Outdoor Pavillion $5.00 General Admission TICKETS AT J.L. Hudson's I-lead West in Rochester & Birmingham Marshall Music in Lansing LITTLE THINGS IN ANN ARBOR TOWN HALL PRODUCTION OPEN MONDAY THURSDAY, FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 P.M.