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May 05, 1971 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1971-05-05

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verresuay, sa f t d
M ots ratorium stfor today

-Daily-Tom Gottlieb
MANY OF THE 7,000 DEMONSTRATORS ARRESTED MONDAY were incarcerated within the fenced Washington Redskin practice field

rallies set
for nation
Demonstrations are plan-
ned today in Ann Arbor and
around the nation as a part
of a national day of "mora-
torium on business as usual,"
protesting the war in Indo-
In Washington, site of most
of this week's protests, demon-
strators plan to march on the
Capitol building and others
plan to lobby for the imple-
mentation of the People's Peace
Last night at a meeting of 500
people, spokesman for the Peo-
ple's Coalition for Peace and
Justice (PCPJ) encouraged dem-
onstrators to attend a noon
rally, originally planned for fed-
eral employes at Lafayette Park
across the street from the White
House. From there, demonstra-
tors will attempt to proceed to
the Capitol.
In Ann Arbor a "Family Peace
Fair" sponsored by the Inter-
Faith Council for Peace is sched-
uled this evening.
The fair will begin at 6:30
p.m. at City Hall and will in-
clude sp e cc h e a, discussions.
booths dispensing anti-war ma-
terials and music.
The group has asked all Ann
Arbor citizens to participate in
a scheduled two minutes of si-
lence as a protest against the
war at 7 p.m.
In San Francisco, marches
against oil companies, U.S.
Steel, and the Bank of America
are planned by a coalition of
peace groups including the
Police said they understood
dozens of major downtown
buildings in San Francisco
would be targets of disruptions
and that traffic would be block-
ed on the Bay Bridge, freewsays
and major streets, similar tac-
tics to those used in Washing-
ton, D.C. on Monday, where
7,000 demonstrators we r e ar-
Elsewhere, the National Peace
Action Coalition 'expeets its
scheduled three hour rally in
Philadelphia to draw an esti-
mated 5,000 persons.
Three organizations have
teamed up to sponsor a rally in
New York City's Bryant Park
where war critics, including Sen
Vance Hartke (D-Ind.), are
See PROTESTS, Page 20

in Washington until released upon a $10 collateral payment.
Arrests rise to
(Continued from Page 1)
Demonstrators held on collateral can forfeit the $10 fee in
lieu of a court appearance. The contempt motion held that Wilson
had no legal right to determine whether individual arrestees be held
on collateral or bail. Those held would have faced court appear-
ances throughout the month.
The rally at the Justice Dept. followed a relatively quiet
morning during which police arrested 500 at scattered sites
throughout the city.
Brief attempts to block traffice at some areas yesterday morn-
ing were swiftly countered by police, protesters did not repeat
Monday's effort to block the bridges across the Potomac River.
Arrests Monday totalled over 7,000 for Monday and yesterday.
Demonstrators were attempting to paralyze the federal govern-
ment by blocking access to buildings and roads through acts of
non-violent civil disobedience._
Protests are expected to continued at the Capitol today as part
of a national "moratorium on business as usual" to protest the
During the morning yesterday there were only scattered at-
tempts to block traffic. "I think it's slowed down a bit," one
ciy policeman said.
However, a live bomb was found under the Taft Bridge.
Police checked all other bridges across the Potomac and increased
surveillance on those and other potential targets.
2,000 federal troops supplemented the city police force in
Georgetown at Dupont and Thomas Circles as well as along
bridges connecting Washington and suburban Virginia.
Young people, especially those with long hair and informal
dress were the target of arrests on minor charges of obliterating,
Jaywalking, and obstruction of traffic.
A police lieutenant said the arrests were "shaky" but were being
made to prevent crowd buildup.
In one incident at 9:20 a.m., over 30 people were arrested
at 14th and I Streets for blocking pedestrian traffic. "We're here
(under arrest) for walking down the street," one of the arrested
About an hour later, as a bus arrived to cart away the arrestees,
a crowd across the street in Franklin Park began to chant slogans
as the people were loaded one by one into the vehicle.
A busload of police arrived and, with a scooter patrol, cleared
the park at 10:45 a.m., loading an additional 40 people into a police
bus for transport to jail.
The demonstrators reoccupied the park and as a planned noon
rally approached the crowd grew to over 2,000 chanting, clapping
people. Police on scooters observed the crowd but made no move
to stop the rally.
"We have a dendezvous with destiny. We are permitted to go
down to the Justice Department," an organizer of the Southern
Christian Leadership conference told the massive group.
Six marshalls of the Mayday Collective added, "We're not go-
ing to give Mr. Nixon a halt," and the protesters began a new
chant, "No Time to rest!"
After speeches by representatives of other groups including
the Mayday Medics and the Gay Community, the march to the
Justice Department began, with groups of people marching down
I street.
The arrests at the Justice Department occurred after pro-
testers reached Pennsylvania Ave. while D.C. Police Chief Jerry
Wilson walked down the center of the street ahead of them,
directing the police with a walkie-talkie.
"As long as they don't violate the law they will be allowed

10,000 in D.C.
to march," Wilson told reporters as he walked at the head of the
march. "Peaceful demonstrations are legal under the Constitution."
Almost 5,000 people sat in on 10th Street between the Justice
Department and the Internal Reverue Service for three hours
before police moved in to arrest them, closing off both ends of
10th street between Pennsylvania and Constitution Avenues so
quickly that many who wanted to leave had no chance to do so.
A block away, at 10th and Pennsylvania some policemen drove
their motorscooters into the crowd, knocking several protesters
down. Later at least one cannister of tear gas was fired at that
The police action at the Justice Department broke up what
had been a quiet rally, watched occasionally by Atty. Gen. John
N. Mitchell from his fifth floor window. Mitchell was seen on a
balcony observing the mass arrests later.
No resistance was offered by the protesters as police took
them in pairs to waiting busses for processing and shipment to
jail. Demonstrators sang, danced and in one instance roller-skated
while the police slowly worked their way through the crowd.
Included in those arrested was John Froines, rally coorganizer
and Chicago "7" defendant.
Rennie Davis, another defendant and one of the demonstration
organizers had been arrested on a conspiracy charge Monday after-
Those arrested were ,charged with disorderly conduct, un-
lawful assembly, obstruction of traffic, and jaywalking.
Contributors to this article include Daily reporters Lindsay Chaney, David
Caudwin, Anita Crone, Linda Dreeben, Tammy Jacobs, Art Lerner, Jim
McFerson, Jonathan Miller, W. E. Schrock, and Paul Travis.

ATTORNEY-GENERAL JOHN MITCHELL (right) gazes down at the 5,000 people who staged a demon-
stration at the Justice Department yesterday. 2,200 were arrested.

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