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May 14, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-14

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Vol. LXXXI, No, 8-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 14, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pages

N.Y. Panthers
found innocent
of conspiracy

-Associated Press
Iritwin in Common Market?
Geffrey Rippon, chief British negotiator for membership in the
European Economic Community, addresses a news conference
yesterday morning. Reaching agreement on three important
issues, Britain and the six Common Market nations ma d e
major breakthroughs in membership negotiations.
Bro~wn accepts
post at Texas
When Vice President and Dean of the Graduate School Ste-
phen Spurr leaves the University to become President of the Uni-
versity of Texas next month, one of his assistants will follow him
there to assume a high administrative post.
Ronald Brown, presently assistant to the vice president and
former director of financial aids, will join Spurr in Austin, Texas,
in mid-July. He has been designated vice president for student af-
Since Spurr's appointment was officially confirmed by the
Texas Regents Mar. 12, he has divided his time between here and
Austin. While Spurr has been gone, Brown has handled the duties
of the vice president.
As vice president for student affairs, Brown will be in charge
of the offices of financial aids, housing, counseling and the office
of the dean of students, as well as overseeing the student medical
center and the student union.
Brown calls his appointment, announced in Texas on Sunday, a
"professional challenge."
"It was not an easy decision to make," he said last night. "In
the four years I have been here I have become emotionally attached
to the University and the community."
"But this is a professional opportunity which was hard to pass
up. Besides," he added, "I personally enjoy working with Spurr."

NEW YORK il-Thirteen
Black Panthers were aquit-
ted yesterday of bombing
and murder conspir ac y
charges by a jur y that
agreed on the first ballot.
The defendants, most of whom
have been in jail for more than
two years, listened intently as
jury foreman James Fox began
to read the verdict to the court,
responding "not guilty" 156
times to the court clerk's ques-
tion of what the jury found on
each count for each defendant.
Each of the 13 Panthers were
charged on 12 counts including
conspiracy to bomb police sta-
tions and other public places,
plotting to kill policemen and
weapons and explosives posses-
The jury got the case at 1:22
p.m. after an eight-month trial,
and deliberated only a little over
32 hours before announcing the
Outside the courtroom, Fox
said each juror was surprised to
find the others were of like
"The miracle was that 12 peo-
ple of such extraordinary diverse
backgrounds all felt pretty much
the same way," said juror Fred-
erick Hills.
Fox said each juror spoke for
about five minutes, feeling each
other out, and the unanimous
first ballot followed.
Thebrest of the time, he said,
was spent inreviewing the evi-
dence, hot the jurors remained
in agreement throughout.
In addition to eight months of
trial, the case went through sev-
en months of pretrial hearings,
often marred by disorder and the
final day was no exception.
Minutes before state Supreme
Court Justice John Murtagh con-
cluded his charge to the jury of
11 men and one woman, a court-
room disruption occurred.
As defense lawyers took excep-
tion to Murtagh's jury charge an('
claimed it had been biased and
See 13, Page 3

JOAN BIRD, one of 13 Black Panthers on trial in New York hugs
Defense Attorney Sanford Katz at the state supreme court yester-
day. The Panthers were acquitted of bomb and murder conspiracy
Panel seeks woman

Un10n elects McCra

Charles McCracken and Harry Barnett
yesterday were elected president and first
vice-president of Local 1583 of the Ameri-
can Federation of State, County, and
Municipal Employes (AFSCME), which
represents 2,700 University 'service and
maintenance workers.
McCracken was re-elected by an unof-
ficial count of 521 to 441 over Walter Mc-
Closkey, recording secretary of the union.
Running in a separate election, Barnett, a
steward at East Quad outpolled Clarence
Massey, a University Hospital steward, 491
to 430.
McCracken and Barnett had received the
endorsement and campaign support of
the Rank and File Caucus, a group of
about a dozen militant union members.
Barnett, a member of the caucus, ap-
peared to be aided by his group's public-

ity in overc
sey, who di
member of
during its c
versity last
dent or vic
1968 and wa
ion's bargai
also served
the forefron
In hisc
key primar
union finan
called for o
the establis
regular ad
By his v
withstood i

to chekpay variance
The University's Commission on Women is seeking a
women's representative to investigate cases of sex dis-
crimination as part of the University's affirmative action
program for women.
The proposed representative would assist A member of
the University Personnel Office in checking for women
who perform the same job, hold the same title, have equi-
valent educations, and have worked the same length of
time as men, but receive different salaries, according to
commission member Bar-
bara Murphy.
This procedure for the ex-
,J e npress purpose of overseeing
of a large scale plan approved
last week by the commission to
oming the better-known Mas- investigate University employ-
d not campaign. Massey was a ment practices.
the union's negotiating team The procedure devised by the
ontract dispute with the Uni- commission, involves a review
January. of potential discrepencies by
n has served as either presi- the women's representative and
since the personnel office member.
1-president of the union i e If the preliminary review fails
as chief negotiator for the un- to end in agreement, fact-find-
ning team. Though McCloskey ing interviews would be set up
as a negotiator, he was not in with the employee and her
it as much as McCracken supervisor.
campaign literature, McClos- After these interviews, a three
ily attacked the secrecy of member Board of Review with
cial arrangements. McCloskey fact-finding powers would hear
pen executive board meetings, cases still in dispute.
hment of a strike fund and Murphy commented on the
iting of the union's accounts. search for a representative: "I'd
ictory, McCracken apparently like to see this woman be a kind
riticism of his leadership dur- of clearinghouse for women em-
E's two-day strike this year, ployes who have grievances to
ee UNION, Page 10 aim them in the right direc-
_ _tion."


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