Page "Twelve
Thursday, May 13, 1971
Coleman, Tigers bomb Angels
By The Associated Press sota Twins slowed the Red Sox'
DETROIT - Joe Coleman charge in the American League
scattered eight hits and substi- East.
tute second baseman Ike Brown Jim Holt drove in the game's
tagged a three-run homer to lone run with a fourth-inning
pace the Detroit Tigers to an single and Blyleven scattered
8-1 victory over the California seven Boston hits for his third
Angels last night. shutout victory of the season.
It was Coleman's first com- Holt, in a rare cleanup role
plete game since returning April with Tony Oliva on the bench
20 from a fractured skull and with an injury, singled up the
his record climbed to 3-0. The middle in the fourth to drive
24-year-old right-hander gave in Rod Carew, who had led off
up California's only run in the with a triple into the left field
seventh on a double by K en corner.
Blyleven, 3-4, pitched out of a
For the details of Detroit Tiger tight jam in the eighth in deal-
problem child Willie Horton's latest ing the Red Sox only their
exploits and the particulars of fourth loss in 18 games and
John Roche's deal with the ABA's ending their one-run victory
Nets, see page eleven. streak at seven straight.
McMullen and singles by John Birds belt Royals
Stephenson and Syd O'Brien, BALTIMORE - Mike Cuellar,
Brown, playing in place of the shelled from the mound in his
slumping Dick McAuliffe, slic- previous start three days ago,
ed a Rudy May pitch just in- bounced back to stop Kansas
side the right field foul line for City on one hit-a third inning
his second homer of the year in single by Jerry May - as the
the fourth inning. It followed a Baltimore Orioles trimmed the
walk by Al Kaline and a single Royals 6-0 last night.
by Aurelio Rodriguez.
May, 3-2, was the victim of an Cuellar, knocked out in the
unearned run in the first when sixth inning by Oakland last
Willie Horton singled and third Sunday, limited the Royals to
baseman McMullen threw wild- just two base runners - May,
ly to first on Al Kaline's infield who looped a single to center
single, allowing Horton to score with one out in the third, and
from first. Bob Oliver, who walked with two
out in the seventh-while bring-
Red Sox ruined ing his record to 3-1.
Merv Rettenmund paced the
ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS -- Orioles' 12-hit attack against
Bert Blyleven, striking out 11, loser Mike Hedlund, 3-2, and
beat Boston's Ray Culp 1-0 last two relievers with a triple and
night to reverse the score of two singles.
their last duel as the Minne- Rettenmund's triple and a sin-
Major League Standings
East East
W L Pet. GB W L Pet. GBl
Boston 19 10 .655 - New York i910.65 G -
Baltimore 18 12 .600 1 Pittsburgh 19 12 .613 1
Detroit 15 15 .500 4' St. Louis 18 14 .563 2'
New York 14 14 .500 4% Montreal 12 11 .522 4
Washington 13 18 .419 7 Chicago 15 17 .469 5'.
Cleveland 10 20 .333 91'; Philadelphia 9 20 .310 10
West West
Oakland 22 12 .647 - San Franeisco 25 9 .735 -
California 17 17 .500 5 Los Angel's 17 17 .50 &
Kansas City 16 16 .500 5 Atlanta 15 17 .469 9
Minnesota 16 16 .50 5 Houston 15 17 .469 9
Milwaukee 12 16 .429 7 Cincinnati 11 20 .355 121>
Chicago 12 18 .410 8 San Diego 10 21 .323 13'.
Wednesday's Results
Minnesota 1, IBoston 0 W5ednesday's Besults
New York 3, Milwaukee 0 Chicagr5,Philadelphia 4
Chicago 5, Washington 0, 1st San Diego 2, Pittsburgh 1
Chicago 9, Washington 5, 2nd St. Louis at Montreal, postponed
Detroit 8, California 1 San Francisco 7, Cincinnati 2
Baltimore 6, Kansas City 0 Houston 5, New York 4
Oakland 8, Cleveland 1 Los Angeles 5, Atlanta 0
gle by Elrod Hendricks in the
second gave Cuellar the only
run he needed.
Mets mopped up
NEW YORK - Slump-ridden
Doug Rader, batting .154 going
into the game, cracked a three-
run homer off Tom Seaver and
the Houston Astros hung on for
a 5-4 victory over the New York
Mets yesterday.
Rader was 1-for-32 before lash-
ing a Seaver fastball over the
396-foot mark for his first homer
of the year. It capped a four-run
sixth inning.
Grab icc set
for journey
to Australia
CHICAGO O)t' The Big Ten
will send a 15-man group of
basketball players and coaches
to New Zealand and Australia
this summer, it was announced
yesterday by Commissioner Wil-
liam R. Reed.
Brad Snyder, head coach at
Northwestern, and Lou Watson,
former head coach at Indiana,
will coach the squad.
Players on the team include
Rick Howat of Illinois; John
Ritter and Frank Wilson of In-
diana; Kevin Kunnert of Iowa;
Wayne Grabiec of Michigan;
William Kilgare of Michigan
State; Jim Brewer of Minnesota;
Rick Sund and Mark Sibley of
Northwesternd Mark Wagar of
Ohio State; Bill Franklin of
Purdue and Clarence Sherrod of
-Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO GIANT second baseman Tito Fuentes leaps over
Cincinnati's Buddy Bradford after Bradford was forced by Tony
Perez' liner to Giant shortstop Hal Lanier in the third inning of
the Giants' 7-2 victory over the Reds yesterday.
Utah sinks Kentucky, 137-w127
-Zelmo Beaty led Utah's bal-
anced offense with 32 points last
night as the Stars downed the
Kentucky Colonels 137-127 to
take a 3-2 lead in their best-of-
seven American Basketball As-
sociation championship playoffs.
Utah can wrap up the series
Saturday in Louisville in a na-
tionally televised game.
Frazier ready
for next bout
Frazier, world heavyweight box-
ing champion, who said soon
after his March 9 victory over
Muhammad Ali that he might
retire from the ring, now says
he is looking for a fight this
"I can't stay put anywhere,"
Frazier said. "I can't just ay6
back and rest. That's why I ask-
ed Yank (his manager Yancey
Durham) to get me a fight this
"Joe wants another fight and
I'll try to get it for him," Dur-
ham promised. "But I still would
like to see him retire. I tried to
persuade him but he's set on
fighting again.
"I got a telegram from Vince
McMahon of Washington and
Willie Gilzenburg of Newark,
N.J., offering me a million dol-
lars to fight somebody, they
didn't mention names, and I
guess they want it in Atlantic
City," said Durham.
Frazier leaves tomorrow with
his eight-piece rock band, The
Knockouts, for a tour of 29
cities in 11 European countries.
"I'll be back here doing real
workouts when we get back from
Europe," the champion said at
his gym. "I have to do some-
thing to keep the weight down."
Frazier said his present weight
is 215 pounds, 10 more than
when he weighed in for the Ali
Utah never trailed after spurt-
ing to an 11-3 lead in the open-
ing minutes and roaring to a
75-56 lead by halftime.
The Stars led by as many as
20 points in the second half,
although the Colonels made a
meager comeback bid in the
fourth quarter.
Kentucky pulled to within sev-
en at 132-125 on Cincy Powell's
three-point goal with 35 seconds
Kentucky center Dan Issel hit
33 points, 27 in the first half to
lead all scorers. Powell added
22 for the Colonels. Glen Combs
and Ron Boone backed up Beaty
with 25 and 24 points, respec-
tively for Utah.
Mentor Mota
CHICAGO (4P) - The Chicago
Bulls announced yesterday that
Dick Motta, the National Bas-
ketball Association Coach of the
Year, has signed a five-year
contract with the Bulls.
Motta's salary in the new
agreement was not disclosed but
Pat Williams, Bulls' general
manager, said, "We feel we
have come up with the finest
contract in sports for Dick."
The announcement ended
speculation that Motta, 39,
would sign to coach the Texas
Chaparrals of the American
Basketball Association. It was
reported that the AB9 team
offered Motta $60,000 a year.
Motta said that money w a
not the factor that persuaded
him to stay in Chicago. "I don't
think my job is done yet in
Chicago," he said.
One factor which led appar-
ently to Motta's decision was
that he will now be able to
choose his assistant coach. Wil-
lHams announced that Jerry
Krausse has resigned as chief
Play was interrupted briefly in .
the third quarter when Powell
and Boone started slugging un-
der the Kentucky basket.
Powell left the game with cuts
on his right eyebrow and left el-
bow. He was called for a per-
sonal foul and a technical was
whistled on Boone.
The Stars dominated the firs'
half, shooting 53 per cent an"
hitting five of six three-point
Combs, with 11 points, a'
Boone with 10 led Utah to a
25 first quarter lead.
Utah's Merv Jackson, slowed ' '
by a knee injury, sat out most of
the game but still scored
points, 13 in the second quart'
inks new pact
Motta had complained about
not having his choice as assist-
ant coach and the Texas offer
would have given him the right
to name one, presumably Phil
Johnson, Motta's long-time friend
and successor as coach at Weber
State College.
Neither Motta nor Williams
would confirm that Johnson will
now join the Bulls but Williams
said, "We will hire a coach of
Motta's choice."
Williams said that the length-j
of Motta's new contract is "what
makes it so good. "I don't know
of a professional basketball team
that has given a coach such a
long contract."
Motta joined the Bulls three
years ago from Weber State and
turned them into a NBA con- X
tender. The Bulls finished the
1970-71 season with a 51-31 re-
cord, good for second place in
the Midwest division and the
third best over-all record in the
The Bulls lost a spirited play-
off series to the Los Angeles
Lakers, four games to three.
A loving embrace?
Montreal Canadiens' Marc Tardif and Chicago Black Hawks' Paul
Shmyr exchange in hair pulling in Tuesday nights' game, won by
Montreal 5-2. The Stanley Cup final series now stands at 2-2, with
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