iP JAfr4i jau RUIA Vol. LXXXII, No. 8-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 19, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages 1. U.S. builds up fleet In Tonkin SAIGON (P) - Hanoi re- ported that large numbers of U.S. aircraft attacked the North yesterday follow- ing a buildup of American naval power in the Tonkin Gulf. Meanwhile, South Vi- etnamese f o r c e s pushed close to the besieged pro- vincial capital of An Loc in search of their first mean- ingful victory since the be- ginning of the anti-Saigon drive into the South. Hanoi's official Vietnam News Agency (VNA) said U. S. planes deliberately r a i d e d "many populated areas" in Ha- noi and the port city of Hai- phong "to massacre the civil- ian population." Another Ha- noi radio broadcast monitored in Tokyo said large numbers of U.S. warplanes attempted to bomb Hanoi and the provinces of Thanh Hoa and Bac Giang. and five planes were shot down. The U. S. Command declin- ed tocomment, its usual policy. It had reported earlier, how- ever. that strikes over the North during the last two days destroyed more than 80 supply trucks, four tanks, and three field guns. and damaged or de- stroyed 26 surface water craft and 34 pieces of rolling stock. Large quantities of fuel and fuel depots also were destroyed, the command said. The number of Seventh car- riers stationed off the South- east Asia coast rose to six for the first time in the war with the arrival of the 78.000-ton Saratoga. which came from the Atlantic Fleet. The Saratoga boosted the offshore American naval force to about 46.000 a- board more than 60 ships. A seventh carrier. the Ticonder- oea. sailed from San Diego for Vietnam Wednesday. At An Loc. southernmost of three fronts opened by the anti- Sal on forces during the six- week-old offensive. a overn- ment relief column moved with- in 21/ miles of the devastated See U.S., Page 7 ERA ratified by State House; Senate to decide LANSING (R--The state House yesterday voted to ratify congressional legislation proposing a constitutional amend- ment against discrimination on grounds of sex. The bill to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) passed the house, 90-18. The proposed amendment, which has been ratified by 17 states, would add a new article to the constitution two years after ratification by 38 of the 50 states. A companion measure was sent to the state Senate floor earlier yesterday. Comparable action is required there to put Michigan among the ranks of states approving enact- ment of the amendment. The amendment, a version of which has been intro- Ballad of John anid Yoko John Lennon and Yoko Ono talk to reporters yesterday outside the U.S. Immigration offices in New York following hearings on his deportation. The defense submitted, a petition containing 16,000 signatures, including that of Mayor John Lindsay, sup- porting Lennon. The hearing is set to continue on July 1. DIAG RALLY: Anti-awar protests A UV planned.forntoday By PAUL RUSKIN Local groups have planned a day of anti-war protests, billed as a "day of solidarity with the Indochinese people." A Diag rally, which is scheduled to last from noon to- day to noon tomorrow, will feature speeches by City Council member Nancy Wecshler (HRP-Second Ward), John Sin- clair, head of the Rainbow People's Party (RPP) and other local anti-war leaders. Organizers plan to dig two craters, each 15 feet in diameter and 4 feet deep during the rally. One crater is planned for the area in front of the Economics building and the other on the corner of State Street and North University as a permanent reminder of the destruction caused by American bomb- ing in Indochina.' Genie Plamondon, an RPP member, said last night that protesters intend to dig even though the University has re- fused to allow the Diag craters. She said that, "People seem to be willing to get arrested." A University spokesperson said that since, "The whole central campus area is heavily laced with utility lines, high tension lines, and irrigation lines, dig- ging piresents real hazards to people's safety." The spokesperson declined to say whether police would be called in to prevent the digging. He said the protesters are "un- reasonable" since the University has offered them various other sites for a crater, including the mall between Hill Auditorium and the Michigan League. Between speeches, four local bands-The Up, Darkhorse, The Knock Down Part Band, and Marcus will entertain. Organizers also plan to pre- -Asociated Press sent a slide show which depicts sits among his belongings while American bombing in Indochina s for evacuation out of Kontum and to hold workshops on various aspects of the war. duced to every Congress since 1923 reads: "Equality of rights under the law shall not ben denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." According to a report by the Citizen's Advisory Council of the Status of Women, the ratifica- tion of the ERA would not nul- lify all laws which distinguish on the basis of sex, but would require that the law treat men and women equally. The proposal was critized by several womens' groups, chiefly because of the apparent legal implication that women could and would be subject to the military draft. Probable ramifications of ERA would include: -The invalidation of protective laws for women which prohibit hours of work beyond a spe- cified number night work, em- ployment in particular occupa- tions, and weightlifting laws; -The eligibility of men for ali- mony payments in those states where alimony is limited to women; -The extension of dowery rights to men in those states where men do not have a right in their wive's estates; and -The extension of equal Social Security benefits to widowers of covered women which are now provided to widows of covered men workers. Adoption of the measure would restrict only governmental ac- tion and would not effect private employment. The House's seven-member women's delegation . generally supported the proposal. Only Reps. Joyce Symons (D-Detroit) and Josephine Hunsinger, (D- Detroit) opposed it. Sixteen male colleagues also disapproved. Ratification of the equal rights amendment for women came, as the House opened de- bate over a $45,000 spending budget for the Michigan Wom- en's Commission. The sum was deleted from an $80 million general governmen- tal budget bill by the House Apppropriations Committee, al- though Gov. William Milliken recommended it. Rep. Marvin Stempien (D- Livonia) who introduced the House's equal rights ratification bill, also proposed cutting out the $45,000 subsidy for the women's commission. He maintained the unit be- longed under the Social Services Department rather than in the governor's office. No final decision was reached yesterday on the issue. State law helps figt pollution By DIANE LEVICK A recent study of the cases filed under the state Environ- mental Protection Act (EPA) shows that the statute is help- ing in the fight to protect the environment. Michigan passed the EPA in 1970 and became the first state to give citizens the -right to bring polluters to court. University law Prof. Joseph Sax, the author of the EPA, says that his study reveals that citi- zen participation in environmen- tal control is "not merely an empty slogan." Sax and law student Roger Conner surveyed all court cases filed under the EPA during the first 16 months after enactment. He cites the following results stemming from them: Prof. Sax -Government and industry re- spond to r' ;sure for reform when prodded. -Regulatory a g e n c i e s are more often victims of political pressure than villains to the environment. -Well-informed common sense plays a major role in resolving environmental controversies. According to Sax, the most important effect of the EPA is that it "has given to ordinary citizens a confidence that is possible for them to have 'their day in court' in the fullest mean- ing of that phrase." Sax notes that during his See LAW, Page 7 A SOUTH VIETNAMESE child waiting recently with his parent in the central highlands.