UP6 A 5l s (~f~I1 FOf MUSTYH HAV6> CWMPASS(O). Dist. Pobishers-Ha Syndiat. O k' SO W6 O1*lATE /U ET. I BICOL, T h SHE gCTYTEE 70 WIA Q.FY OW OFFIC6. Primary assessment ALABAMA GOV. George Wallace apparently hit the peak of his career with twin victories in Tuesday's primaries here and in Maryland. At the same time, Sen. George McGovern has scored a victory by beating Hubert Humphrey for second place in Michigan, which had been considered a walkaway sec- ond place for Humphrey just a few weeks ago. While Wallace lies in Holy Cross Hospital, recover- ing from an attempted assassination, it seems less than fair to castigate him personally. It is nonetheless re- markable that his emotional anti-busing campaign man- aged to rally the support of more than half of Michigan's Democratic primary voters. A good deal of the Wallace vote can be attributed to Republican cross over voting in the democratic primary. This unfortunate practice obscures the real meaning of the vote, except to indicate that a contrived issue-bus- ing to achieve racial balance-seems to have taken prior- ity over the real issues of the campaign-the economy, the war in Indochina, urban reconstruction. Wallace's victory with his busing stance .in a north- ern, traditionally liberal state should do more than raise eyebrows a few millimeters. A VIGOROUS EFFORT must be launched and sustained to clarify the real campaign issues and the candi- date's stances on them, paying particular attention to President Nixon, and democratic delegate count forerun- ner McGovern as well as second place Wallace. The people should know that George Wallace and Richard Nixon say they will end the war, but in fact be- lieve in aiming for a military victory by the United States. They should know that Wallace and Nixon - and Humphrey, too - talk about tax reform, but have no real program that will ease the burden on the lower and mid- dle classes by soaking the rich. They should know. too, that both Wallace and Nixon favor a state legislated morality and thus oppose de- criminalization of marijuana and abortion reform. OLD GUARD warrior Humphrey had hoped to make a strong showing in Michigan on his credentials and history. Instead, his dismal failure--he captured fewer than one fifth the Democratic votes in a state long con- sidered friendly territory-has nearly extinguished his chances for the Democratic nomination. -ROSE SUE BERSTEIN NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL TRAVIS EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR: ROSE SUE BERSTEIN ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITOR: JIM O'BRIEN PHOTO TECHNICIAN: JIM WALLACE Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1972 News Phone: 764-0552 Lett( These two letters came to The Daily trom persons who would not ordinarily write to a college newspaper. Cleve- land industrialist Cyrus Eaton is Chairman of the Board of the Chesa- ieake and Ohio Railway, and serves as trustee to several universities. Hugh Hester is a retired brigadier general who served in the U.S. Army tor 34 years. Following both world wars, he was decoeated for gallantry by the U.S. and French governments, awarded with the Distinguished Service Medal and the French Legion of Honor. We consider it appropriate to reprint Eaton's letter-which first appeared in the New York Times-and Hester's- which he has sent to President Nixon -to demonsteate how swidespread dis- - fection with the war in Indochina has become. To The Daily: THE IVY League Presidents have rendered a great service co higher education in their joint statement of April 19 deploring re- newed American bombing of North Vietnam and its civilian popula- tion. Making this forthright dec- laration obviously took tremend- ous courage. Conspicuous among those respon- sible for our international policies since oWrld War I5 hove b e e n Dean Acheson, John Foster Dulles, Dean Rusk, William Rogers and Henry Kissinger, education as such fatous universities as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell and Ox- ford. The public has urgently need- ed the Ivy League reminder that the policies of these men are dis- cordant with the highest intellict- ual and ethical standards' of treat institutions of learning. FROM THE OUTSET. F r e n c h and Briish military leaders, fa- miliar at first hand with Asian campaigning, have pointed a u t that the United States could not possibly win in Vietnam and that if America persisted in pushing the war there far enough, it would find the Soviet Union and t h e Chinese People's Republic forget- ting their differences and combin- ing in a massive undertakicg to throw us out. It is alsowell known that Psests dent Eisenhower, with his exten- sive military experience, flatly re- fused to send American troops in- to Southeast Asia, even though he was constantly being pushed by some members of his Cabinet to get into the war in a massive way. The Ivy League statement de- serves to be read by every admin- istratpr, faculty member and trus- tee of every college in America. IF, IN THEIR own self-interest, all university and college presi- dents would speak up in the same vein, it would also help persuade our Senators and Congressmen to cut off the funds that permit the Administration to pursue an utter- ly immoral and inhumane course in Vietnam without public sanc- tion, and to subject the citizens of America to a crushing burden of taxation in a completely lost cause. -Cyrus Eaton Cleveland May 11 rs to The Dear Mr. President: THIS IS, I believe, the twen th letter I have written you si your election as President, Nov( ber, 1968. For your information am one of the millions who s ported you in the president campaign of 1968, primarily cause of your promise to end Indochinese war if elected, and abolish the Congressional 51a Act, euphemistically called Sel tive Service: an act which h made it possible for success Washington administrations to volve the American people in unconstitutional and immoral w and one which has now becom genocidal war of aggression, n ed and raw. This war is not o against the fundamental intere of the American people, but it n threatens the peace of the wa in the thermo-nuclear age, wl all wars are outmoded. Many of us, of course, w aware of your hawkish record, 1 we reasoned - certainly I did that you would keep your prc ise, if for no other reason th the fate of your predecessor, 1 Johnson, who destroyed him, politically because he violated promise not to send "our bi 8,000-9,000 miles away to do w Asian boys should do for the selves." None of those with wh I have talked even dreamed t you meant by ending the war, were talking about a U.S. milit, victory. Naturally, we feel betr ed-certainly I feel so deeply. NO ONE of us wants to hur fate the United States or vou.t vast majority of us are enlight ed patriots who place the intere of the nation and world above private interests of a few war x fiteers. We do not feel that, Daily acknowledgement of a s e r i o us tie- mistake, and its correction by a nce big power such as the United im- States, will humiliate you, y o u r- , I administration or any other pa- up- triotic American. On the contrary, tial we believe such action is the best be- possible way - probably the onl the way - to restore the deeply tarn- to ished record of our nation and, v e people: a record for which we are ec- all branded as international out- a s laws, a situation created by five ive post-WWII Washington administra- in- tions. an What can be done to salvage this ar critically dangerous situation? The. a deeply concerned, intelligent and ak- patriotic Americans have no alter- nly native to opposing your teelection sts unless you promptly honor your ow campaign pledge to end the war: rld a result every one of us devoutly hen desires. Even if you are defeated, it may be too late to retrieve the ere situation. But if you win and con- but tinue along your present course, -- I am confident the future histor- tm- ians will rate U.S. Government an post-WWII crimes in Asia, unless Mr atoned for promptly, at least equal elf in character, if not in magtnitude, his to those of Attila, Genghis Khan, oys Tamerlane and Hitler. Only you, hat Mr. President, can materially re- im- duce this horrible verdict of his- om tory. hat ALONG WITH at least 100 mil- you lion other concerned and loyal ary Americans, I urge you in the name ay- of humanity to honor immediately your campaign promise to end this totally evil war of U.S. aggression mal- which is destroying all of us spirit-, The ually, whether we know it or not. en- -Hugh Hester sts Brig. General, U.S. Army the (Ret.) ro- Asheville, N.C. the May 12 r 'Y 'e// .5 '.'1,M 4