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May 18, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-05-18

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Vat. LXXXII, No. 7-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 1 8, 1 972 Ten Cents Twelve Pagel

Vol. LXXXII, No.17-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 18, 1972


i Cents Twelve Page!

Wallace vict ory urts

Still stunned by George Wallace's landslide victory in
the state, Sens. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.) and George
McGovern (D-S.D.) hitched up their campaign wagons
yesterday and it was "Westward, ho" to California where
each hopes to strike it rich in that state's 271 delegate
winner-take-all primary on June 6.
Tuesday's vote, while representing an overwhelming
victory for Wallace's insurgent campaign also provided a
further boost to the rising hopes of McGovern.
With returns in the state now nearly complete, it ap-
pears that Michigan, billed as the major northern con-
frontation between party liberals and Wallace's self-
styled populist campaign,
resulted in a/rout in favor
of the Alabama governor.
Late counts show Wallace with
809,601 votes (51 per cent), Mc-
Govern with 425,898 votes (27
per cent) and Humphrey far at ivities
down the list with 249,346 votes
16 per cent).
If this percentage holds i: will 'j s-
give Wallace over 70 of Mich- 00 111L 1I1L
igan's delegates to the national
convention with 37 going to Mc- By MERYL GORDON
Govern and 24 to Humphrey. While anti-war protests con-
Analysis of the vote totals tinued in Lansing, new actions
shnw that Wallace was stronger were planned locally Friday and
than expected among the state's Saturday and nationally - in
blue collar workers. Despite last Washington, D.C. - for Sun-
minute anti-Wallace leaflet cam- day and Monday.
paigns by the. AFL-CIO, the gov- Yesterday afternoon 500 pro-
ernor's totals in three Detroit testers marched six miles to the
area counties-Wayne, Oaktand State Capitol for a rally and a
and Macomb-doubled those of 24 hour peaceful vigil on the
his two rivals. Capitol lawn.
In fact, Wallace carried all but Locally, a large number of
four of the state's 83 counties groups are s p o n s o r i n g a
Two of the four he lost--Ingha "day of solidarity with the In-
and Washtenaw-are the homes dochinese People" Friday.
and Whsahte'saw aretuhms Plans will be finalized to-
of te sate' tw larest500 night at a Tribal Council Meet-
versities, where McGovern din- ing at the Community Center.
played considerable strength. Presently, the protesters plan
Humphrey's dismal 16 per cent to confront the Regents at 11:00
showing, close to 200,000 votes at the Administration building
behind McGovern and nearly 10 Friday morning with balloons in
per cent below what he had a symblic mining of the Re-
hoped as a minimum, put an- gents meeting.
other nail in the coffin of a cleat- The activists will continue at
ly sagging campaign. the Diag where speakers and
Neither of the traditional Hum- rock bands are scheduled to ap-
phrey power bases - the black pear. The protesters also plan
and labor voters-came through to dig symbolic bomb craters.
or him in the state. The organizers hope to con-
The Wallace anti-busing blitz tinue the events through the
destroyed much of Humphrey's night.' Declaring S ast u r d a y
labor support, and muich of what "Armed Farces Day", people will
was left went to McGovern.. go to the Oscoda Air Force
Also, for the first time retiurns Base fortaerally at noon.
indicated that the South Dakota The local actions are partially
senator made inroads in black organized to energize people to
neighborhoods-an area of frus- continue on to Washington
tration in his prior campaign Saturday night. Bus and car
outings, transportation can be arranged
See McGOVERN, Page 3 by calling 76-GUIDE.

ALABAMA GOV. George Wallace reads of his primary victories yesterday. With him in Holy Cross
Hospital in Silver Spring, Md. is his wife, Cornelia.
Doctors give Wallace
slim1 chance of walking

By The Associated Press
One of George Wallace's doc-
tors said yesterday that there is
"less than a 50-50 chance" that
the Alabama governor will ever
walk again after being critically
wounded by a would-be assassin
on Monday.
The doctor indicated that
even if Wallace could eventually
walk, it would probably only be
with the aid of leg braces.
Meanwhile, however, Wallace
appeared to be in good spirits,
chatting with visitors and read-
ig newspaper accounts of his
two latest primary victories.
Dr. James Galbraith, a Uni-
surgeon who has been attending
Wallace, said the cause of Wal-
lace's present partial paralysis
is damage done by a bullet
which entered his body and may
have severed his spinal cord.
Galbraith said the impact of
the bullet caused the governor
to be paralyzed in his lower ex-
tremities, and that the paralysis
could possibly eas in time.
But he added that Wallace
has not yet regained any feeling
in his legs, and the longer he
goes without improvement the
worse his chances are for re-
Galbraith said surgery would
be performed within ton days to
remove the bullet, and that it
will be at least three months be-
for Wallace recovers to what-
ever extent possible. He said
none of his previous patients
had ever fully recovered from
such an injury, and that at best
they are able to walk only with
Fthe aid of a leg brace.
Galbraith said Wallace will
not be able to get around, even
in a wheelchair, for four to six
weeks. This probably rules out

any possible campaign appear-
ances until shortly before the
July 10 Democratic National
Other doctors disagreed on
Wallace's chances for a full or
partial recovery. Dr. Edgar Ber-
man, a retired surgeon who as-
sembled the team of surgeons
who operated on the Alabama
governor, said it will take fur-
ther surgery to d e t e r m i n e
whether Wallace will walk
He said however that "the

bulk of the indications" points
to permanent paralysis.
Meanwhile, in an attempt to
prevent future assassinationat-
tempts a Senate judiciary sub-
committee approved a bill yes-
terday to clamp down on the
sale of handguns.
Sen. Birch Bayh (D-Ind.), the
chief sponsor of the bill, said it
would prohibit anyone except a
police officer from buying the
type of gun that was used to
shoot Wallace.

Petitions seek statewide tax reform

Voters may be asked to approve two
amendments to the state constitution in
November, if current petition drives col-
lect enough signatures to place the issues
of public school funding and tax reform
on the ballot.
Two efforts - one sponsored by state
Democrats, the other by the Michigan
Education Association (MEA)-seek to
eliminate local property taxes as the basis
of financing public schools and fund
schools on a statewide basis, and to re-
move the present constitutional ban on
levying a graduated income tax.
Although the two efforts seek similar
reforms proponents of each claim advan-
tages for their specific proposals.
While the Democrats include both of
the issues as part of one petition, the
MEA asks voters to sign separate peti-
tions for each issue.
Democrats say they are reluctant to
ask repeal of the property tax without
instituting a graduated income tax to
provide money for school funding. MEA,

however, believes eliminating the proper-
ty tax for school funding and repealing
the ban on the graduated income tax are
individual issues which should be voted
on separately.
Rep. Marvin Stempien (D-Livonia) ar-
gues that separating the two issues "thre-
atens the goal of providing tax relief to
the majority of taxpayers, while at the
same time establishing an adequate and
stable source of funding for schools."
According to the Democrats their pro-
posal-"Better Education-Sound Taxa-
tion" (BEST)-would eliminate existing
local property taxes and replace the reve-
nue with two statewide taxes, one on
business property, the other a graduated
tax on individual income.
The plan would also bar the state from
levying a flat rate tax on income.
Democrats say the BEST proposal also
-property tax relief to renters as well
as homeowners.
-the ability of each school district to

maintain its existing level of educational
-statewide support for vocational,
compensatory and special education; and
-local control of educational policies
and practices.
One MEA proposal would allow the
state and political subdivisions of the state
to levy a graduate or a flat-rate income
The other proposed amendment would
establish a maximum limit on taxes the
state could impose on personal proper-
ty. It would have the legislature estab-
lish a program of general state taxation
and a method of distributing funds for
the support of districts.
Under the MEA proposal the legislature
would also establish a method of distri-
buting the supplementary funds for in-
termediate school districts, vocational ed-
ucation and compensatory education. .
The constitutionality of financing pub-
lic schools through local property taxes

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