page three l4E~ Sitrii n tt BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 Tuesday, August 22, 1972 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: 764-0552 The ultimate in comfort: NASA's anti-gravity toilet! By CARLA RAPOPORT Ever wonder how the astro- nauts go about the untidy busi- ness of excretion?.. NASA has finally modernized the unglamorous side of s p a c e travel and unveiled its plans for the first anti-gravity toilets. f Obviously tired of the catheter routine, veteran astronauts had explained to the NASA scientists that space travel could never go commercial if paying passengers had to submit to tubes and bot- ties twice a day. Thus, the "Earth-like Bath- room Commode System" was de- veloped and will be ready f o r human use shortly. According to { NASA, space travellers will use; the toilet in the same manner jet airplane toilets are used. Y But while the outside of the ma- chine may look familiar, the in-: sides are dramatically different.r In space, high velocity a i r- streams will compensate f o r earth's gravity to force the solid and liquid matter into separate# chambers once it's excreted fromĀ° the body. Airstreams also willh assist in the operation of a me- chanical water flush for cleaning after each passenger's use. Faced with the unsavory prob- The new 'space toilet' lems of storing the, waste, scien- tists designed a miniature freeze- , t d ying component into each toilet. LSPLITMODE Once the excrement is flush-' ed into the machine, it is vacuum dried, stored and chemically treated to prevent odor and bac- - terial growth. This process is so appealing to toilet experts that commercial > airlines are presently studying -t this type of vacuum drying and - storage system to reduce their s r present maintenance and opera- es tional costs. * - There is only one question left for NASA to solve now: How can the government market the NASA photos freeze-dried packets of feces? And here's what makes it work Protests by, middle-class p lag9ue Chile SANTIAGO, Chile, (A) - Most of Chile's 150,000 shop- keepers closed up yesterday in a strike against Presi- dent Salvadore Allende's socialist policies, which they claim are cutting up their profits and exposing them to "state persecution." The shopkeepers are mostly middle-class persons whose buying power has been cut back due to reforms which have increased the income of the working class. In addition, Allende's reforms have caused a shortage of some consumer goods, because more persons have been able to afford products. Allende responded yesterday by invoking an inter- nal security law that permits the state to take over businesses. An announcement labelled the strike illegal and politically mo- tivated. An accompanying executive order authorized government of- ficials "to break into estab- lishments that sell essential goods and sell directly to the poblic." These include food stores and restaurants. Shopkeepers who are of for- eign nationality will be expel- led from the country under the internal security law, the an- nouncement warned. Chile's three largest business associations, i n c 1 u d i n g the Chamber of Commerce, sched- uled the one-day strike to pro- test policies which they claim have been squeezing big and small retailers out of business through inflation and govern- ment controls. Groups of angry demonstrators roamed Santiago's streets yes- terday evening shouting slogans a g a i n s t Allende's government and his attempts to break the strike. Police retaliated with tear gas and clubs. Sixty demonstrators were reported arrested for dis- orderly conduct. It was the biggest show of protest by private enterprise in the 22 months the Marxist Al- lende has been in office. NEW OSS HEAD VP's top priority is minorities Doekec*rs return in England LONDON (P) - Nearly all of Britain's 42,000 dockers returned to work yesterday, ending a month-long stranglehold on the nation's port lifelines. They immediately began back- logged cargoes from more than 400 idled ships. The end of the strike lifted threats of economic chaos and food shortages for this island nation that lives by foreign trade. But the total cost to Britain's fragile economy has yet to be calcuated. Shipowners alone lost morerthan $1 million a day and exporters about $1 billion in foreign sales. The nation's foreign t r a d e books have shown profits in only two of the first seven months of the year, a key factor behind the declining value of the pound since it was floated and fell on June 23. August trade figures, to be re- leased in early September, are expected to give the first precise idea of the economic damage from the dock strike. Priority in the unloading job went to ships carrying grain and animal foodstuffs in critically short supply. They had been ra- tioned during the strike as farm- ers fought to avoid mass slaugh- tering. Food supplies had been stock- piled before the strike and there was little evidence of hoarding by honsewifes. Only imported fresh fruit and specialty items like Danish bacon were scarce. In London, the nation's largest port, 14,000 dockers moved in to unload 231 idled ships. Six thousand dockers in Liverpool, the nation's second-largest port, resumed work only to find that a new strike by the clerical staff restricted operations. But 30 of the 50 ships idled there were be- ing unloaded. A local dispute in Aberdeen, in- volving about 1131 dockers, slow- ed work there. And some London militants continued picketing con- tainer depots. On a nationwide basis, however, the return to work was virtually 100 per cent. The settlement guarantees doc- kers about 200 or more jobs at inland container depots. The work had been going to lower- paid truck drivers while modern container handling methods were cutting the traditional work force in the ports. By MARILYN RILEY "My main concern is the rela- tive powerlessness of minority students in this University," says Henry Johnson, new Vice Presi- dent for Student Services. Since his appointment to the vice presidential post last April, Johnson has been faced with the task of opening the Office of Stu- dent Services (OSS) to the stu- dents he says most need its help -black scholarship s t u d e n t s, American Indians, foreign stu- dents or any student who is un- comfortable so this primarily white, affluent community. pronile OSS has five departments de- signed to help students. The de- partments are Housing, Health Service, Special Services and Programs, Career Planning and Placement, and Counseling (fi- nancial, religious, and other ad- visory offices are under this de- partment). As well as remaining open to students, Johnson envisions the direction of his office will still be determined by its student- faculty policy board-the first of its kind at the University. With input from the policy com- mittees representing each of its five units, the OSS policy board has in the past year been instru- mental in determining OSS poli- cies and projects. Johnson says, however, that he may find occasions when he'll disagree with the policy boards recommendations. "I don't anticipate a situation in which I could be violently opposed to a policy board deci- sion," he says, but he says he plans to reserve the right to tll the board whether their plans are "implementable or non-im- plementable." "The policy board keeps the administration i n f o r m e d" on matters of student interest, he says. The new vice president says he opposed the formation of spe- cialized dorm living arrange- ments such as the proposed Afro- American cultural living units. "There is no future for blacks in the area of separatism," he says. "It is too easy for separat- Doily Photo by DENNY GAINER ist-oriented people to go into hibernation." Be says that special housing units in general may produce "elites" or may tend to separate people according to their socio- economic status. In order to get more types of input in student decision-mak- ing, Johnson feels OSS "has a responsibility to remind the Uni- versity community and advise the president that equitable steps have to be taken" to insure all minorities are represented on all student governing groups.