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August 22, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-08-22

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Vol. LXXXiI, No. 68-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, August 22, 1972.

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Protest calm
at convention
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. 'P) - Some 3,500 people demonstrated out-
side Convention Hall as Republican delegates met inside last night,
capping a day of peaceful protests marred only by scuffles between
two groups of demonstrators and several arrests after an antiwar
Delegates, some of whom were jostled outside a GOP gala the
night before, cane and went to the first two sessions of the nas
tional convention unmolested by protesters.
The last groups of demonstrators marched off with police es-
corts and were led by anti-war veterans chanting "one, two, three,
four, we don't want your fucking war" as the convention session
broke up. Few, if any, delegates even saw the protesters, as they
left the hall by back and side exits.
Meanwhile, this was the scene inside Convention Hall:
" Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, introduced as the "man
who would rather be right than be President," got a rousing ovation
as he told the convention Nixon was responsible for "one of the
most glorious chapters" in the nation's history.
Goldwater was introduced by California Gov. Ronald Reagan,
who noted that the ideas Goldwater presented in the 1964 campaign
were "so compelling they were implemented by the President who
defeated him," Lyndon Johnson.
0 Alf Landon, who embarrassed the Republican Party in 1936
when he carried only two states,. was honored by the convention as
"a great senior statesman."
* While the first two carefully programmed sessions went
smoothly, a floor fight apparently was assured over the issue of how
the states should share in votes at the party convention in 1976.
After nine hours of frequently heated debate lasting until late
last night, party conservatives on the Rules Committee pushed
through a formula for distribution of future convention delegates
favoring a coalition of conservative, small and Southern states.
The plan makes only minor additional concessions to big state-
liberal opponents. Spokesmen for those groups vowed to carry their
battle to the convention floor today.
Pat Nixon received a tumultuous ovation from the floor as a
first lady whose "deep interest and rapport with people" has made
her "a force in her own right.
A nine-minute color film, narrated by actor James Stewart,
gave an unusual salute to her as a good-will ambassador with gen-
tleness and human warmth that makes people "take her into their
There were scenes of her travels at home and abroad, kissing
children, shaking hands and smiling.
* Swami Vishnu-Devananda took off from Norfolk, Va. yesterday
in a plane painted with moonbeams and smiles, vowing to drop a
"peacebomb" on the Republican convention.
The self-styled "Flying Swami", who has dropped his peace
bombs on such world trouble spots as Northern Ireland and the
Middle East, says he plans to drop a "bomb" of peace leaflets and
flower petals on the convention ceiter today or tomorrow.

ANTIWAR ACTIVISTS (bottom), led by three Vietnam veterans in wheel chairs, shout slogans as th
peacefully marched past the Miami Beach Convention Hall yesterday. Inside the hall (top), these de
gates ire acclimating themselves to the huge gathering of Republicans.
War settlement sees syNov.;
Thien's position gels shakier

Dispatch News Service
SAIGON - There is growing
speculation here a cease fire
may be possible before the
American presidential elections
in November.
It is widely believed here


P.1.s mysteriously dies
By JIM KENTCH May when representatives from ure sign, said that the govern-
Unlocatable former owners ... both the Washtenaw County and ment seizure was recently lifted
close-mouthed new owners . . . City Boards of Health visited and management of the property
expired health license . . . piled P.J.'s and informed the owners turned over to Randolph Man-
up taxes . . . that they ,were operating with- agement.
Once the nerve-center of out a license to operate a food "It wasn't in the best Interest
school-spirited students and af- services establishment. The $25 of the government to keep the
ter-movie date crowds, P.J.'s license had expired April 30, and seizure, so we lifted it," Sullivan
Restaurant has suffered a ser- the health officials told P.J.'s said. She also said that she was
ies of cloudy mishaps in recent proprietors to get a new license not at liberty "to go into detail"
months and still stands closed or they would be shut down. The about the grounds for the seiz-
"s 1 x ure.
The extremely valuable cam-
pus property would have b e e n
sold at public auction if t h e
seizure had not been lifted.
An official of Randolph man-
. agement said yesterday that
"P.J.'s, as a 'business, has ceas-
ed to exist. It's not necessary to
discuss what happened, but we
are now managing the property
and are in the process of nego-
tiating a new lease."
When asked if he knew the to-
cation of the former proprietors
of the restaurant, John a n d
for undeterminable reasons. owners never applied for a re- Mike Wehab, the Randolph offic-
Perhaps the most dramatic newal of the license. ial replied, "I don't know. Our
twist to the State St. resaturant's When health officials returned lawyers are looking for them and
closing was the bold black and to P.J.'s several days later, the I understand the IRS is too."
white sign posted a few days door was locked and a hand- The Randolph official wouldn't
ago: written sign said "Closed." say what kind of business might
"WARNING: U.S. GOVERN- Later the IRS sign concerning occupy the abandoned property
MENT SEIZURE. This property seizure of the property was post- at 330 S. State, And until the
has been seized for nonpayment ed. Wehabs are located, the federal
of internal revenue taxes . . ." Gail Sullivan, an IRS employee government is minus some back
The P.J.'s affair began 1 as t whose name appears on the seiz- income taxes.

President Nixon wants the
American prisoners of war re-
turned to the United States and
direct American involvement
ended in Vietnam to assure his
re-election. T o retrieve t h e
prisoners and to get out of Viet-
nam, he needs to meet Hanoi's
demand for a political settle-
ment: a tripartite government of
reconciliation, consisting of ele-
ments of the present Saigon gov-
ernment, neutralists, and ele-
ments of the communist-led Pro-
visional Revolutionary Govern-
The United States has de-
manded a cease-fire in prepara-
tion for a political settlement.
North Vietnam has countered
the two cannot be separated.
There are now growing hints in
Saigon that a secret compro-
mise may be taking place in
Paris. The compromise, if it
continues to fill out, would call
for a cease-fire between the
United States and North Viet-
nam - with the prior under-
standing the cease-fire would
mean a political solution along
the lines Hanoi has demanded.
President Thieu has become
openly worried about the possi-
bilities of such an agreement. In
early August, he publicly con-
demned the notion of a separate
cease fire settlement between

North Vietnam and the United
States. Sources close to Presi-
dent Thieu said recently he is
becoming increasingly nervous
about the secret peace talks in
Paris, despite reassurances from
Ambassador BunkeV here in Sai-
gon. Officially, there have been
no announcements of results of
talks between Presidential Advi-
ser Henry Kissinger and North
Vietnamese negotiators Le Duc
Tho and Xuan Thuy or of Kis-
singer's recent visit with Thieu.
American officials until now
have considered President Thieu
absolutely essential to holding
together the army and the
South Vietnamese administra-
tive system which rests on mili-
tary officers appointed by Thieu.
Without Thieu, who has been the
channel of the entire Vietnam-.
ization program, the Saigon poli-
tical and administrative struc-
ture would crumble, many
American government officials
here argue.
See CEASE-FIRE, Page 2
Chance of thundershowers this
morning, temperatures ranging
in the mid to upper sixties:


NASA unveil

See story Page 3

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