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August 19, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-08-19

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Vol. LXXXII, No. 67-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, August 19, 1972 Ten Cents Eight Pages
I~IRP lans
begint fo the
After watching while the Democrats and Republicans fought h
their primary races in"August, the Human Rights Party (HRP) is
now actively preparing for the November elections when it will at-
tempt to capture its first county and state-wide posts. -
The party, which ran a successful city council race in April -'
is meeting today and tomorrow in preparation for its county con-
vention next week.
According to law, HRP as a "minor party" of the state must
choose its candidates by convention, rather than by a formal pri-
mary ballot. If the party gleans a certain percentage of the vote -
this fall, it could graduate to "major party" status next year.
Also by law, the HRP count convention has been set for Thurs
day, Aug. 24. However, the party will he preparing their platform
and interviewing their candidates throughout this weekend.'-
Members expect the acceptance of the platform will he a sim-I
ple formality on Thursday when the nomination of candidates will
he the major husiness.-

Among the nominations to be
filled are those for county com-
missioner seats, drain commis-
sioner, state representative from
the 53rd district, and sheriff, al-
though it is not clear whether
the party will nominate candi-
dates for all the open positions.
The party's nomination for
representative to Congress from
the second congressional dis-
trict, for senator, or any other
state office will be made at the
the f1flulhitafn state-wide HRP convention Aug.
26 and 27.
gh sParty One possible nominee for
Uk~i~EUS ai ~ Congress, according to a.- party
source, may he Nancy Burg-
hardt, who ran unsuccessfully
C oziientiu
for a Fifth Ward council seat
this spring.
The first business of the coun-
ty convention, which opens at
10 a.m. today at the HRP offices on Thayer Street, will be for
hopefuls for the various offices to announce their candidacy.
Party sources suggest that people considering running for the
state representative seat include Gretchen Wilson, a PhD candidate
in organizational psychology, who ran as an HRP candidate for
school board; Eric Chester, a graduate student in economics and
a long-time campus activist; and Bob Alexander, the present
coordinator of the party.
The winner of the nomination will face Democrat Perry Bullard
and Republican Michael Renner, winners of the August primaries.
Although the party's nominees will not be chosen until Aug. 24,
there will be preliminary interviews of the candidates Sunday,
according to steering committee member Tom Copi.
However, HRP member Kathy Kozachenko says that candi-
dates who wish to announce themselves between Sunday and Thurs-
day will be allowed to do so. I
One change from past HRP conventions is that any person
who wishes to vote at a county convention session must register by
signing a statement, to the effect that the signer is a member of
HRP and lives in Washtenaw County.

A BLINDFOLDED NORTH Vietnamese prisoner of war (left) sits in a truck which was to bring him
to' Hue yesterday while an elderly South Vietnamese woman (right) weeps for the loss of her son,
killed by rocket fire southeast of Hue recently.
N. Viets launch rocket
attacks against Da Nang

SAIGON (3) - North Vietna-
mese rockets rained down on
the Da Nang airbase yesterday
in the heaviest shelling of the
year on that northern military-
civilian complex.
A barrage of 43 rockets hit
Da Nang and 24 more hit Chu
Lai, 50 miles to the south, caus-
ing 94 casualties. They included
one U. S. serviceman killed and
21 wounded at Da Nang, allied
spokespersons reported.
Rockets exploding in residen-
tial areas killed 28 civilians and
wounded 37. South Vietnamese
military casualties in the two
attacks were put at ten killed
and six wounded. Sixteen allied
aircraft were destroyed or dam-
aged. Among them were two

U. S. aircraft destroyed and
two badly damaged, the U. S.
Command said.
The shelling came as Henry
Kissinger, President Nixon's ad-
viser, wound up two days of
talks in Saigon.
Kissinger departed for Tokyo,
revealing nothing of what took
place in six hours of meetings
between him and President
Nguyen Van Thieu. The length
of the conferences during Kis-
singer's stay suggested that the
exchanges were of unusual im-
Over North Vietnam, U. S.
jets flew more than 340 strikes
Thursday, the U. S. Command
said, making a total of 1,000
sorties against the north in three

Taylor runs for Regent

The command said significant
targets included a bridge on
Hanoi's northeast rail line, 45
miles from China, that had been
knocked out before and recent-
ly repaired. U. S. Air Force pi-
lots said their laser - guided
bombs again put the bridge out
of commission.
The command reported a Navy
F4 Phantom was downed by a
missile Thursday in the Hai-
phong area and both crewmen
were missing. It was the 77th
reported plane loss in the 4i/-
months of the renewed bombing
campaign with 84 U. S. fliers
listed as missing.
On South Vietnam's northern
battlefront, government artil-
lerymen and jet pilots claimed
they knocked out five North
Vietnameseetanks yesterday in
an airborne troop clash with an
armor - supported enemy force
five miles southwest of Quang
That made nine tanks report-
ed destroyed in two days on the
northern front, where despite
U. S. air attacks the North Viet-
namese appear to have plenty of
arms and ammunition to resist
South Vietnam's counteroffen-
U. S. B52 bombers, keeping up
efforts to stem the southward
flow of supplies, dropped 900
tons of bombs in a sixth conse-
cutive days of raids in and on
both sides of the demilitarized
zone dividing the Vietnams.
today Sweather
Partly sunny and warm. Highs
in the mid-80's. Ten per cent
chance. of rain. Forecast for
Sunday and Monday: variable
cloudiness with chance of show-
ers or thunderstorms daily. Highs
mainly 80's, lows in the upper

Former Student Government Council mem-
ber Brad Taylor, '74 announced his candidacy
for one of two open Regents' seats yesterday
by blasting the present board's "refusal to
take action on abuses of the taxpayers'
Taylor, who is seeking the Republican
nomination for the November state ballot,
said those "abuses" include removal of the
University's ban on cohabitation in dormi-
tories, "admission of students by quotas, not
qualifications," the paying of salaries "to
persons whose job it is to advocate homo-
sexuality and lesbianism," and "destruction
of public property at April's ROTC building
During the summer of his 1971-72 SGC
term. Taylor, then a member of Young
Americans for Freedom (YAF), provoked a
storm of controversy when he testified vol-
untarily before the House Internal Securities

Committee (HISC) about alleged actions of
various individuals at the February 1971
People's Peace Treaty Conference in Ann
His testimony angered many radicals here
who made an unsuccessful attempt to recall
Taylor in last November's SGC election.
Taylor, a junior, says a state ruling ban-
ning students from state institution governing
boards probably won't affect him because he
will be a part-time student in the fall.
In his statement yesterday, Taylor said
that "The taxpayers can count on me if
elected because I will be a full-time regent,
not one who comes to Ann Arbor once a
month and receives all his information from
a Democrat-oriented administration."
The GOP nominations for the open regent
seats will be made at the party's September
1-2 state convention in Detroit, where Taylor
will contest incumbent Lawrence Lindemer
and at least two other candidates.


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