Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August 17, 1972 - I a GQ a] ge't the job done -=---i i (continued from Page 5) BIKES AND SCOOTERS TRANSPORTATION BICYCLE-built-for-two. Hand brakes, RIDE NEEDED to Yellow Springs, Ohio, FOR RENT good condition. Best offer. 663-6347. on or after Aug. 19. Will share gas ------_79Z66 and driving. Call Diane at 665-0608 INGALLS - corner of Huron, furnished or 764-0552. dG68 2-bedroom, $260-4-man, $240-3-man. WOMAN'S 3-speed English bike, with 663-4101 c~tc basket and lock. Negotiable. 769-0922. SITUATIONS WANTED - _ _74Z67 -- WANTED TO RENT FOR SALE - Soy's 2 . EM. GRAD STUDENT in Chin. Studies FO AE -Bys26 in. 3-speed e ossmn odn scng Schwinn bike. Excellent condition. seeks room and board in exchange NEED CAMPUS efficiency or 1 bdrm. Best offer. 763-6487, 77Z67 r babystg., It. hskpg., tutoring Eng. apt. Must haveoa/c, parking. Up to -_(esp. to Mandarin & French speak- $165/mo. Call collect, 1-547-8167, Art. WE REPAIR all bicycle makes. 24 Hour ers). Available- for interview 17-19 96L70 Service. N e n toai sovilasble. ALL Aug. Call Miss Kraker, 764-7400 re 96L7_-SPORTS5. 18 W. Cross St., Yps. 483- Susan Hinko. 89068 WORKING WOMAN wants room and 7194. Ztc KEEP TRUCKIN'. Odd o bath, N. State area, Sept. $20 reward! KEETUKIN d jobs, moving, 663-0889, 9-5, Margaret. 95L70 PEUGOT men's 10-speed. New, excel hauling, bar-tending, anytime 662- cond. $140.00, negotiable. 662-4331. 7720. 22070 SPLITTING IN JANUARY? 46Z66 Room or apt. needed for two people --- - MERCHANDISE FOR RENT Jan. 1 or thereabouts. Call Alan at '72 SUZUKI, 250-TR, 1100 miles. $550. The Daily, 764-0552. dL70 769-0130, 24 hours. 45Z66 TV and STEREO RENTALS-$10/mo No deposit. Free delivery, service ano WANT A QUIET coom tar foil torm, only for under $70/mo. Closeato cam- PETS AND SUPPLIES pick-up. Call NEJAC, 662-5671. cPtc pus. Access to kitchen or cooking privileges desired. Call Barry, 761- NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND stud service. PERSONAL 9032. 78L67 Call 483-5973. dT -_ - _-DESIRE FOR special task: male with MOVING? Truck & Driver for hire; rea- HELP WANTED excelient grasp of elementary func- sonable, 662-4049. 52L70 tions to intermediate calculus want- PUPPETEER for school assembly tour ed $100. Call after 9 p.m., 1-875-5741. RESPONSILE, single (26, female) doe- through Midwestern States, Sept.- 90F68 Sites a 1 or 2 bedroom apt. tot the June. An interesting non-routine job NEED A PLACE to work on yourcas fall. Ca11 498-2206 ot wcite Sylia orequiring physical work, dependabil- or A Ace took n op go Lewis, U of M Fresh Air Camp, ityand clandrivin cord Slary or cycle? Advice, tools, and space Pinckney, Mich. 44L68 Pot interview, send rescme to Sax availble. WHEEL WORKS, 125 Depot. THREE TEACHERS need large house 38, Saline, Mi. 92N70 569-0493. . F70 orquiet duple.663-1195. a dL6rg dPING-PONG, BOWLING CARPENTERS FOOSBALL and BILLIARDS FOR SALE Steady work. Ca11 624-4131 between 9-5 MICHIGAN UNION ___ _ daily. An equal opportunity employer. Open 'til 1 a.m. Fri. and Sat. MOBILE HOME-1971 Mansion, 60x12H H70 0F68 skirted. Furnished. Excellent condi- LEGAL SEORETARY for Detroit law HEDONISTS! Avoid the hassle. Let lIon. 663-1067. 91B68 office representing indigent criminal Saturday Night Insurance find you LEATHER MIDI COAT with fox fur defendants on appeal. Salary de- dates. 6-10 p.m. 663-1392. cFtc trim, size 14.Brand new U.S. diver pendant on experience. Call 1-222- ORGANIC HONEY-1 b., 65c; 2 lbs. standard cylinder. Call 663-3974 after 8850 for interview. 65H67 $R.AN; ROs, Y.; 5., 65. 2vlbs. .______8_____B70______ $1.20; 3 lbs., $1.70; 5 15s., $2.75. Esery 5. 80070 HOUSEKEEPER-COOK, %2 time, 3-7 Wednesday and Saturday at the 10-SPEEDS-19 in. RALEIGH purchased p.m. Car desirable, good pay. Big Farmers' Market. Adams Honey Co. for $100, 24 in. Moto Confort pur- kids. Call 764-6161 8-5 p.m. 54H66 88F70 chased for $120, seldom ridden, best TYPIST: lots of typing. $2.50-3.50/hr. JRENT RIPOFF? TYPfeT:. 6s63-31y3ng.7$B,8 t offers. 663-3183. 7OB68 Secretary, surgeon needs experienced Pcotect yourself. Learn the what's and BACKPACKERS - One knapsack with secretary. whm',pof ' tenant-landlord hassles frame, one down sleeping Sag, and Clerk, 50 wpm, good phone personal- seen from the point-of-siew of the ne pair ofnsice nine hiking 'shoes ality needed. $100/wk., fee paid. captive tenant. Buy TENANTS AND for sale. Call Jim at 764-0552. dsS PERSONNEL SYSTEMS, Employment THE, URBAN HOUSING CRISIS. . J 4Agcy., 1945 Stadium, 761-5252. 48H66 Paperbound $3.95, clothbound $8.95. SOFA BED. Will negotiate. Call after Prepaid only, from The New Press, 5.663-8422. 63B67 EXPERIENCED PAINTERS needed, 2 9200 Island Lake Road, Dexter, Mich- weeks steady work-principally inter- igan, 48130. 97F70 FOR SALE-1 clarinet, new pads, $25. lor painting. Call 761-3025 or 483-8941- 1 sleeping bag, used once, w/air after 6 p.m. 55H67 matress and stuff sack, $25. Call Dar663-4944. dB66 LEGAL COUNSEL wanted by all-cam- pus student government to imple- BMW 1968 motorcycle with side car, ment legal advocate program. Full- $1000. IBM Executive typewriter, time position. Lawyer interested in $120. 3 speed bicycle, $30. Box 15, student legal issues. Experience withL Daily. 12B66 student government and lobbying preferred. SGC 3-X, Michigan Union. BAR-SIZE refrigerator. 36" tall. Dark 763-3241. 75H68 wood finish. $95. 761-1932. 42B66f MODELS, AMATEUR OR PROFES- COOL OFF! Good, Cheap Small Air SIONAL needed for art and photo- Conditioner. 761-5768. dB62 graphic classes and general modeling. Please reply to A/P Service Center, r rr 0 CAR SERVICES, ACCESS. P.O. Box 2245, Ann Arbor, $0106. o s 62063 A FINER PLACE to get your foreign LOST AND FOUND through DAILY CL car fiord. Cheap rates, fully guar -________________ anteed. WHEEL WORKS, 769-8493, ask f r Steve.L K 7- LOST - Mixed shepherd, tan, dark markings, female, tags, responds toD "Vision." 769-3166. 98A68 Due to the rap ROOMMA TES WA NT E D - LOST-Brown leather wallet. Initiated semester's end, ROOMMATE(S) wanted or want to KK. Need ID. Reward. Kathy, 455-L rent with 1, 2 or 3 other women. 7966. 64A67 must be prepcii Preferably seniors or grads. Call or-- write Nancy, 25090 Devon Dr., Frank- FOUND-White cat w/black and brown lin, Mich. 48025. (313) 626-5728. 72Y70 patches on back. Grey eyes. Call Das, Come on in to 4 662-2832, 763-2368 dA66 FEEL YOUR LIFE is dull-beyond the -1-a.m.-4P.m fringe-just plain common? JOE!- FOUND-3 mo. old female black cat on m guaranteed to lift your spirits and S. Forest, near Hill. 663-6247. dA66 renew your faith in humanityas a -- -- ------__ orethan-afriend-LOS T-Large grey male cat, recently UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS 1 day 2 doys 3 doys 4 does 5 dovs 6 days add 0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3 90 4.50 .55 11-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 3.90 480 5.60 .75 16-20 1.30 2.60 3.60 4.80 5.90 6.80 .85 21-25 1.55 3.10 4.30 5.70 7.00 8.10 1.05 26-30 1.80 3.60 5.00 6.60 8 10 9.40 1.20 31-35 2.05 4.10 5.65 7.40 9.05 l0.50 1.35 36-40 2.30 4.60 6.30 8.20 10.00 11.60 1.50 41-45 2.55 5.10 6.95 9 00 10.95 12.70 1.65 46-50 2.80 5.60 7.60 9.80 11.90 13.80 1.80 INCHES 1 2.80 5.60 7.60 9$0 11.90 13.80 1.80 2 5.20 10.40 14.65 19 10 23 45 27.60 3.60 3 7.40 14.80 21.10 27.60 34.00 40.20 5.40 4 9.40 18.80 26.95 35.30 43.55 51.60 7.20 5 11.20 22 40 32.20 42.20 52.10 61.80 9.00 N.B.: Each qroup of characters coupts as one word Hyphenated words over S characters count as two wards (this includes telephone numbers) 10 lines eauoIs 1 inch 5 words per line PERSONAL PERSONAL RIVE GAUCHE will re-open September FOR SALE-Two Lions-Browns tickets. 1. Corner East U and Hill. . cF70 Call 763-6309 persistently. 86F68 THE DISTINCTION of being South U's SEWERS, crocheters, afghaners, quilt- only drugstore belongs to The Village ers, macrameers, ruggers . . . A chance Apothecary. ctFct to sell your creations: HAND-MADE THINGS (Maynard & William down VISIT Ann Arbor's only gem lab before the alley) opening in September. Call you spend your money needlessly. Carolyn, 426-3705; Jane, 603-6572. Fine quality diamonds and low prices 47F68 on all engagement and wedding rings. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. Uni- LAWN MOWING - Reasonable rates. versity, 663-7151. cFtc Call 663-0338. dF MAKE IT WORTHWHILE! XEROX AND OFFSET Want to meet students from many Fast, low-cost duplicating countries and create lasting friend- COPY QUICK ships? Come to ouc ficst meeting, 1217 S. University 769-0560 D 0,00. 00,9iRjn iii. ,iil i T Z-1AY EPT.12 8 p m., Unde graduate Library, Multipurpose Room _ _t_ (3rd Floor). WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod or Tra- Internationa1 Students Association ditional Style. Call 761-0942 anytime. (American and Foreign Students) -- - cF70 PAINTING U of M BARBERS Experienced, fast, reliable, cheap. Call Tom, 663-6153. 67F70 Professional WIN A FREE GAME Hairstylists PLAY M-PIN BOWLING ONLY AT THE MICHIGAN UNION Open PREGNANT AND NEED HELP? Call 8:30 .m -5 1 5 p. m Problem Pregnancy Help, 769-7283. MOn.-Sat Available 24 hours. 12F70 TENNIS LESSONS-Former UM player, MICH IGAN UNION Country club pro, Individual or group. 665-4720. c -t- -- BUMPER STICKERS custom printed while-U-wait! $2. MBL Press, 1217 CLASSIFIED Prospect, Ann Arbor. 761-0942. cFtc POLICY - Advertisements may be removed HANCE! lr. ASSIFIEDS id approach of all classifieds d. 20 MAYNARD . MON.-FRI. from publication, but will be billed according to original number of days ordered. This policy is applic- able as well to ads requiring prepay- ment, i.e., no refunds. AD SUBMIS- SIONS, CANCELLATIONS & COR- RECTIONS MUST BE MADE BY 12:00 NOON OF THB DAY PRIOR TO THE DAY THEY APPEAR IN THE PAPER. "Help Wanted" ads cannot discrim- inate on the basis of sex, color, creed, or national origin to any ex- tent (.;., "preferably" is still dis- criminatory). "Found" ads are run free-of-charge to a maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot be disclosed p r i o r to publication. Advertisers names may NEVER be revealed. Number of lines in advertisement is determined by total number of ords-5 ordas/line. A WORD: Hyphenated words under' 5 charac- ters. Hyphenated words over 5 char- acters, i.e., phone numbers-2 words. goig cnen voeLa rena - 5 "y w _ more than a partner-super room- neutered. Yellow eyes. Few small mate! With fireplace, garden and red white spots. Cherished pet. Reward, hair-what else could you want for Call 662-6634 after 6:30 p.m 58A70 $95/month? 665-3300 anytime. 75Y66 ________________________FOUND-Kitten, 2-3 aos old, grey and LAW STUDENT wants own room in white, vague tiger markings. Madison- apt. or house for F/W. Write Larry Division. 761-5398. dA66 Smith, 001 Austin, Park Ridge, Ill.' 35Y7 FOUND-1 yr. old female part-beagle dog. Black w/white and brown mark- 2 WOM9N to share 2 Bdrm. Mod. Apt. ings. Brown collar. Near St. Mary's.s Close to campus, cheap. Cal i662- 668-7092. dA66 2249 71Y70 -. MUSICAL MDSE., NEED 1 GIRL, killer apartment. Ex- cellent location. Call 763-6217. 61Y67 RADIOS0 REPAIRS NEED 3 STUDENTS - Hilltop Manor SALE> (Ypsilanti). Furnished apt., $53.75/ 25% OFF ALL STRINGS man. Call Fred anytime, 485-2690. $1.00 OFF ALL HARPS 86Y68 MUSIC, TRINGS AND THINGS 516 E. William above Bike Shop FEMALE GRAD STUDENT Speciaaizing in hand-made instruments Seeks two roommates to share modern, cX7C a Iwo bedroom furoished apartment HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO near campusand"hospita 1aeasstat Folk classical inst u ents,foreign ing Sept. 1, 1972. Contact Sandr and' Arones, 101 Woodside Rd., Fayette- 209 5. Stai, 665-001, 16-6 ps m . vie, N.Y. 13066. Phone 315-446-4585. cXc 19Y7C __ FOLKLORE CENTER BUSINESS SERVICES New Martin 00028, $450 with case. Used and old stringed instruments. Re- THESIS pairs. Guitar lessons 516 E. William, TRANSCRIPTION-M.S. above Campus Bike. 662-0381. xcXtc PRINTING Serving the Academic Community APOLLO DRUM CENTER. Drum sets, For More Than 10 Years. over 20 sets in stock: Rogers, Sonar, TASK Ludwig, Gretsch, Siingerland. Priced- right deals. 322 S. Main, 761-1400. 761-4146 4cXc 40J6 . __---- ____.-----_ ____- --- GUITARS. AMPS, PIANOS. Fender, TICKETS Hohner, Maestro, Gibson, Martin, ___ ___ ____ G_ uild. O-stop ten1er. Apollo Music, TWO TICKETS to Chicago, Sat. nite. 32 . Main, 769-400. cXtc Seats 1 and 3, NN. Best offer. 761- 4772 persistently, 6-9 93Q66 PHOTO SUPPLIES TWO LIONS-BROWNS Tickets. Call MAMIYA RB67. 12 mo. old. $400. 349- 763-6309 persistently. 87Q68 1275. 84D69 A dvertising Career.? The University of Michigan only offers classroom exposure to advertising (i.e. theory and prerequisites). offers you EXPERIENCE in promotions, layout, design and copy writing. Stop by 420 Maynard St. Mon.-Fri. 10-4 p.m., and start your career