Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, AUG. 17, 1972 News Phone: 764-0552 Fair local elections WHILE IT IS admirable that the Human Rights Party the Republicans and the Democrats have joined hands to form a fair campaign practices committee, it seems unlikely the committee can significantly "clean- up" the local election scene. Ethical politics is a state of mind, not an enforce- able set of restrictions that can be imposed upon a candidate. Certainly, the fact that the committee has been given no power to enforce its rulings, is an admis- sion of its own ineffectuality. But any step toward more honest politics in Ann Arbor is a step in the right direction. Recent campaigns have been mudslinging orgies and the public deserves a breath of fresh air. -A.L. Sex credibility gap APPEALING TO THE baser instincts and curiosities of its middle-income, middle-aged readership, this week's issue of Time Magazine offers its periodic analy- sis of the sex scene on college campuses. Teenagers not only speak more frankly about sex, the magazine reports to its drooling readers, they also experience it more often than their parents' generation. That's hardly news to anyone who's under twenty- five, but the magazine did offer one startling revelation about the burgeoning sexual activity' among young Americans. According to Manhattan psychoanalyst Peter Blos, if a child attempts to grow up too quickly, he or she may never grow up at all. This is especially true in those who attempt sexual relationship at an early age before they attain the maturity necessary to cope with difficult emotional problems. AND THAT brings us to the point of this little dia- tribe. Have you noticed any great numbers of mid- gets on campus? Somewhere, there is a disparity. -MAYNARD Sweden tries honesty MEANWHILE, Swedish publishers have decided that sex and other subjects should be aired more openly to youngsters. Now available is an explicit sex manual for subteens which includes recommended positions for intercourse, and describes what an orgasm feels like ("It's like the tickling feeling you get inside your nose before you sneeze"), The avowed purpose of these books is to help youngsters better cope with sexual problems they will encounter in later life. The program's honesty is re- freshing. But really, what a hasty departure from inno- cence! -A. VANT GARD Today's Staff: News: Jan Benedetti Carla Rapoport, Ralph Vartabedian Editorial page: Alan Lenhoff Photo technician: Jim Wallace Summer Staff EDITORIAL STAFF Dan Biddle, Jan Benedetti, Meryl Gordon, Jim Kentch, Lorin Labardee, Alan Lenhoff (co-editor), Diane Levick, Maynard, Chris Parks, Carla Rapoport (co-editor) Marilyn Riley, Gloi~a Smith, Paul Travis, Ralph Vartabedian. SPORTS STAFF Bob Andrews. Dan Borus, Elliot Legow, BUSINESS STAFF Andy Golding, Business Mgr.; Sherry Kastle, Circulation Mgr.; Karen Laakko, Classified Mgr.; Fran Scherger, Display Mgr.; Diane Carnevale, Supplement Mgr.; Elliott Legow, Deborah Whit- ing, Carol Wieck, Assistants PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF Denny Gainer, Rolfe Tessem, Gary Villani, Jim Wallace. "I'm behind him 1,000 per cent . . an polluton save th i citf. --Muskegon holds its breath By CARLA RAPOPORT WITH INCREASINGLY s t r i c t "government controls on indus- trial pollution, companies are cry- ing that they are unable to bear the brunt of costly anti-pollution devices. Prices will go up, they carn. The consumer will simply have to pay for clean air a n d water. But in Muskegon, hard-nosed businessmen have devised a scheme which will not only help save the face of the most blatant polluter, but will also turn pollution into a marketable, profitable commod- ity. Ts oweeks ago, letters went out asking 1,200 food processors to bring their smells and waste to Muskegon. What's more, James Russell, director of the Muske- gun Industrial Expansion Commis- sion, says he is addressing letters to other known stink-pots, such as drug companies, chemical plants, and steel producers. Any new business is certainly good news to Muskegon. Dncera proud lumbering town, the city enjoys the highest unemployment rate in the country and it's white sandy beaches are now strewn with decaying fish and lake sew- age. In fact, Muskegon's only ma- or tourist attraction these days is thetSeaway Festival, w h i c h hosts the anachronistic Miss Mich- igan Pageant. What city could be THAT hard up? NOW, I WANT to tell you a lit- tle more about the town of Muske- gon, Michigan. There's a brand new parking structure downtown that took 43 years of haggling to build. Back in '50 and even '60 there was a crying need for park- ing space dotwntown. When Pen- ny's, Sears, hardy-Herp's a n d Grossmans would have their year- end clearances, you couldn't drive your car and make it through the crowds. Why, there's even no public trans- portation in Muskegon. And, for safety sake, don't mention the word bus within the city limit. So with this new pollution idea, it seemedthat city planneroshad reached the peak of absurdity. But, according to Russell, there's more to the story. County planners say that the country's new spray irrigation system, settoabegin ear- lv this year. can clean up the In 1uskegon, hard nosed businessnnen ,ave devised a scheme ulucli will not only hel) save the face of the most blatant polluter, but will also help turn pollution into a mar- ketable, profitable cominodity. It seems city officials got so used to arguing about that park- ing lot all those years that when they finally agreed to build it two years ago, the traffic problem had already vanished. On a bright sunny Saturday af- ternoon a few weeks ago, a re- porter counted twelve people on down-town streets. As in towns across the country, Thrifty Acres opened in the suburbs and t h e stores snuck out there one by one. Letters to The Daily The Lord speaketh To The Daily: AS ALMIGHTY GOD, I greet you. I want to extend My heart-felti gratitude to - all the editors a n d publishers who have treated Us with generosity in the past. Maiy have published these letters in their gracious newspapers. Many people are under the ir- pression that I Am all knowing. I reiterate: t Am but the H o 1 y Ghost in My beloved Son's body. I Am not all knowing but Sly Greater Spirit over the Universe is. A few despicable bastards had the audacity to vehemently doubt My Veracity; but as a few mangy sated with an equal fervor. Those that Love Me, Love shall drown out all hate and carry on ,o heights of greater glory, where Love becomes known and the re- cipient will Love throughout eter- nity and the glory of Love will en- dure forever. Where jtrue L o v e reigns, hate is forgotten and a tre value of fellowship will remain. With Love and Devotion, I close this blessed letter of understand- ing. As long as the Universe re- mains, My Holy Name will never be written on paper. My humble Son will sign this blessed Letter so that Hope is not denied. -Eugene Changey Aug. 12 waste from those firms which can- not meet federal standards in oth- er locations without drastic cost increases. According to Russell, the new system will send polluted w a t e r out to 6,000 acres of cleared scrub- land where the water will be spray- ed onto fields as fertilizer. MUSKEGONITES are hoping the "fertilizer" will transform their sandy wasteland into usable farm- land - thus turning pollution into a valuable product. Nearly 100 nervous industries save talked swith Russell and five have begun firming up plans to move to the port city. These businessmen will find the Muskegon school districts for their children inviting as well. Muske- gon has an extremely unpolluted set of schools, all white or all black and no worries yet about mixing them up. In fact, the North Mus- kegon school district was recently placed in the top percentile in a statewide testing. The Heights dis- trict, six miles away, fell into the bottom fourth percentile. d n e school district is white and one black. Guess. PERHAPS POLLUTION can re- vitalize Muskegon. Perhaps t h e experiment will bring Muskegonites together. If not, they can bronze the whole works and put it up next to the parking lot.