Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, August 12,.1972 r~ LX~ ~ g ge thejob done i 131. 163 9-a er. i 168 I (continued from Page 5) ROOMMATES WANTED HELP WANTED WOULD L IKE to live wih 'paltoolly DELIIVESTY000LP WANT1ED. 76-0, FOR RENT 0110000 100111e in fallI Coil Da1e. 1-35 007-0394. ----3 CARPENTERS ALL RETAL £ PERSON 1nee0e0 1or 7 man hoseinSStead10000o0k. Coal624-4134bewn9 1t _ fll062-6726. 85Y63 daily.Ant Iqo' l topotiyepl ROOM AND BOARD PERSONAL LOFTS FOR RENT-Reaonaoble. Eas1 Jakon ician017-782-9305.OEO X E ~X 1 FALL ROMand bord inquie 10ra- 011110ntty.Loestpriesintown. 00100ty 761-5145 eve. 77E63 Fastest s0r0ic0.Exclusive 4c 3c, 2e, 0c 001011g, 50 copies $1.50. Newest PHOTO SUPPLIES eq0u111. fon photograph reproductions and c00olo ork.Also redsuctions of maps00, 000100000 proutlOs, etc. AT CENTURY IMPRESS COPY CENTER The Best in 324 N. William o, 000n 9-6, 685432 Good Used Cameras HDISS todteSeae e WE ROY, SELL, TRADE Salturday Night Insurane findl you Everything Photograophic dates. 6-10 p.m1. 063-1392. ePtc DARKROM SUPLIES TENNIS LESSONS-Ponmer OR- player, DAKROMSUPLES Coutryclu01010r000Individual or LUMINOUS PAPER groop. 665-472E. epte D3 Hi s =e 37H SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM. TO SOW iYOU TRESE FINE APARTMIENTS, CHARTER REALT 665-8825 McKINLEY ASSOCIATE Fall Rentatls-Campos Area Ellicinooes, 1 and 2 bedroomss in en 001101000sad lcten h0us0s. in a1 616 Church for oor listin call 760-1120. INOALLS ocoer 01f0Hu101, loon 2-bedroom1, $260-4-man, $240-3- 663-4101. FEMALE GRAD STUDENT_ 1.0 t 00 1 oatooooto71000lt~deoROOM. AND ROARDin 1ex0hange fon Seek solototes tlootooshre odern0 100 ovtttto, 000111itthousekeeping. near 1n 0111 1 t ostopital areas10s0art- 0011 1rans.110a0t01101761-657L. 27004 ttg Sept. 1, 1972.001o0tac0 Santdra RO CEP IONISI 0000111001 0Q1ic, 00o1 Aron s. _01 Woodside Rd., PFayette- thet,o t 01 010setse ofthuorto vitle.N, Y. 11106,Phone1315-446-4585. 17-111g10 1t .-ter. Need:l co11000 19Y7C 1101010 too Otot 0101110n, 001101i1n0e, COPLE SEEDS 20001eo1l 0100to1shareft tmod10 10110.g1.51, y 2 0111111apt, 050. 971-1704, 301-0447. 7144 86 10Y7C FALL 30050 0R frYa 1&bbyoitev, o, Mon.t.oP& Pot., GIRL FOR FALL, n110ease. 1o0utlities - toStotto 010lttts110 cittcotol0lo 24769-51311.1001Y1000 Coo a0 1 0700513 016 anttOEast0 1. ate. .701-0014. 04002 _S WANTED TO RENT WANTED -Stdetslto00participate10 in 0011001111010on11 eciion maoking.t $40 REWARD Iorfnd0001g12 bodroomo Etarn111s0ariable. Call Ray1.0onBruce mtod- houor 00a00010000l1ad01110t00rental. 0-4 p.m. owoekdays at704-0347. 07007 Stop Naomoi, 835-2326, collect. 65L63 ------ --- -- - - 11s 00 MODELS, AMATEUR OR PROFES- oClo THREE TEACHERS nee4 large house SIONAL nereded 100 art and photo- on quiet doples. 663-1105. OL68 graphic classos oa104 geanal modeling. 10004d Please neply to A/P Service Coaler, -man, FORSALE P.O. Baa 2245, Ann Arboar, 48066. oCto I62065 Century Camera (At 001011001l10a0110) 4234 N. Woodwartd, Royal OtE Betweetn 13 and 14 Mile 0R1. LI 9-6355 Take I1-94 to Sothfie~ld Expn. Nonth to: 13 Mile-00en East 10 Woodward anod Noth (Mic1hi'ga Bank, Security all Diaer Choarges anoepted) PERSONAL REDUCED RATES Sul. 1-6 p.m1. BILLIARDS $1 he. TABLE TENNIS 50c MICRIGAN UNION cF63 MlEET OUR GANG OF BARBERS HERE EVERY' MON-SAT. MICHIGAN UNION cF63 MIND ENERGIES PHILOSOPRY ROUSE wi111 000000 doaatioans4du01ng Ihe 1111c0-ti010e anetval August 9 10 Augttto23. The donations 10ay 00 in 0the1010r0m offuniture, 0money, paiat, aeorsoreening forwindows and doors. Mloney will be 0e0o010e0 10 a load o0e0 ta public0 inspectioa. Donatios may 5be01040 at 122 Oakland. 88F63 Annoutning a REVIVAL of The Daily's Rod Writtingcontest. WhicSDailly wooten-poll. present or maybe-op- loll you the malt? Wha draws drastic coanclusions, wakea horrendos an alyaes, has no 00010100sense? Sobmoit yor ooainee and coamments NOW 15toBoa 420, The Daily. We'll anouneO APT. FOR RENT-Two girls needed 0o POTTER'S WHEEL minus1 waoo, $50. LEGAL COUNSEL wanted Op all-oaw- 1111 4-man apt. Own roow. 152.50 011. 663-7116. 240363 puaslotdenoveranment00Iatoople- 761-1413 eves. 34C64 -- - - -100140--mntlega1 advoateIpeagram. Full- -- - DIRL'S BICYCLE, lock. Elatae, 761-2111. time pasition awyer9000iltereste4 in 221462 stoden01l1gal1issue. Esperiencc0w110 RE ER ATIONSstudent coovessment and lbyn DOUBLEI HS 0000 BED willh Irame. 668-6228. prefeered. EDO 3-X, Michigan Usian. 6911463 762-3241. 751068 AreNowBeig BMW 11618cmatarcycle wills side ear, SECRETARY WANTED, goad typinsg, 3 Token for' Our $1666. IBM Execotive typewriter, aces Call Mrs. S. 763-2241. 760163 New, Furnished $121. 3 speed bioycle, $30. Sax 12, - LS N ON Compus Daily.146 Apartments BAR-SIZE rergerator. 36" 1111. Dark LDST-Collared black and while wale wold finish. $95. 761-1932. 421466 cal. 761-6742 persistentlly. 39A65 D AH LA/AN N 3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE - Quality MALE SIAMESE, grey warkings. Lost APARTMENTS ~and wunit erchandise : furniture, July 39, Manrse and Tappan area. N s glass and china, 200 LP's, baby sup- Please call 665-3147. 36A65 plies, swall appliances, rugs, linens, } books, and woch ware. Sat. and Son., LOST - 10 np Regssn bikerOreen. 545 Church 9-5. 3009 . Stadiuw (between Hard- Serial 00.1:1B-109486. Rewardo $50. 0111 lng and Srockwasn - parking on 662-5494.. 29A63 761 -7600 Harding). 05B463 LOST-..1 np. 'Holly' bike, Red; white _________________ HOUSEROLD SALE-Moving, wont sell loped handlebars. REWARD: $20 Call forniture, clothing; kitchen itrws, 663-5494. ,3OA63 MUSICAL MDSE., wiwc. Sat. & Son., Aog. 13 & 13, 13 ON- r l al hclton RADIOS, REPAIRS p.w.-6 p.w. 325 John 51. 769-5434. FOUND-i yer. old ooaag on FOLKLORE CENTER ___ Isnterested parties call 761-2095. dA65 New Marlin 00028, 9450 with ease, Osed COOL OFF! Goad, Cheap Swall Alr and old stringed instruwents. Re- Conditioner. 561-5761. 4062 PETS AND SUPPLIES pairw, Gutar lessons 516 E. Williaw,OL ENIS SHPDG.AC7 ablver Cawpus Bike. 662-0301. sXctc BIKES AND SCOOTERS DLD ENoL ic stEoPDOOSaRCpps AFOLLO DRUM CENTER, Druw sets, TRIUMPH, BSA, Norton Repairs - Phone 616-749-9517. 40T65 over 26 nets instck: Rogers, Sonar, Cheap rates, goaranteed. Jiw, 769- WANTED-HOME-Fewale oat, young, Ludwig, Gretseh, Slingerlansd. Priced- 0493.c7 right deals. 322 S. Main, 761-1400,e7 pretty, nice, spayed! 662-9051. 06T63 _________ eXtc '69 HONDA 450 CL; 6,000 wiles. $500. CAR SERVICES, ACCESS. -434-3197 after 6. 26264 HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO __ __________ Instruwents - historieal and wodern - '70 KAWASAKI 500. New ehain and A FINER FLACE to get your foreign wade and repaired, Lessons, wosie, spracket. Negotiable. 449-2161. 20Z63 oar fixsed. Cheap rates, golly guar- aeeessories. 665-8001, 209 0. State, anteed. WHEEL WORKS, 769-8493, 16-6 p.w. cXtc 1965 TRIUMPH 650 CC, low wileage, ask for Steve. cS70 custow scot, tank, front, Most sell. GUITARS, AMPS, PIANOS. Fender, 761-6930. 51263 Guild. One-stop center. Apollo Music, BICYCLES in stock: Bottecchia; Jeonet;Da l C as fed 322 S, Main, 769-1400. cXtc Chiorda; Atala; Freesn; Schauff; BSNS SE ICS Falcon, and wore! ALL SPORTS, 510 B ig R sults BUSINESS SERVICES W. Cross St., Ypsilanti. 403-7194. c~tc rng R NEED A PHOTOGRAPHER? Weddings, Portraits, etc. Call Terry, 761-4970 dJ61 THESIS TRANSCRIPTION-MS. PRINTINGO Serving the Acadewic Cowwunity For More Than 10 Years. TASK_ OI 761-4146 406 SITUATIONS WANTED KEEP TROCIN.Odd lobs, woving, FRTCNRGTOA CH CH P KRD OD hauling, bar-tending, anytiwe '662:- IS ONRGTOALCUCIACADRA 7720. 22070 On the Cmps- 2580 Packard Roai - - - -Corner Slate and William Sts. Tow Bloxam, Pasto Rev. Terry N. Smith, Senior Minister Sunday School-9 :45< CLASSIFIED Rev, Ronald C. Phillips, Assistant Triin-1o1:00 m ADVERTISING Tann or60 POLICY FIRST UNITED METHODIST FRTCUC Advertisewenta way be rewoved CHURCH AND WESLEY FISETISTRH frow publication, hot will be billed FOUNDATION 13 ohea according to original nowber 01133Wsteo days ordered. This policy is applic- Stale 01 Huron and Washington S able as well to ads reqoiring prepay- 5:0an 100a-Sro went, i.e., na refunds. AD SUBMIS- :0ad11:0am-emn SIONS, CANCELLATIONS & COR- SBooadcost WNRS 1290 ow, WNRZ 1 03 fw, 10:30 ow.earship RECTIONS MOST BE MADE BY 11:00-noon. Infantsroeaaslabl 12:00 NOON OF THE DAY PRIOR---- TO THE DAY THEY APPEAR IN Public Reoding Roow, THE PAPER. BETHLEHEM UNITED Mon., 10-9; Toes. days and Halidays. 'Help wanted" ads cannat discriw- CHURCH OF CHRIST Fotransportation Eall inate on she basis at ses, colcr,1 423 S. Fourth Aye. red, oa tional origin to any en- tent (i.e., "preferobly" as ntill dis- Telephone 665-6149 cinator51. Ministers: T. L. Trost, Jr., R. E. Siwonson CAMPUS CHAPEI "Foond" ads are ounfIne-of-oharge 9:0I m MrigPa .13 ahea to a maiwumof 3 lines tar 3 sdoys. 90 ~.MrigPae.13 aheo Inforatailn regarding content of 10:00 o..- Warship Service and Church classifled ads cannot be disclcsed School. Mintster: Rev. Don prior to poblication. Adoetiser nawes a NEVER be reeled, SAMARIA LUTHERAN, LCA Nomher of lines in advertisewm141 is 27HeitR.1bokSofPlod HURON HILLS B, deteei edby ttal 0 r31 50 Glacoe Was words-S words/line. Reo. Dean Tyson, Pastor Pastor: Charles Jol A WORD: Fawily Warship and Nursery-S :30 a. Frifomton.e Hyphenated words onder 5 chaeac- tees. Hyphenated words over 5 char- o Faculty and Students Welcome, help, etc., phone1 acters, Le, phone nuwbers-2 words. LET ANN ARBOR'S only diawand ex- best comwwents right here in the pert help yo style your engagewent Ilassifieds. dF62 ring. It ects less. Over 5.000 U-M -- - - men have. Austin Diand, 1209 S. OPEN TIL 1 ow, FRI. & SAT, University, 663-7111, e~to SOWLING, BILLIARDS & FOOSBALL SAM GLITZ never was responsible for MICIGNFUIO wy nor his own debts, in any wan -_______________ ner, way. shape or forw. HOs public LAWN MOWING - Reasonable rates. notice was porely rediculous.-Wanda Call 663-0330.,edF Olio., dF63 WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod or Tra- WE PARTICIPATE in the Bue Shield ditional Style. Call 761-0942 anytiwe, prescription prograw. The Village cFtc Apothecary, eFte. BUMPER STICKERS custow printed SAIL NORTH CHANNEL in ia ft.-boat while-U-waitl $2. MBL Press, 1213 Aug. 20-25 (approx.). 3 positions open Prospect, Ann Arbor. 761-09d2. csttc for experienced sailors and strong swiwwers. 761-6947, 15F63 NOTHING BETTER 00 do? Nothing J i ~ e a l wHNorse ta do? Cheek out tehe U. Cellar's mteet79-90,66F63 IWOULD LIKE to boy a new stallf HOUSE OF FAITH Spiritual Reader and Advisor Rev. Sally preaches, teaches, and heals by the power of faith. Let Rev. Sally help you find help and happiness. Rev. Sally is a spiritoal reader and advisor. 1577 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor 663-2980 Open every day including Sonday 9 a.w-9 p.w. c~ic XEROX AND OFFSET Fast, lost-cost duplicating COPY IQUICK 1217 5. tUniversity 769-0560 eFtc Order Your Subscription Today 764-0558- SHIP BAPTIST CHURCH d-971 -0773 tr--971 -3152 ond 7:00 p.m. p.m. OF CHRIST, Aoe. 1NODAY Seovices. Sunday School eSunday and Wednesdoay. 1306 E. Liberty St. -- -Sot., 10-S. Closed San- 668-6427. :L told Postems 1APTIST CHURCH hnson nspartatian, persoalized 769-6299 or 761-6749. LORD OF LIGHT LUTHERAN CHURCH, formerly the Lutheran Student Chapel and Center 801 South Forest at Hill Donald G. Zill, Pastor Sunday, t0:olSaow-Service Book 11. Wednesday, 5:15 p m.-Eucharist. ST. ANDREW'S EPSICOPAL CHURCH 306 N. Dtvision 8:00 a m.-Holy Eucharist. 10.00 a rn-Holy Eucharist and Sermon. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL ILCMSI 1511 Washtenaw Aoe. Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor Sunday worning at 10.15-Warship Servtce. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Woshtonow Aoe. Seroices of Worship-9:00 and 10:30 owm.- Se e 01m on: "Pulling It All Tagether." Preaching: Brewster H. Gore. Bible Study at110:30 am.