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August 12, 1972 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1972-08-12

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page three iigan E4ii


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Saturday, August 12, 1972


News Phone: 764-0552

IRA terrorists
aceidently blow
themselves apart
BELFAST (tY -- A teenage boy and girl blew them-
selves up in an accidental bomb explosion yesterday hours
before Britain called Roman Catholic and Protestant lead-
ers in Northern Ireland to a peace conference.
The main Catholic-based party immediately rejected
the bid for talks.
The pair killed in Belfast, a 19-year-old boy and a
17-year-old girl, died when a 30-pound charge hidden in
the girl's shopping bag exploded as they drove along
North Howard Street, the dividing line between the Pro-
testant Shankili and Catholic Falls Roads sectors.
The Provisional wing of the illegal Irish Republican
Army announced the two were members of its Lower
Falls Road.Battalion.

uoy rnor Dy JM-,L -t
What are you toying wifit
By DIANE LEVICK many students. "I got hit with it at a football

give money
to McGovern
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. ()-The
Amalgamated Meat Cutters
Union, which split with the
AFL-CIO to endorse Sen. George
McGovern for president, de-
cided yesterday to withhold its
usual $50,000 contribution to
the AFL-CIO's election year
A spokesman for the Meat
Cutters, which belongs to the
AFL-CIO, said the union would
instead give the money to "Mc-
Govern and candidates for the
Bouse and Senate"
The 550,000-member union
voted on Tuesday to give the
Democratic, presidential nomi-
nee $21,000 for his campaign
The 1,800 delegates to the
meeting adopted a resolution
yesterday noting disagreement
with the AFL-CIO on national
political activity.
In the past, said the union, it-
has contributed half of its col-
lected funds to the AFL-CIO's
Committee on Political Educa-
tion (COPE).

The British administrator of
Ulster, William Whitelaw, held
his third secret meeting of the
week with leaders of the Social
Democratic and Labor party,
the province's main Catholic-
backed opposition party. Then
lte calledrallsNorthern Ireland
parties, Protestant and Catho-
lic, to a peace conference Sept.
Whitelaw also announced 18
prisoners, interned without trial
as suspected guerrillas, were be-
ing released in addition to the
47 announced earlier this week.
But the opposition party said
it will send no delegates to a
peace conference until all the
remaining 265 internees are re-
Whitelaw received a helping
hand from the neighbor Irish
Republic. where troops and po-
lice raided drugstores a n d
warehouses to seize chemicals
that could be used to make
guerrilla bombs for the battle
in Ulster.
In Lonodonderry, the bomb-
butted sechnd city of Northern
Ireland, explosions wrecked two
grocery stores. The violence in-
creased tension on the eve of a
planned march there by the
Apprentice Boys, an influential
Protestant order, in defiance of
authorities and their own lead-

Kids are growing up faster these days, but
once they attain college-age, they revert to
childhood-at least when they hit neighbor-
hood toy stores.
Frisbees are still the best selling "toy"
among University students according to Alice
Platner. co-manager of Campus Bike and Toy.
But roller skates and kites are popular in the
spring, and water guns sell in large numbers
-a handy weapon against an obnoxious
friend or boring professor.
In addition to the bubble-blowing sets and
Monopoly games which college students have
treasured since childhood, a few new items
have hit the toy market and captured their
Several toy store workers agree that Silly
String, a liquid in an aerosol can which turns
into plastic string on air contact, appeals to

game once," says Anne Lankowsky, an em-
ploye at Kiddie Land.
Apparently even adults have been hooked on
"Squishies," colorful pliable plastic faces with
soft wax centers. Students can now sit in lec-
ture halls, squeezing the faces into any form
they desire, releasing all their hostilities.
Like Squishies, many of the toys that infat-
uate college students are small, inexpensive
items which keep the hands or mind busy.
To-yes and Soma puzzles. for instance, still
"One girl came in and bought seven puzzle
games." says Nick Watson of Campus Bike
and Toy. "She had come in to buy just one."
Such toy sprees are not uncommon. "Cou-
ples come in all the time and spend hours
looking around," says Stacy Hicks at Kiddie
See TOYS, Page 7

'Dare To Be Great' wasn't so
great, local lawsuit charges

A $3 million lawsuit was filed
Thursday against tycoon. Glenn
Turner's "Dare To Be Great,
Inc.," a program which alleged-
ly promises a future of wealth
and leadership in return for
large sums of money.
In what is believed to be the
first Michigan class action suit
against the group, plaintiffs
Keven Caskey of Whitmore
Lake and Terry Williams of
Woodhaven charged that they
were misled and pressured into
buying $4,000 worth. of sale
plans and self - motivation
According to the two plain-
tiffs. "coercion and psychologi-
cal pressure" were used on
them, they were given "false'
and misleading" claims of
wealth to be derived from sell-
ing the program to others, and
they were told that they could
"rise (to leadership positions)
in other Turner Enterprises" if
they succeeded in Dare To Be
Great, Inc.
The group, which currently
faces litigation pending against
them in 30 states, is operaitg
locally out of the downtown Ra-
mada Inn.
The plaintiffs, according to
representing attorney David
Goldstein.. represent an esti-
mated 500 state residents who
each paid approximately $2,000
to representatives of Dare To
Be Great, Inc., described in pre-
vious indictments as a high-
pressure sales and promotion
program which used a pyra-
mid-referral plan in violation of
Michigan anti-lottery laws.
Turner, who has headquar-
ters in Orlando, Fla., has said
charges against him and his
employes are meaningless, and
that they are not violating any
Michigan law because Dare To

Be Great, Inc.. is not a pyra-
mid sales referral plan.
In the event that Caskey and
Williams win their suit, the
money will be distributed among
the 500 represented. Goldstein
said the "500 figure is a guess-
estimate" based on state attor-
ney general findings in that of-
fice's investigations of Turner's
alleged illegal business practices
in the state.
Goldstein said a complete list
of purchasers will be demanded

of Turner Enterprises when suit
papers are served next week.
Albert Isaac, chief investi-
gator for the Consumer Fraud
Division of the state Attorney
General's Office, said the class
action suit "at this time" is un-
related to state action which in-
volves collection of data to show
that Dare to Be Great, Inc., is
continuing operation despite an
injunction issued two months
ago. claims which Turner agents

Senate to consider
Sovietarms pledpge

WASHINGTON 14) - Senate
Majority Leader Mike Mans-
field (D-Mont.), asked the Sen-
ate yesterday to endorse a U.S.-
Soviet pledge of mutual re-
straint as a prelude to approval
of the SALT agreement on nu-
clear arms limitation.
Mansfield introduced his
amendmenta t the start of
Senate debate on the five-year
interim agreement "to give the
Senate a choice."
Sen. Henry Jackson (D-
Wash.r,, continued to press for
his amendment committing the
United States to seek in future
negotiations an agreement that
will not leave the United States
in a position inferior to the
Russians in levels of intercon-
tinental strategic weapons.
The interim agreement, Jack-
son said, is vague and depen-
dentt ni unilateral interpreta-
tions by the United States, He
said it gives the Soviets "au-
thority to retain or deploy a
number of weapons based on

land and at sea that exceeds
our own in every category, and
by a 50 per cent margin."
Mansfield lifted the language
of his amendment from the
Declaration of Basic Principles
of Mutual Relatiotis sigised 1ast
May by President Nixon and
Soviet Chairman Leonid Brezh-
nev in Moscow.
fIt pledged both cotntries to
exercise restraint," try to
"a v o i d military confronta-
tions," and conduct negotiations
"in a spirit of reciprocity, mu-
tual accommodation and tu-
tual benefit."
Mansfield told the Senate ie
introduced his amtendment to
bring the issue to a head in the
interest 01 se king a final so e
early ntext seek in tesponse to
President Nixon's request for
prompt action.
Unsuccessful in achieving an
agreement on a time to vote on
the Jackson amendment, Mans-
field called off a previously
scheduled Saturday session.

AP Photo
McGovern in New York
Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern (left) poses
with former New York City mayor Robert Wagner at a news con-
ference in New York yesterday afternoon. Wagner recently
assumed the position of chairman of McGovern's New York
state campaign committee.

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