? e irsian Daily Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1972 News Phone: 764-0552 Stempien and Esech: Hardly a difference THE REDRAWING of Ann Arbor's congressional dis- trict has resulted in a situation in which local voters will have a choice in November between a tweedledee and a tweedledum. The new district, created earlier this year, places Ann Arbor with the Detroit suburb of Livonia, a city that is markedly different from Ann Arbor. In fact, it was that city's paranoia over cross-district school busing that caused Livonia voters to turn out in heavy numbers to ensure the nomination of hometown busing foe Mar- vin Stempien. In Washtenaw County, where massive busing is not a likelihood in the immediate future, voters gave Walter Shapiro a 3-1 margin over Stempien, and that figure was even higher within the Ann Arbor city limits. The result is that liberal Washtenaw County voters, including thousands of newly enfranchised students at the University and Eastern Michigan University, will have a choice between reactionary Democrat Stempien and moderate Republican Marvin Esch. Stempien, as a state representative, has been the champion of such causes as prosecution of student radicals (H3800), stiff penalties for "disrespect to the American flag," and anti-busing legislation. He also opposes abortion reform and legalization of marijuana. Esch maintains a liberal image at home by sup- porting anti-war legislation such as the Cooper-Church amendment. Yet when it comes to such specific defense matters as the ABM system, or the controversial "No- Knock" bill, Esch votes the Nixon line every time. Esch has also distinguished himself as an out- spoken opponent of extending workmen's compensation laws to migrant workers. WITH THE new influx of student voters in this con'- gressional district, it is appalling that there will not be liberal candidates to choose from, unless HRP fields a candidate. Certainly, holding the primary on a date when most students are out of town is greatly responsi- ble for this situation. But whatever the cause, local voters are assured of a two-faced campaign in November where congressional candidates talk liberalism in Washtenaw County, while preaching reactionary populism in Livonia, -ALAN LENHOFF New victory gardens RECALLING THE victory gardens of World War II, Sen. James Allen (D-Ala.) has offered a resolution in the Senate calling on Americans to raise their own vege- tables to fight inflation. "Self-help can be more effective than just passing laws," he said, "and vegetable gardens are just as im- portant to Americans in the _war against inflation and malnutrition as they were in the war against Fascism." So America, take heed. Beat your swords into plow- shares, and eat natural foods to get high. -MAYNARD Today's Staff... News: Jon Benedetti, Carlo Rapoport, Marilyn Riley Editorial Page: Alan Lenhoff Photo technician: Denny Gainer Summer Staff EDITORIAL STAFF Dan Biddle, Jan Benedetti, Meryl Gordon, Jim Kentch, Lorin Labardee, Alan Lenhoff (co-editor), Diane Levick, Maynard, Chris Parks, Carla Rapoport (co-editor) Marilyn Riley, Gloria Smith, Paul Travis, Ralph Vartabedian. SPORTS STAFF Bob Andrews, Dan Borus, Elliot Legow. BUSINESS STAFF Andy Golding, Business Mgr.; Sherry Kastle, Circulation Mgr.; Karen Laakko, Classified Mgr.; Fran Scherger, Display Mgr.; Diane Carnevale, Supplement Mgr;; Elliott Legow, Deborah Whit- ing, Carol Wieck, Assistants. PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF Denny Gainer, Rolfe Tessem, Gary Villani, Jim Wallace. Rumors inside the news R . as compiled by The Daily staff Help wanted Despite the astronomical un- employment rate in the State of Michigan, it appears that at least one job at the University may remain unfilled for awhile. The job? The position of director of racially-torn South Quad. According to sources, the Uni- versity's housing office has of- fered the job to two members of the South Quad staff. Both have declined to accept the position. The housing office is current- ly considering another list of can- didates for "the hotseat", which must be filled before the fall term begins in early September. And the hassles over South Quad may be just beginning. Last spring the Regents turned down a proposal to turn two houses of the dorm into an Afro-American cultural living unit. Despite this, blacks are choosing South Quad in greater numbers than ever. By fall, the dorm may be as much as one-third black, while the University black enrollments ov- erall is less than ten per cent. Political rip-off The University's Plant De- partment seems to be some- what selective in which posters they rip down from University building walls. Organizers of the "On to Miami" coalition put up over 500 posters an- nouncing an organizational meeting Monday night. The posters were quickly emoved by University personnel. "A security man followed me and tore them down as fast as I could put them up," one post- er hanger told us. "But the thing that really got me mad," he continued, "is that they ig- nored all the posters leftover from the primary election, and just ripped down anything that said Miami." "No comment," is the word from the Plant Department. It'll be a Editor's note: the following plans were drawn up by a nttmber at groups including the Youti nterna- tional Party, the Zippies, Vietnam veterans Against the war, Miami Connentian Coalition, Peoplrs' Coa- titian tee Peace and Justie, the Efteminists Coaaition, and ethers. WE ARE GOING to be in Mia- mi because it's gonna be a HIGH TIME this summer. It's HIGH TIME to stop the murders here and abroad, to stop the bombings and the slaughter. It's HIGH TIME to end the crippling repression of the Nixon Admin- istration. It's HIGH TIME young people took over the stage and wrote their own script. This summer the stage is Mi- ami Beadh. While the old patriots are playing their corrupt power games in smoke-filled rooms, He's here, he's there.. . Michael Knox, who as a mem- her of the University's Classified ResearcheCommittee helpedslead the fight against military re- search last year, is hardly a wild-eyed leftist. In fact, he'd be hard pressed to claim liberal credentials. In a campaign leaflet sup- porting his unsuccessful candid- acy on the Republican ticket for County Commissioner, Knox states: "As a property owner and a landlord, I am most concerned about the level of property tax- ation in Ann Arbor." The leaflet continues to explain his stance that * property taxes should be lessened from their "outrageous- ly high" levels. Among the County services that Knox would have liked to cut is building inspection, which benefits tenants by making sure landlords meet building codes. Knox contended that present city building inspectors could do the job in Ann Arbor adequately without County help. Apparently, Republican voters didn't buy that, Knox lost by over 900 votes. Understandably enough, the leaflet made no mention of Knox's involvement in the anti- research movement. Canham's costly mistake Critics say that a lack of foresight within the Univer- sity's Athletic Department will be responsible for costing the University thousands of dollars extra for providing an ice rink for the hockey team. Presently, Athletic Director Don Canham is planning to shut down the University's an- cient ice arena, and move the ice making to a renovated, but equally-aged Yost Fieldhouse. Why not play hockey in Crisler Arena?, we asked Can- ham. Canham replied that the switch from an ice surface to a basketball. floor could not be made fast enough to facilitate both sports in the same build- ing. We find that hard to be- lieve, considering that the same task was performed for years at Detroit's Olympia Stadium and the old Madison Square Oar- den in New York. But plans continue to move the rink to Yost, which has been all but abandoned in re- cent years and likely may be condemned soon. The caver- nous building has been taken over by pigeons - with pigeon droppings covering the main floor and creaky grandstands. One of the oldest buildings on the athleticrcampus, Yost prob- ably won't remain the home of the maize and blue icers very long. Where will Canham move the rink then? Perhaps Crisler Arena, but the task won't be easy because the building's floor space will have to be ex- panded to fit a hockey rink. According to sources, Crisler is an accountant's nightmore - that is, an extremely costly fa- cility that has very limited uses. Currently, Crisler can only be used for basketball,awrestling, anti gymnastics. It has no in- door track facilities and acous- tically it's an insult to musi- cians who perform there. High society After hitchhiking almost 4,0000 miles, HRP City Council member Jerry DeGrieck found himself sweating in Miami, visiting a friend. Nothing political, J e r r y tells us, just a trip for pleasure. But the following morning, he picked up a copy of the Miami Herald, and found a write-up about him on the society page. The story described Jerry's tra- vels, and said that he was in Miami scouting out possible sites for a national Human Rights Party Convention. Jerry swears it's not true. And as far as we know, HRP has no plans to go national. hightime in Miami young people will take the the streets to make one thing per- fectly clear - WE WANT NIX- ON OUT! Convention plans: August 20th, DISHONOR AMERIKA DAY (20th is official- ly 'Honor America Day. The Zippies present . . . THE SEC- OND COMING. Jesus in a Zippie T-shirt will descend and lead a march to Convention Hall bear- ing a cross with Billy Graham on It. At the hall there will be a. PISS-IN on objects of honkey culture. We will destroy a wel- fare Cadillac, apple pie will be fed to running dogs, flags burned and there will be a compulsory o.d. program for all delegates. Moonrise 20th to Moonrise 21st. "A HO WOO hNO li lWO i0 9.9 11P, 'IM, A14.P ER IAN ASE.,. HOSE, -HqLARNTEE R EP6... $Sl?64WHO? In support of WOMEN'S DAY free women will ridicule with theatre and a march the lead- ing male chauvinists of our time - the Pope, Nixon, Kissinger, John Wayne, Hugh Hefner, etc. August 22nd Nomination Day- As thedelegates drive down from their luxury hotels on Highway 1 to the convention they will travel a STREET WITHOUT JOY. to dramatize the crime of participation in the nomination day of Richard Nixon, thousands will line block after block forc- ing the delegates to pass through a "gauntlet of shame". We will wear death masks and show them their crimes - from My Lai to Attica - the face of the Re- publican regime. August 23. DAY OF ACCEPT- ANCE -- We will march to con- vention hall and let Nixon know that his acceptance speech and all it stands for is unacceptable to the people. TO MAKE CONTACT with other people going to Miami in the next two weeks, call the Tri- bal Council Network at 663-4208. Atrangements are presently being nmade to supply people with a centralized set up when they finally reach Miami. The Zippies will provide campsites, including Green Power for Free Food, hope- fully the Hog Farm will provide for food kitchens and bad trip rescue. Also planned is movies and video-tapes in the evenings, women's anti-hassle squad, anti- death drug squad etc. THE MAIN CONFRONTATION will take the form of three sepa- rate actions. One group will conduct a rally with speeches in front of the hall, a second will conduct sit-ins and accept arrest, while the third will conduct "Mobile sit - ins" moving from spot to spot as the police arrive on the scene. Come to Miami and tell Nixon NO!