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May 17, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-05-17

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Vo. XXIINo 6S Ar, Michignesa, a 1,192T ets itenPae

Vol. LXXXII, No. 6-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 17, 1972

Ten Cents

Sixteen Pages



1 "

-Daily-Rolfe Tessem
GEORGE MANGUM, a Wallace campaign aide, tallies up the votes last night at the Wallace victory
celebration near Detroit.
Wallace out o danger;
campaign -may continue

From Wire Service Reports
Alabama Gov. George Wallace,
shot at an election eve rally
Monday and suffering at least
temporary paralysis of his legs,
was removed from the critical
list at Holy Cross Hospital in
Silver Spring, Md., yesterday af-
Wallace's life is no longer con-
sidered in danger.
Meanwhile, aides said, he vow-
ed to continue his presidential
campaign from a wheelchair if
necessary. Wallace yesterday
won two key primaries - here
and in Maryland, the state where
he was shot.
Wallace was under heavy se-
dation last night, recovering
from a five hour operation Mon-
day night to remove a bullet
which had torn through his
stomach. He acknowledged his
primary victories with a nod and
a smile.
It is also doubtful whether Wal-
lace can fulfill his pledge to con-
tinue campaigning. Even though
he is expected to recover, it is
censidered unlikely that he would
be well enough to travel exten-
sively, even in a wheelchair, for
some time to come.
One bullet still remains lodged
in the governor's spinal column.
It is this bullet that has caused
the paralysis, which could pos-
sibly be allayed by further sur-
gery when W a 11 a c e regains
The Washington Post reported
today that the bullet had sever-
ed Wallace's spinal cord and
quoted unnamed medical sources
as saying the governor'srchances
of ever walking again arc zero.
But Charles Snider, Wallace's
campaign manager, said tests
showed no blood in Wallace's

spinal fluid; that the bullet may
have been spent by the time it
reached the cord and the dam-
age could be less than feared.
He said the governor has slight
sensation in one leg, a hopeful
Over 200 jubilant Wallace sup-
porters gathered at the Ramada
Inn outside Detroit last night,
cheering reports from the two
primaries showed Wallace vic-
tories, and praying f6r Wallace's

The red, white and blue hat
and button bedecked crowd roar-
ed at the announcement, "We've
won Michigan, we've won Mary-
land. Now, we've got to send
them a message in November."
A Wayne State student said,
"If Governor Wallace could get
shot for me, the least I could
do was spend 13 hours at the
See WALLACE, Page 13

By The Associated Press
Alabama Gov. George Wallace won the Maryland and
Michigan presidential primaries last night, and acknowl-
edged the greatest triumph of his Democratic White House
campaign with a nod and a smile from the hospital bed
where he lay partially paralyzed, victim of an election eve
assassination attempt.
Crossover voting by Republicans in Michigan's Demo-
cratic primary apparently added to Wallace's impact in the
McGovern ran second in Michigan, where he was polling
25 per cent of the vote. Humphrey took second place in
Maryland, with 27 per cent. McGovern had campaigned
just one day in Maryland.
The Alabama governor was polling 50 per cent of the
Michigan vote, with 65 per
cent of the precincts count-
ed. In Maryland, with the M c overn
count nearing completion,
he had 40 per cent.
At that point, Wallace was in
the lead for 112 national con-
vention nominating votes in the
two states, which would push "
his total commitments to 322in c u t
and install him in second place.
McGovern was leading for a
total of 42, to send his leading By PAUL TRAVIS
count to 400 nationally, Hum-
phrey for 31, which would put Ann Arbor voters gave Sen.
him at 272?/2. George McGovern (D-S.D.) his
Wallace, under heavy seda- only county-wide victory in
tion awakened briefly in his Michigan yesterday, while de-
hospital room in Silver Springs, feating a one-year 2.5 mill in-
Md., and his wife, Cornelia, told crease in the city's property tax.
him of the primary victories. Lt eun hwM~vr
She relayed word that he nod- Late returns show McGovern
ded and grinned. with a 2,000 vote margin over
The twin victories were Wal- wounded Alabama Gov. George
lace's first outside the South: Wallace, who is reported to
And he won here by a mas- have won in all other counties.
sive margin in a traditionally Sen. Hubert Humphrey and
liberal, industrial state which is Rep. Shirley Chisholm trailed
vital to the Democratic game
plan in any White House elec- far behind.
tion. With 69 of Washtenaw Coun-
Wallace had been favored in ty's 90 precincts totaled, Mc-
both primaries, but no one had Govern led with 13,000 votes.
forcast the margins by which Wallace had 11196H h
he left McGovern and Humoh- ,1, umphrey
rey behind. With 65 per cent of 3,037, and Chisholm 1,517.
the Michigan precincts counted, The Ann Arbor millage pro-
the vote stood this way: posal was losing early this
Wallace 492,239 or 50 per
cent. morning by 11,360-4,835.
McGovern 251,421 or 25 per City Administer Guy Larcom
cent. had predicted that if the mill-
Humphrey 172,928 or 18 per age was not approved, garbage
cent. cgectig
Michigan's DAmocratic nomi- collection and transportation
nating votes wre apportioned services would have to be cur-
among the candidates winning tailed.
5 per cent of the vote, the basis The latenrss of Ann Arbor re-
of their shares of the popular
vote. That meant Wallace led turns was caused by the largest
for 71 first ballot votes. Mc- absentee ballot count in the
Govern for 36, Humphrey for city's history. Over 6,000 absen-
25. tee ballots were cast, mostly in
In Maryland, this was the the student-dominated first and
situation with 98 per cent of
the precincts counted: second wards. In some precincts
Wallace 212,017 votes or 40 the absentee ballots totaled 20
percent. to 25 per cent of the registered
Humphrey 142,991 votes or 27 voters.
per cent.
McGovern 116,149 votes or 22 Results were not in yet on
per cent, the question of a state lottery
That put Wallace in the lead nor on the question allowing
for 41 Maryland dele ate votes state representatives to resign
at the national convention
Humphrey and Wallace for 6 during their term to be ap-
each.Th delegates were ap- pointed to or run for another
portioned among congressional public position.
districts. The balance of the The Associated Press reported
field of 11 in Maryland trailed
far behind, as did four other late last night that Wallace had
entries on the Michigan ballot. swept all counties in the state
See WALLACE, Page 12 except Washtenaw.

GOV. GEORGE WALLACE lies in a station wagon Monday after
being felled by a sniper's bullet. Wallace, shot while campaign-
ing in Laurel, Md., was taken to Holy Cross Hospital in Silver

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