Thursday, August 10, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pag Nine Thursday, August 10, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Subscribe to The Daily Phone 764-0558 WED-SAT AT 9:00 COUrf OF RYTHMi' SUN. AT 8:30 MON.-TUES. AT 9:00 MORE DANCING WITH Stone School Road 217SASHLE 2PM.-- 2AM Working for better communication A lineman arches his back gracefully as he stretches to connect some wires. He was stringing cable across the greater Miami river for a cable television company in Hamilton, Ohio. TALKS PLANNED: Officials to negotiate terms for unification of Germany BONN, Germany (P) - Chancel- lor Willy Brandt's Cabinet yes- terday gave the green light for official negotiations to begin be- tween West and communist East Germany on a basic treaty norm- alizing their relations. Conrad Ahlers government spokesperson told a news confer- ence the Cabinet heard a report from the chief West German ne- gotiators, Egon Bahr, on four previous rounds of preliminary talks. It decided enough progress bas been made to justify t h e start of official negotiations when he next meets his East German counterpart, Michael Kohl, in East Berlin next Wednesday. Ahlers did not specify w h a t progress has been made in the difficult talks, a 1 r e a d y hamp- ered by differences on the form of future relations between the Bring Results Read and Use two states. He confirmed that the communists already have submitted a draft treaty, adding that Bahr received his own se- cret guidelines from the Cabinet yesterday. Ahlers said Bonn would regard as a hindrance the recognition of East Germany by other states before the normalization italks are completed. Bonn wants Germany to agree that bothstates still form part of -one German nation. T h e communists insist on full inter- national recognition of their se- parate statues. Ahlers indicated the govern- ment sees neutral Finland's bid to establish diplomatic links with both Germanys simultaneously as an example of this complicating factor in the all-German talks. Order Your Subscription Today 764-0558 The West Germans fear preia- ture Finnish recognition of East Germany would toughen its bar- gaining stance by upgrading its parate status. Finland and East Germany this month started negotiations on exchanging ambassadors, and the Helsinki government wants West Germany to do the same. TV & Stereo Rentals $10.00 per month NO DEPOSIT FREE DELIVERY, PICK UP AND SERVICE CALL NEJAC TV RENTALS 662-5671 O'. }r:::4Graduation - 7. Announcements } GRADUATING T EUB T. AfM RE N~OWd ONDL ABs NTa musica Oririna stage cost including Lonord Frye - --the brilliant originai rust . . - ore even better thou they acre when I saw them opening eight - rheir performances ore us notable an exumple of ensemble acting us i huve e v e r seen in America . . . The Boys in the Band is a pawerhouse of a picture which raises the maturity level of the medium soother few notches."-Beernard Orew, THE DAItY ITtM, Poet Chester, New York ". .brilianty bitchy and incisive . . . if the situation of the homoseui is ever to be understood by the public, it wiii he because of the breaksthrough mode by this humone, moving picture."TIME Magazic "A gripping, fascinating and often viciously fanny film about a subculture that yen t usually treated with such intelligence of such frankness . - . The audience, with the characters are forced in out of te rain to tote the castor oil o!f truths that Boys in the Band has to tell .- Sparks do fly, gene PEnE tio is worked up, and it's good to see actual conflict sip en the screen sgain."THE NDEt $ENCtNTP'tM.OURNA TONIGHfT-August 'thi-ONLY !-7 & 9 p.m.-35 mm. TUESDAY THEY'RE BACK AT IT AGAIN. Who Would Be Up to AUeG Ex5MONKEY BUTP SIESS &. 10300ilintorgEalcet . rthos bte ha hy ewenzn M RIROHRS l s awhmo-t inAMBLIN' for o PLEASANT DIFFERENCE at ANN ARBOR'S New Mexican Resaurant FEATURING: MEXICAN TRIO-Weds. thru Fri. FIESTA HOURS-4-6:30 Tues.-Sat. 990 BROADWAY OPEN TUES.-SAT., 11ITO 01 1 SUN.,2 TO 11 FOOT OF BROADWAY BRIDGE AT PLYMOUTH RD. 663-0563 THURSDAY AUG. 17th 7 & 9 P.M. Ingrid Bergman & Gregory Peck in ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S SPELLBOUND Dream sequence by Salvadore Dali! all showings in AUDITORIUM "A", ANGELL HALL-$1 ticsets on sle fore all or each evening's shows at 6 p.. outside she aotorium