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August 10, 1972 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1972-08-10

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Thursday, August 10, 1972


Page Seven

Thursday, August 10, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven

Do you want money, a draft
deferment, leadership and
management training,
If your answer is yes, then
inyest 11 hour of your time
to find out how you obtain
the above by attending the
Army ROTC orientation at
Room 200 in North Hall at
3:30 p.m. every day.

Folklore group
partying Sun.
In singing and dancing happens
to be your thing, you can come
on out and do it at Island Park
this Sunday.
The U of M Folklore Society
and its friends are sponsoring an
old-fashioned "Play Party" in the
park. Lorre Weidlich, the socie-
ty's president, describes the ga-
thering as "sort of like a square
dance, but the dancers s in g
their own music, so you don't
need a band."
Originally, "Play Parties" were
secret dancing and singing groups
in the South. -


N. Viets elude

Te 44
the first in a series of discussions on problems of
the church and society beginning
8 P.M.
JIM TOY will lead a discussion on problems of the
alienation of the homosexual from the church.

The North Vietnamese f o r c e
that ambushed a group of South
Vietnamese militia 17 miles east
of Saigon Monday, has continued
to evade a government ranger
group yesterday.
The North Vietnamese and Viet
Cong battalion escaped south af-
ter killing 58 militiamen and
wounding 55 during two days of
fighting in the Binh Son rubber
U. S. military sources report-
ed South Vietnamese rangers are
hunting for 250 troops who, with
their Binh Son ambushes, brought
fighting the closest it has yet
come to Saigon since the North
Vietnamese offensive began more
than four months ago.
Binh Son is east of Highway 15,
which links Saigon with the coas-
tal resort of Vung Tau.
The rangers were brought in to
relieve militia irregulars who
first stumbled into the enemy
ambushes Monday, then ke p t
flinging in men in a futile opera-
U.S. and South Vietnamese air-
craft were sent into the a r e a
to support the ranger group with
strafing and bombing attacks.
The rangers overran the am-
bush site yesterday but the North
Vietnamese and Viet Cong had
already pulled out and they fail-
ed to make any contact, said
military sources.

Across the border, several Cam-
bodian brigades were massed for
a counterattack to,-relieve the be-
leaguered town of Kompong Tra-
bek, 50 miles southeast of Phnom
Maj. Chhang Song, command
spokesman, said two regiments
of tanks were backing at least
two infantry regiments around
Kompong Trabek, the town on
strategic Highway 1 about 50 mil-
es southeast of the capital.
"We think this is a major at-
tack against the Cambodian re-
public," Song told reporters. "We
don't think the object of the at-
tack is merely to open or widen
an infiltration corridor into South
He added that the high com-
mand thought that the combined
Cambodian - South Vietnamese
naval base on the Mekong River
at Neak Luong, 34 miles south-
east of here, was one possible tar-
Was Phnom Penh, perhaps, en-
dangered, a newsman asked.
"Yes," Song replied.
The high command, w h i c h
claims 24 North Vietnamese
tanks have been destroyed by
aerial attacks around Kompong
Trabek, reported that intelli-
gence sources have spotted 30
more tanks in the ar e a. The
Cambodians have no armored ve-

Th is is Newsprint.

Hlmist 4Mnis ' i?


hicles capable of fighting t h e
Soviet-built T54 tanks.
Loss of the control of the east
bank of the Meking River would
probably knock the Cambodians
out of the war, say military ob-
servers here. Without the secur-
ity afforded by the Cambodian
forces on the east bank, Convoys
bringing fuel and ammunition
supplies by the river would be
at the mercy of North Vietnam-
ese gunners.
The spokesman said fighting at
Kompong Trabek was fierce but
sporadic and the enemy had not
sent his tanks into action during
daylight hours.
"The situation there is a little
bit more stabilized," the major
He gave a provisional casualty
figure for the Cambodians since
the battle began early Sunday as
98 killed, 114 wounded, and at
least 240 missing. Most of the
dead and missing came from the
Cambodian battalion that was al-
most wiped out Sunday near the
village of Kraing Svay, not far
from Kompong Trabek.
The spokesman added that hel-
icopters had managed to d r op
supplies into Kompone Trabek by
parachute but that Col. Thach
Chan, who commands the troops
in the beleaguered town, has still
not managed to reach his men.
Thach Chan, who was in Phnom
Penh when the attack came, will
try to parachute into the defense
In the air war, U.S. F4 Phan-
tom jets for the second time in
three months knocked out t h e
Thanh Hoa Dragon's Jaw Bridge
in North Vietnam, the Seventh
Air Force reported. The bridge
is a vital link in the North Viet-
namese supply system.
The western span of the 540-
foot-long bridge over the Drag-
on's Jaw gorge, 80 miles south
of Hanoi, was destroyed by Phan-
toms May 13 but had been repair-
ed with planks and was opera-
tional for truck traffic.
"The bridge is a vital link be-
tween the Supply depots in Han-
oi and the demilitarized zone,"
said an Air Force spokesman.
"They can still use ferries, but
this slows them down tremend-
A6 intruders from the 7th Fleet
carrier Saratoga hit the Hon Gai
ship repair yard, 22 miles north-
east of Haiphong, setting off fires
and secondary explosions, said
the U.S. Command.
The bridge and shipward at-
tacks were among more than 300
air strikes against North Viet-
nam yesterday, the command
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All by itself, this innocuous square of paper hardly
seems important. But every week about 170,000
pounds of newsprint comes into Ann Arbor as news-
papers or to be made into newspapers. Well-packed,
that would make a square pile 20 feet on a side and
10 feet tall, solid newsprint. After the news is read,
the paper is buried andboth are forgotten. But the
pile of old newsprint will grow until it no longer can
be ignored.

Fortunately, there is a solution. Old newsprint can
be recycled and made into paper products, thus
sparing the landscape and trees that would other-
wise have been cut. In Ann Arbor the Ecology
Center has a recycling station on South Industrial
Highway, off Stadium, just south of the Coca-Cola
bottlers. It's open from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednes-
day thru Saturday.

Advertising contributed by The Michigan Daily


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