Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August 10, 1972 TRANSPORTATION PERSONAL WANTED-RIDE for 2, Colo. or Wyo. I WOULD LIKE to buy a new staff Leave Sat., share D.&E. 663-0187; 764- oticker! 700-40. 66F03 -- - -4--- - - W IN A FREE GAME LOST AN D FOUND AT BIG M-PIN BOWLING I MICHIGAN UNION FOUND -German shepherd puppy n cF62 Diag early Sat, morning. Call Ellen, (continued from Page 5) FOR SALE ROOM AND BOARD 709-7940 anytime. dA62 PREGNANT AND NEED HELP? Call _____________________Probloom FPrgnanay Reip, 769-7263. DOUBLE BED with frame. 668-6228. LOFTS FOR RENT-Reasonable. East FOUND-Female cat, short hair, 4 mos Available 24 hours. 12710 FOR RENT 09B63 Jackson, Michigan. 517-782-9305. Hill & Division. Identify. Carl, 761- NOTHING BETTER to do? NothIng ----- ----------02E64 ( ow dA61 morse to do? Check out the U. Cellar's NEAR MEDICAL CENTER, 1035 Wall BMW 1968 motorcycle with side car, 2 AE hU-- St., Fall Rentals. Well furn. new 2- $1000. IBM Executive typewriter, FALL ROOM and board in quiet fra- TICKETS 0n OFF SALE-is the Union base- bedroom apts. All conveniences, un- $120. 3 speed bicycle, $30. Box 15 ttern6ty. 761-5145 eves.377E63--- ------63--- derauver parking. 1-864-3852 or 1- Daily. 12Bt66 TICKETS NEEDED for the August 28 LAWN MOWING Rrosonsble r2126. eCta WANTED--- pea Widlloamasar feof Gas Juan and the All 003 NG-Re1330.e rtes 3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE -- Quality HELP WWANTEDwaldm froa g Littl 66330338d FURNISHED 2 and 4-man apts. in and quantity merchandise: furniture, Osmonds. Am willing to part with modern bldg. Campus lo01aon. Gar- glass and china, 200 LP's, baby sup- RECEPTIONIST-Expeditor. Quick, cool free passes to the Runamuck Fes- HOUSE FAITH bage disposal, dishwasher, a/c. Starts plies, small appliances, rugs, linens, head, with a good sense of humor to tival of Love, Music, and Watercolors at $155 To see, 971-1380. 61067 books, and much more. Sat. and Sun., help get it together. Need: college featuring Snap and the Rice Krispies. Spiri Red 9-5. 2009 E. Stadium (between Hard- humanities background, experience, M. Coed by Judy Agnew. dQ61 ing and Brockman - parking on typing, figuring, and poise. TASK,- ----- ----- and Advisor FALL RE NTALS Haordin). 053 761-4146. 08H63 PERSONAL Rev Sal rc STILL A GOOD SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM. STOP IN AND WE'LL BE HAPPY TO SHOW YOU THESE FINE APARTMENTS. CHARTER REALT 665-8825 MAMIYA RB-67 SLR, slick deluxe mas- TERM hhysitter, tea tripod, and Gemeinhardt FLUTE. FALL TR ayitr Mon. & Fai., Call Datryl, 605-0008.L4B62 3-6 p.m. Someone who knows and CaD___ __-_9B i kes kids, for a 4 & 5 yr. old. Packard HOUSEHOLD SALE-Moving, must sell and East U. area. 761-0614. 04H62 furniture, clothing, kitchen items, misc. Sat. & Sun., Aug. 12 & 13, 12 WANTED - Students to participate in p.m.-6 p.m. 327 John St. 769-5434. experiment on decision making. 92B63 Earnings variable. Call Ray or Bruce, 9-4 p.m. weekdays at 764-8547. 07H65 COOL OFF! Good, Cheap Small Air Conditioner. 761-5768. dB62 BOOKKEEPER? COMPLETE FISH TANK outfit intl. 23 STENOGRAPHER? gallon tank, heater, filter pump, top light, and stand. $125. Call Peter, CLERICAL WORKER?- ctc 662-4385. 59B62 TYPIST? MEET OUR GANG OF BARBERS HERE EVERY MON.-SAT. MICHIGAN UNION cF63 MIND ENERGIES PHILOSOPHY HOUSE will accept donations during the space-time interval August 9 to August 23. The donations may be in the form of furniture, money, paint, or screening forwindows and doors. Money will be deposited in a fund, open to pubie inspection. Donations may be made at 822 Oakland. 88F63 PROFESSIONALLY designed diamond engagement and wedding rings - L . o ly jlal , ulc , l heals by the power of faith. Let Rev. Sally help you find help and happiness. Rev. Sally is a spiritual reader and. advisor. 1577 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor 663-2980 Open every day including Sunday 9 a.m-9 p.m. eFto WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod or Tra- ditionai Style. Call 761-0942 anytime. cFtc BAR-SIZE refrigerator. 36" talL Dark If you have these skills Manpower hand hammered, hand engraved, any XEROX AND OFFSET '%NLS 004 finish. $05.761-1932. 42B366 needs you . . , far good paying ptattern-whalesa10. Austin Diamond, R ESE RVAT I12N9S tempBora y assignments. Alsoak 1 5.Univ rsity, 663-7151.D eFi' Fast, cOst duplicating tempraryassinmens._Asowrk DPPYlsoorkCOPY QUICK BIKES AND SCOOTERS avaihable requiring no special Announcing a REVIVAL of The Daily's 1217 S. University 769-0560 Are NOw Being ----- ---- skills. You name the days you Bd Writing contest Whlah Daily aFtc Taken for Our LIKE NEW girl's 3-speed Raleigh. $80 want to work. Stop in or call writer-past, present or maybe-up- or best offer. 763-0258, Cathie. 11Z61 today. sets you the most? Who draws drastic THE DISTINCTION of being South U's New, Furnished conclusions, makes horrendous an- only drugstore belongs to The Village Campus TRUMP, BSA, Norton Repairs - M ANPOW ER alyses, has no common sense? Submit Apothecary. ctFct Cheap rates, guaranteed. Jim, 769- your nominee and comments NOWI Apartments 1493. - cZ7O 110 W. Jefferson 665-3757 yornmeeadc mntNO SA nnAArbor to Box420, The Daily. We'll announce BICYCLES in stock: Bottecchia; Jeunet; 03H7C the weekly winners and publish the DAH LM A NN Chiorda; Atala; Frejus; Schauff; best comments right here in the CLASSIFIED Falcon, and more! ALL SPORTS, 518 MODELS, AMATEUR OR PROFES- classifieds. dF62 ADVERTISING S W.Cross St., Ypsilanti. 483-7194. cte SIONAL needed for art and photo- WEEKEND MEN'S GROUP POLICY BSA Starfire 250 cc. '68. $300. Perfect graphic classes and general modeling. August 18-19-20. Issues: competition, 545Ch csa 671Please reply to A/P Service Center' sex roles, love, fear. Intro-Act. 663- 4 Church shape. 761-7610 13Z62 PO. Box 2245, Ann Arbor, 48106. 7616. Fee. 58F64 Advertisements may be removed 62H65 '_TRIUMPH_65______owmieage,_62H65from publication, but will be billed 761 -7600 1065 TRIUMPH 650 CC, law mileage, TENNIS LESSONS-Former UM player, according to orIginal somber of custom seat, tank, front. Mustsel3. BABYSITTER needed for 2 month in- Country club pro, Individual or days ordered. This policy is applic- 761-6a38_ _ font. Pay negotiable. Call 761-9343 group. 665-4720. eFtc able as well to ads requiring prepay- MUSICAL MDSE 1971 KAWASAKI 500 Mach III. Only after 5, 73H61 _group._665-4720. _____ ment, i.e., no refunds. AD SUBMIS- MUS ALLEGALall-casm- ae.III.en6y8HEDONISTS! Avoid the hassle. Let SIONS, CANCELLATIONS & COR- RADIOSREPAIRS 9091 i P'72Z62 LEGALCOUNSEL wanted by all-cam- Saturday Night Insurance find you RECTIONS MUST BE MADE BY _ _ _ _ _ pus student government to imple- dates. 6-10 p.m. 663-1392. Fte 12:00 NOON OF THE DAY PRIOR HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO HONDA CB350, 1970,. Fine cond. $485. ment legal advocate program. Full- - _TO THE DAY THEY APPEAR IN Folk, classical instruments, foreign 761-6194 after 4. 68Z61 time position. Lawyer interested in COMMUNITY DANCE - Sponsored by THE PAPER. and domestic. Music, lessons, repairs. student legal issues. Experience with the Ann Arbor Gay Liberation Front. 'Help Wanted" ads cannot dimeim- 269 S. State, 665-8001, 10-6 p.m. PETS AND SUPPLIES student government and lobbying Friday, August ii, 8 p.m., Women's sate on the basis of ses, color, eXtc __ _TSANDSUPPLIES preferred. SGC 3-X, Michigan Union. Athletic Bldg.; on old Forest Avenue, iraedontenasi nofa y ox- WATDRM-eaect on,763-3241. 75H68 near Palmer Field. Everybody Wel- creed, or national origin to any ex- WANTED-HOME-Female cat, young, 76-2.7H8 nerPmrFed.ErydyW- tent (i.e., "preferably" is still dis- GAUSS 12 inch. guitar speakers. 200 pretty, nice, spayed! 662-9851. 06T63 come! Info: 763-4186. 82F62 criminatorY)," watt RMS, lifetime guarantee. Reg. SECRETARY WANTED, goad typing, - $126-NOW $65. DOUGLASS SOUND, YOUNG PUP, mixed. Free to good weeks Call Mrs. 5., 763-3241. 76H63 BUMPER STICKERS custom printed "Found" ads are run free-of-charge 311 E. Liberty, 761-4434. 01X60 home. 761-7470. 95T61 FILE CLERK, 40WPM, $100/wk. Fee w e-, $2.Mrbor 71-0Press, 1217 to a maximumof3 lines for 3 days. STEREO system, dual changer; Dynacs paid. PapoAnAbr 6-92 ~a Ifrainrgrigeoeio TEE;yHeath tuner; Dynaco speakers. SITUATIONS WANTED Receptionist, varied duties, $450-500. classified ads cannot be disclosed amp; H eason er_a Ar, _665-Typists, 60 wpm., $2.50-$3.50/hr. XEROX COPi ES p r i o r to publication. Advertisers ArtE 665-AI names may NEVER be revealed. First reasonable offer. Call At -KEEP TRUCKIN'. Odd jabs, moving, Senretaries, several openingo, same WH ILE YOU WAIT nmsmyNVRb eeld 74 hauling, bar-tending, anytime 662- require shorthand. Number of lines in advertisement is FOLKLORE CENTER 7720. 22070 Legal secretary, experienced, salary Thesis quality reproductions - pictures determined by total number of New Martin 00028, $450 with case. Used open. PERSONNEL SYSTEMS, Em- pastel papers-plus full color repro- words-5 words/line. and old stringed instruments. Re- CAR SERVICES, ACCESS. ployment Agency, 1945 Stadium, 761- ductions on T-shirts and tank-tops of pairs. Guitar lessons 516 E. William, 5252. 8OH61 any design you choose for $4.99. A WORDd above Campus ike. 662-03811, oXic A FINER PLACE to get your foreigns -Hpeae od ne hrc - Ca-u B -3. ____ car fised. Cheap rates, fully guar- MATURE, RELIABLE student for sit- IMPRESS ters. Hyphenated words over 5 char- APOLLO DRUM CENTER. Drum sett, anteed. WHEEL WORKS, 769-8493, ting. Experienced, own transporta- 524 E. William 665-4321 acters, i.e., phone numbers-2 words. over 20 sets in stock: Rogers, Sonar, ask for Steve. c70 tion. 662-6786. 71H61 cFtc Ludwig, Gretsch, Singerland. Priced- -- -_ _ right deals. 322 S. Main, 761-1400. I GUITARS. AMPS, PIANOS. Fender, Hohner, Maestro, Gibson, Martin, Guild. One-stop center. Apollo Music, 322 S. Main, 769-1400. eXtc BUSINESS SERVICES NEED A PHOTOGRAPHER? Weddings, Portraits, etc. Call Terry, 761-4970 dJ6l THESIS TRANSCRIPTION-M.S, PRINTING Serving the Academic Community For More Than 10 Years. TASK 761-4146 40J69 ROOMMATES WANTED NEED"ONE FEMALE roommate for fall. Own room in bi-level apartment. $90. Call immediately, 769-5339, Claire, Marcia. OSY61l GN3L FOR FALL, no lease, no utilities. $55/ma. 709-5135.. 01Y67 SERIOUS SCULPTOR, male, 26, wants apartment-mate, male or female. Private room, but walk-through to - kitchen and bath. Basement work area. No lease Pleasant neighborhood (Spring St.). $65-$85/mo., depending on studio use. Days: 1-878-6872; eve- nings: 769-7588. 93Y62 FEMALE GRAD WANTED for large 2- man Village Green apt. Own room, furnished. Barb, 763-6591. 89Y62 PERSON needed for 7 man house in fall. 662-6726. 85Y63 FOURTH FEMALE roommate needed beginning fall; 2-bedrooms. 662-7853. 9OY6, WANTED TO RENT FEMALE GRAD needs room in house or apt for fall, near Bus. School: Andy, 1-353-6977. 97L62 $40 REWARD" for finding 2 bedroom! house or apartment leading to rental. Naomi, 835-2326, collect. 65L63 THREE TEACHERS need large house or uiet duplex. 663-1195. dL68 SHOP TONIGHT AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 P.M. CLOSED SATURDAYS THROUGH AUGUST 12 Suede Shoulder Bags _ $12 The best handbag values in a long time. . our handsome casuals of sueded leather with adjustable strops at exceptional savings. Select from ton, green, grey, wine, brown and navy. Each bag is opproximately 9" wide. LIBERTY AT MAYNARD