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August 09, 1972 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-08-09

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Moving in on Mami-militantly.

LET'S SEE. In '72, if elected
Nixon will become our Lead-
er for the 200th anniversary of
the American Revolution. George
Washington to Richard Nixon,
Jefferson to Mitchell, Hamilton
to Agnew. Also Valley Forge to
My Lai. We've come a long way.
Some of us would like to show
how far we've come. We want
to show Nixon and Agnew a n d
Kleindeinst what a bloody road
they've led us down - the
bloody road from Hanoi to Sai-
gon to Attica.
DailyG es rer
That's why we're renaming
Florida's Highway One (the road
that leads to the Convention Hall
in Miami.) We're taking o u r
cue from Vietnam where the
French Soldiers renamed High-
way One; they called it "The
Street Without Joy."
FOR ONE DAY, August 22,
the day of Nixon's nomination at
the Republican convention, we're
going to take all the joy out
of traveling down Highway One
in Florida. We're going to make
it a Street Without Joy; for
Nixon, for Agnew, for all their
followers and oil millionaires and
fellow racists and Delegates to
the Death Game; for all their
manufacturers of murder, for
all their anti-personnel pimps.
We're going to take the joy out
of Nixon's death game. We're
going to line Highway One with
admissable evidence against war
criminals. We're going to turn
the Florida noon into moonlight
and make them drive through.

their own grave yard. We're go-
ing to open a drawer in the Na-
tional Morgue, pull back the
sheet, and push their faces into
their own four-square product:
death by air, death by water,
death by land, death by fire.
crowd the Street Without J o y
with artifacts, services, products,
consumer items, foreign aid -
everything they've dumped on
innocent southeast Asians during
all the years of Our Longest and
Most Honorable and Patriotic
Foreign Incursion.
We will show them their crim-
Or at least we may keep them
from wasting another billion
bucks on wasting another million
A 10 mile stretch of pure an-
ger, soul, compassion, chutzpah,
fury, truth. A final judgement
on their works and pomps. You
name it; or better still help us
make the name come true.
FRIENDS, SOME of us have
had it. Some of us have had it
for years. In '68, inspired by ano-
ther Bomber In a High Place,
my friends, my brothes, and I
destroyed hunting licesses in Ca-
tonsville, Maryland. We went on
trial, we went underground, we
went to prison. It's '72; some of
us are at large again.
To face what?
More and more and more and
more of the same. Another Re-
spectable Bomber is showing his
capacity to occupy the H i g h
Place. By bombing more fervent-
ly than ever we bombed before.

AND THE Demented Delegat-
es want him back. They've set
the day and hour of the nom-
ination - a cynical charade of
everything decent, everything
real about our elective process.
They're coming to Miami in a

ments of Peace and Plenty, Laird
and Rogers. Also the infectious
Chiefs of Staph, General Motors,
General Foods, General Electric
. .. And of course, and at length,
and above and before all - Kis-

In '68, nine of us were con-
demned in the courts for burn-
ing in public those sacred gov-
ernment properties, the draft
files. We were protesting, you
may remember, the burning of
BUT WHOSE fingers, w h o s e
hands, whose shoulders, w h o s e
bodies, will stop the bombing
of the dikes? We need a v e r y
flood, an outpouring of people,
a new outcry, as the Mad Hat-
ters assemble to approve ever
new crimes; the destruction of
dikes, the seeding of rain clouds
- and what more, and what
worse, in 4 more years?
Come to Miami, say NO with
us, loud and clear.
Daniel Berrigan is a Catholic
priest and an anti-war activist
who was recently acquitted on
conspiracy charges to kidnap
Ienry Kissinger.
Letters to The Daily should
be mailed to the Editorial Di-
rector or delivered to Ma r y
Rafferty in the Student Pub-
lications business office in the
Michigan Daily building. Let-
ters should be typed, double-
spaced and normally should
not exceed 250 words. The
Editorial Directors reserve the
right to edit all letters sub-

few days. They're'coming to pull
it all down; to destroy w h a t
Washington built, to betray what
Lincoln gave his life for, to de-
ride what Americans love and
cherish; our country, our people,
our hope, our good name among
other nations.
They've come to Miami to fin-
ish the next volume of the Pen-
-tagon Papers; authors - Nixon,
Agnew, Mitchell, and that admif-
able cutlass crew of the Depart-

ONE COULD go on and on. But
the situation can be summed up
neatly. If the convention pro-
ceeds unchallenged, if no one
says NO, if Nixon makes it again,
millions more Vietnamese will
die, and thousands more Amer-
icans, and uncounted other peo-
ple who get in the way of our
leaders pique and pride.
If he makes it, many of us will
also be back in prison.

Who's got union lettuce?

'WHEY THOUGHT they would be
sleeping easier after the grape
boycott was over. All day long they
watched those young people driv-
ing away customers outside their
doors. The kids were talking about-
Cesar somebody or another; and
the police couldn't take them away.
Ann Arbor grocery store man-
agers are in for another hell of a
time as local organizers for the
United Farm Workers (UFW) plan
the strategy that they hope will
kill sales of non-union California
iceburg lettuce.
Locally, union picked lettuce is
at a premium. An informal survey
of ten nearby grocery stores shows
that only one grocery store car-
ries union lettuce. Also, it reveals
that store managers are painfully
unaware of the existence and is-
sues concerning the lettuce boy-
THE SURVEY included Kroger
(both stores), A&P (both stores),
Great Scott, Soybean Cellar, Eden's
market, Wrigley's market, Meier's
market, and White market.
Great Scott is the only store car-
rying California UFW lettuce. Sev-
eral other stores carry locally
grown lettuce, not under the action
of the boycott.
The Kroger grocery store on
Broadway was found to be selling
California Teamster lettuce, con-
sidered to be "scab" merchandise

by the UFW. The manager says,
"Well, you know people talk about
big business these days - unions
are the biggest business of them
all. They handle more money than
General Motors."
The Wrigley's store in the Maple
Village Shopping Center was re-
cently selling lettuce not bearing
the UFW emblem. The manager
explains, "That bunch of garbage
(lettuce). Hell, California wouldn't
even put their label on that stuff.
That's locally grown."
AT THE A&P grocery store also
in Maple Village, the store man-
ager claims that the lettuce on
display was union lettuce. Asked
why the wrappings did not dis-
play any union labels, he said the
certification- was printed on t h e
cartons. When asked to produce

business tycoons to recognize the
UFW at the main bargaining agent
for lettuce pickers.
FARM WORKERS are currently
some of the lowest paid laborers
in the nation, not even covered by
$1.60 per hour minimum wage law.
The national average hourly rate
for farm workers stands at a min-
iscule $1.43 per hour, without. any
sort of fringe benefits.
The UFW is demandingda wage
rate of $1t90 per hoor, and fringe
benefits including health care,
overtime pay for work on holidays,
death benefit insurance, and a 72
hour maximum work week.
The boycott is expected to exert
pressures on California and Ari-
zona lettuce growers, the target
of union organizing efforts. Near-
ly 90 per cent of the nation's head
lettuce is grown in those two
CURRENTLY, some ten per cent
of head lettuce is picked by union
organized farm laborers. -
The UFW advises that shoppers
look for the UFW emblem to ver-
ify that lettuce is union picked. If
the wrappings carry no labels, ask
the manage -to display the ship-
ping cartons. If the grocery store
in question is actually carrying un-
ion lettuce, they should have no
qualms about proving it.
Get involved-
write your reps !
Sen. Philip Hart (Dem), Rm.
253, Old Senate Bldg., Capitol
Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515.
Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep),
Rm. 353 Old Senate Bldg., Cap-
itol Hill, Washington, D.C.
Rep. Marvin Esch (Rep), Rm.
112, Cannon Bldg. Capitol Hill,
Washington, D.C. 20515.
Sen. Gilbert.Bursly (Rep),
Senate, State Capitol Bldg.,
Lansing, 48933.
Rep. Raymond Smith (Rep),
House of Representatives, State
Capitol Bldg., Lansing, 48933.

94V t tatn Daily
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual
opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints.
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 9, 1972 News Phone: 764-0552
Take GM10 court
4 DULL LETTER with exciting possibilities for consumers was
delivered privately a few days ago by the General Account-
ing Office (GAO) to the Federal Trade Commission - the agency
that is supposed to protect consumers and fight monopolies. The
GAO, a Congressional watchdog over federal expenditures, ad-
vised the FTC that it had the authority t6 pay certain expenses of
participants in its proceedings who cannot afford to bear these
This opinion clears the way for the FTC and other regulatory
agencies to adopt a policy of facilitating citizen initiatives or
intervention in the consumer, health and safety issues which have
all too often been decided in favor of business lobbyists. Although
the GAO letter advised the FTC that an intervening citizen's
witness fees and costs, transcript charges and traveling expenses
may be reimbursed by the Commission, the real importance of the
opinion is to clear away legal hurdles for the Commission to exer-
cise even broader "administrative discretion." Presumably, this
discretion could extend to providing legal services similar to what
is now provided by the state for poor people facing court trials.
FEDERAL REGULATORY agencies make decisions affecting
electric, telephone and energy prices, consumer frauds and de-
ception, and defects and other hazards of consumer products from
autos to food. But their mystifying procedures are known largely
to those special interests who can hire specialized lawyers and
pay the costs to negotiate the legal labyrinths. ,
In practice, this has meant over the years that only those
who are well-heeled could afford to fight for their interests. Con-
sequently, corporations have had the field pretty much to them-
selves and it, indeed, has been a field day.
Now two questions should be asked: Will the FTC issue guide-
lines which comprehensively open its doors to those without re-
sources who wish to secure justice, or will it confine the GAO
opinion to the Firestone case? And, secondly, how will other
agencies, such as the Federal Power Commission, the Interstate
Commerce Commission, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Food
and Drug Administration, react? Will they ignore the door opened
by the GAO or will they help launch a major abolition of the fin-
ancial obstacles that make most Americans less equal than a priv-
ileged few?
IT IS IN the interest of all citizens to make sure that the answers
are not left entirely to the bureaucrats.
(e) 1972, Harrison-Blaine of New Jersey, Inc.

one of the boxes. he replied "They
have all been fed into our carton
Eden's Market, an organic food
store, has a novel approach to the
problem. They no longer sell let-
tuce. The manager said "We stop-
ped carrying lettuce because peo-
ple wouldn't buy it unless it was
individually wrapped. I just don't
know where people's heads are at."
The UFW, an insurgent union
headed by Cesar Chavez, is con-
ducting a nation wide boycott of
nonunion California grown head let-
tuce in an effort to force agri-

Today's Staff . . .
News: Jim Kentch, Alan Lenhoff, Chris Parks
Editorial Page: Carla Rapoport
Photo Technician: Denny Gainer

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