N. Ireland spawns deadly offspring BELFAST, Northern Ireland OP)-Northern Ireland's children of hate killed a British soldier Monday night. They stoned his scout car in Armagh, smashed him on the head with a brick, and cheered as he died when the car crashed. Then they bombarded an am- bulance that came to rescue another injured crewman in the car. Two policemen went down bleeding under the hail of stones. For Northern Ireland's chil- dren, the playground has be- come the battlefield. Often the youngsters of the Protestant and Roman Catholic ghettoes are the front line troops. Three years of sectarian shooting has transformed the innocent games of cowboys and Indians into a deadly game of street warfare. In the Catholic ghettoes, the boys have become hardened shock troops for the Irish Re- publican Army gunmen. They are sent out to stone and taunt troops and lure them into the sniper's sights. The kids are experts now. When the sol- diers sweep in to disperse them. they vanish down side streets at a prearranged sinaitleavtn the troopers in the open for the hidden gunmen to pick off, The children, ranging in age from 5 to 6 to teen-aers, reg- ularly face the crippling rubber bullets the soldiers fire from riot guns. So disdainful are they that the rubber bullets are high- ly prized as battle trophies. They reckon the bigest danger is from the baton-brandishin "snratch squads" of troopers who race into the mobs to grab the kids' leaders. To the Catho'ie children. the IRA gunmen are heroes. In Protestant areas like Belfast's tough Shankhill district, killers from the oulawed Ulster Volun- teer Force are the idols. The Catholic kids learn how to make nail bombs, scout for the gunmen, carry messages from the IRA's command and learn avidly. the language of hate and abuse. In a recent riot in a Catholic district of Belfast, a 7-year-old boy staggered behind a barri- cade with a milkman's delivery basket full of milk bottle Molo- tov cocktails. He had helped to make them. See KIDS. Page 9 CHILDREN taunt a British soldier on the streets of Londonderry earlier this year. These childrens' taunts and games have evolved into one of the deadlies elemeets of the street war in Northern Ire- land. as bands of youngsters plot to lure soldiers into IRA traps. page three BUSINESS P1I1ONE: 764-0505. Wednesday, August 9, 1972 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: 764-0552 our VYAW jailed on con TALLAHASSEE, Fla. 5(4) - Four Vietnam Veterans Against the War, who refused to answer a federal grand jury's questions about alleged plans for vio- lence at political conventions, were ordered back to jail yes- terday. U. S. District Court Judger David Middlebrooks signed or- ders returning them to jail for contempt until they answer the' questions or the grand jury term ends. 'Thot urbe' nitssessiona us Jsruary and coud r iisession for 18 morths but the normal pts'-dure bis tar a isa fedeat gre:1d jory to be seated eaech 3 . 'raey A spokesman at VVAW head- quarters here, Mike Oliver of Sai Francisco said they were notified late Monday of thse contempt order and the four would present themselves at a hearing this afternoon. Six other VVAW members have been indicted on charges of conspiring to disrupt the Re- publican National Convention at Miami Beach with bursts of gunfire and fire bombs. Middlebrooks' order showed that the four cited for con- tempt had been asked about any meeting in Gainesville, Fla., in May when weapons such as crossbows, firecrackers or incendlacy devices were demronstrated, or any meeting at which plans were made for attacking police cars, police stations or stores in Miami Beach during either of the na- tional conventions this summer. The four first refused to ans- wer July 12, were granted im- munity from prosecution by the U. S. Justice Department on July 13 but still refused to answer. Middlebrooks found them in contempt and sent them to jail that day. Six days later, they were freed on an order from the 5th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans on grounds they should have a full hearing and that the questions involved should be part of the record. Middlebrookes held the hear- ing July 25. tempt charges He ruled in his. contempt or- phone taps. der that they should have ans- He said the goverinent wered the questions and that nied- in July that it had they had ample opportunity to heard such conversations consult with attorneys since that allegations -filed last they were allowed to leave the were not specific enough. jury room to talk to their law- Ordered jailed were W yets after each question. Beverly of Austin, Tex., The 'judge also rejected al- Chambers of St. Peters legations that the government Fla., and Jack Jennings had listened to lawyer - client Bruce Horton, both of Ga conversations through tele- ville. t de- over- and week ayne John burg, and ines- Activists revel plans for GOP convenltion JEAN WESTWOOD, chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee gavels open last night's session at which Sargent Shriver-George McGovern's choice to replace Thomas Eagleton on the ticket-was ratified. Dems approve Shriver MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (A[)_-e As President Nixon begins his acceptance speech inside ca- vernous Convention Hall, dem- onstrators will flood into the streets for "nonviolent civil dis- obedience," according to a pro- test leaders' scenario. The carefully scripted plan, complete with maps and aerial photos calls for the peaceful occupation of Washington Ave- nue in the: front of the hall and mass sit-ins on Meridian Avenue to the rear. "The objective is to surround the convention with angry pro- tests as a visible sign of Amer- ica's refusal to accept a war criminal as a presidential cats- didate." So states a 24-page "Man- ual for the Republican Con- vention" put together by five activist groups as a guide for demonstrators arriving here for the GOP meeting in Miami Beach, Aug. 21-23. The new manual says: "As a result of many discussions, we chose to describe the tactics for this demonstration as 'mili- tant nonviolent confrontation "This means that we always express ourselves in the strong- est manner possible; that we remain nonviolent, which means we don't trash damage property or attack police." Police Capt. Ozzie Kruidenier said authorities have "contin- gency plans for mass arrests" in the event of large-scale civil disobedience in the streets. He said police will not allow traf- fice to be blocked and if street sit-ins occur, "we will have no recourse but to make arrests. The manual was prepared by the Youth International Party, the People's Coalition f o r Peace and Justice, the Miami Women's Coalition, M i a m i Conventions Coalition and Ef- feminist Caucus. WASHINGTON 01') - The Democrats put an end to a tortured political chapter last night by naming political novice Sargent Shriver as the fill-in vice presidential nominee to run with Sen. George McGovern. Shriver responded by pledging to help reverse "the decline in the people's spirits." The 56 year old Kennedy-in law who has never sought poli- tical office before was denied only 80 of the Democratic Na- tional Committee's 3,016 votes as he was nominated to fill the spot vacated by Sen. Thomas Eagleton of Missouri. Seventy-three of those votes, from Missouri went to its still favorite son, Eagleton. "I'm not embarrassed to be George McGovern's seventh choice for vice president," the handsome Shriver told the meeting. In the search for a replace- ment for Eagleton, McGovern sounded out at least a half dozen Democrats who rejected the offer before Shriver ac- cepted. "We Democrats may be short of money. We're not short of talent," Shriver said. "Pity Mr. Nixon: his first and only choice was Spiro Agnew." McGovern, also referred to the time lost in selection of a replacement, saying "the nation must wish the Republicans had See DEMS, Page 10 Abbie Hoffman YIP plans