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August 09, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-08-09

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Vol. LXXXII, No. 59-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan--Wednesday, August 9, 1972

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

S a o lead s t1 Te e
4r ''rj 7:.Bullard and Postill

both seore victories
Walter Shapiro held a small lead over State Rep.
Marvin Stempien (D-Livonia) in the Democratic Con-
gressional race early this morning as The Daily went to
press. Both Perry Bullard and Fred Postill won their races
in yesterday's primary.
As of 2 a.m. the congressional race remained too close
to call. Stempien and Shapiro were running neck and neck
with a huge Shapiro majority in Ann Arbor being largely
offset by Stempien's totals in Livonia and Monroe County.
The sheriff's race-to the surprise of many, was, in
contrast, no contest. Postill handily defeated his closest
competitor Harold Moon
winning nearly every pre- Tn
cinct in the city. Results i
The Democratic primary for
state representative was anoth-
er horse race. Helen Forsyth,
Peter Eckstein and Perry Bul-
lard were extremely close but it
appeared that Bullard would " "
win when the absentee ballots
which he is expected to win
heavily are counted.
Shapiro has surprised most by Late last night, with 61 of
coming this close to victory with the County's 150 precincts re-
his under-financed and under- porting, graduate s t u d e n t
staffed campaign. He has swept Kathy Fotjik was leading Car-
most of Ann Arbor and at. 1:45 roll McFadden 259-218 in a
a.m. was leading Stempien in race for the Democratic nomi-
washtenaw County by 4,000 votes. missioner seathin District 14.
This is not counting the ma- Graduate student Elizabeth
jority of the Ann Arbor absentee Taylor led Bob Rollinger, '73,
ballots that have not been totaled 526-167 in a similar race in the
and which are expected to give 15th district.
Shapiro an even greater lead It appeared that of the five
in the County. candidates for the four non-
to his home base of Livna partisan Circuit Court judge-
Stempen hs pied ioun, ships, Patrick Conlin, Edward
Stempe has piled about n Dak a nd ano El ea-
equal lead of about 4,000 votes. yeak thadfr Edeas,
In the outlying areas the two of ily took the first three seats,
them are trading small margins. leading City Attorney Jerod
Shapiro won Ypsilanti Township Lax by a narrow margin for
by about 100 votes but lost thth ehe fourth position.
city of Ypsilanti to Stempien by Meanwhile, a proposed con-
the same margin. stitutional amendment which
Shapiro, according to uncon- would allow juries of less than
firmed reports, is losing Monroe 12 persons for court trials was
County by nearly 1,000 votes and winning acceptance, 8,564-
coupled with the large turnout 3,007. The other proposal on
in Livonia could deal his eamn- the ballot, which would in-
crease funding for the county's
paign a defeat, parks, was losing by a close
See SHAPIRO, Page 9 5,788-5,379 vote.

RAIN-SOAKED and wilted signs outside the Michmigan League polling place bear witness to the
wet, autumn-like weather which prevailed in the city for yesterday's primary election. Many voters,
' discouraged by the miserable weather, didn't bother to exercise their franchise and the turnout was
generally low.

Fighting nears

SAIGON (A) - Saigon govern-
ment troops suffered heavy
casualties in battles with Com-
munist troops only 17 miles west
of the capital yesterday.
It was the closest the fighting
has come to Saigon since the be-
ginning of the North Vietnamese
offensive four months ago.
The fighting swirled in an area
about two miles northeast of the
district town of Long Thanh.
Government reinforcements were
rushed to town to block a Com-
munist threat to Highway 15,

which links Saigon with the re-
sort city of Vung Tau. Sources
said the highway remained open
but indicated it might be hazard-
U.S. and South Vietnamese air-
craft were called in to support
the government ground forces
with bombing and strafing at-
South Vietnamese troops were
hit hard by mortars and auto-
matic fire. Thirty to 40 soldiers
were killed and at least as many
wounded, field reports said. The

release of Oakland

U. payroll
ROCHESTER, Mich. () -- A
Waterford State Representative
wants Oakland University to
reveal the salaries it pays its
Republican Loren Anderson
said he doesn't think an insti-
tution operating on public
money should be allowed to
classify employe salary figures
as "privileged informa-
tion." Anderson has asked Atty.
Gen. Frank Kelley for an opin-
ion on Oakland's refusal to
disclose staff salaries.
In June, a Bay County
Court judge ruled in a suit
started by the Bay City Times
that Saginaw Valley College
must reveal details of its ex-
penditures, including individual
After that decision, Delta
College, near Midland, opened
up its records rather than face
a similar law suit.
At the University of Michi-
gan, President Robben Fleming
and the Regents refused a re-
quest by The Daily to release

similar salary information. The
Daily is investigating the pos-
sibility of launching a lawsuit
against the University in or-
der to obtain the list.
Rep. Anderson said he did
not know when Kelley would
answer his request.
"The policy is wrong," he
said. "Any time public money
is spent for anything, details
should be completely available
to the public."
Oakland University, last
year operated on a budget of
$13.3 million -- most of which
came from the state.
The issue arose in June wen
OU officials refused to release
the salary of an administrator
appointed to a new position,
saying it was against Board of
Trustees policy.
An OU spokesman said uni-
versity officials are gathering
information on the legal and
administrative implication of
the request.
The Saginaw Valley College
case is currently under appeal.

fighting tapered off at dusk and
more wounded were lifted out by
government helicopters, the re-
ports added.
Elsewhere in the war, U.S. jets
hammered again at Communist
forces that struck in eastern
Cambodia in a new tank-led
offensive, A m e r i c a n military
sources reported.
Cambodian t r o o p s, fighting
against armor for the first time
in the war, were reported to have
been driven from a large section
of Kompong Trabek. The devas-
tated town on the main road be-
tween Saigon and Phnom Penh
is 50 miles southeast of the Cam-
bodian capital.
A major Communist command
victory in the region would open
the way for an assault on the
northern part of South Vietnam's
Mekong Delta and threaten to
cut off Saigon from its main rice
In an attempt to head off this
threat, over 2;000 South Vietna-
mese rangers have been sent in-
to Cambodia. Thus far only brief
clashes have been reported be-
tween them and North Vietna-
mese units.
On the northern front, Com-
munist gunners poured over 300
rounds into the positions of the
stalled South Vietnamese forces
around Quang Tri.
U.S. B52 bombers, F4 Phan-
toms and carrier-based aircraft
flew scores of missions in sup-
port of the embattled South Viet-
namese troops destroying four
See N. VIETS, Page 10
It will be partly cloudy and
cool, with a high in the upper
60's and a low in the lower 50's.
There is a 20 per cent chance of
rain this morning.

AP Phot
ANOTHER VICTIM, 9-year-old Phan Thi Kim Phuc, wheels a
friend around a plastic surgery hospital in Saigon. Both were
victims of a U.S. napalm strike about two months ago. The
strike was termed "accidental."

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