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May 16, 1972 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1972-05-16

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Page Ten


Tuesday, May 16, 1972

Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, May 16, 1972

A public hearing on the Broadway Hills Apartments site
plan will be held by the Ann Arbor City Planning Commis-
sion in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 100 North Fifth
Avenue, Ann Arbor on May 23, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. The pro-
perty is located on Broadway south of Plymouth/Broadway
intersection. The property consists of 10.82 acres and would
be developed as an apartment complex.
A copy of the site plan will be displayed in the First
Floor lobby of City Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan, for seven (7)
days prior to the public hearing.
Michael R. Piochasha,
Planning Director
Publish May 16, 1972
A public hearing on the Hidden Valley Club Apart-
ments site plan will be held by the Ann Arbor City Planning
Commission in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 100 North
Fifth Avenue, Ann Arbor on May 23, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. The
property is located on State Road north of Waters Road.
The property consists of 14.47 acres and would be developed
as an apartment complex.
A copy of the site plan will be displayed in the First
Floor lobby of City Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan, for seven (7)
days prior to the public hearing.
Michael R. Piochasha,
Planning Director
Publish May 16, 1972
A public hearing on the Packard Platt Plaza site plan
will be held by the Ann Arbor City Planning Commission in
the Council Chambers, City Hall, 100 North Fifth Avenue,
Ann Arbor on May 23, 1972 at 7:30 p.n. The property is lo-
cated at the corner of Packard and Platt. The property con-
sists of 6.22 acres and would be developed as a commercial
A copy of the site plan will be displayed in the First
Floor lobby of City Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan, for seven (7)
days prior to the public hearing.
Michael R. Piochasha,
Planning Director
Publish May 16, 1972
A public hearing on the Barret Jacobs Apartments area
plan will be held by the Ann Arbor City Planning Com-
mission in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 100 North Fifth
Avenue, Ann Arbor on May 23, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. The pro-
perty is located north of Plymouth Rd. and west of Upland
Drive. The property consists of 16.00 acres and would be de-
veloped as an apartment complex.
A copy of the area plan will be displayed in the First
Floor lobby of City Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan, for seven (7)
days prior to the public hearing.
Michael R. Piochasha,
Planning Director
Publish May 16, 1972
A public hearing on the Cambridge Arms Apartmentss
(amended) site plan will be held by the Ann Arbor City
Planning Commission in the Council Chambers, City Hall.
100 North Fifth Avenue, Ann Arbor on May 23, 1972 at 7:30
p.m. The property is located at Packard Rd. east of Stone
School Rd. The property concists of 8.3 acres and would be
developed as an apartment complex.
A copy of the site plan will be displayed in the First
Floor lobby of City Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan, for seven (7)
days pior to the public hearing.
Michael R. Piochasha,
Planning Director
Publish May 16, 1972
A public hearing on the Newport West Phase II site
plan will be held by the Ann Arbor City Planning Commis-
sion in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 100 North Fifth
Avenue, Ann Arbor on May 23, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. The pro-
perty is located at Newport and Bird Road. The property
consists of 50.3 acres and would be developed as a terrace-
family residential development.
A copy of the site plan will be displayed in the First
Floor lobby of City Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan, for seven (7)
days prior to the public hearing.
Michael R. Piochasha,
Planning Director
Publish May 16, 1972
A public hearing on the Big Boy of Ann Arbor (amend-
ed) site plan will be held by the Att Arbor City Planning

Commission in the Council Chambers. City Hall, 100 North
Fifth Avenue, Ants Arbor on May 23, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. The
property is located on Washtenaw Ave. east of Huron Park-
way and west of U.S. 23. The property consists of 1.67 acres
and would be developed as a drive-in restaurant.
A copy of the site plan will be displayed in the First
Floor lobby of City Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan, for seven (7)
days prior to the public hearing.
Michael R. Pioch ah
Planning Direcior
Publishs May 16, 1972

Baltimore trips Tigers;
Chisox stop hot Twins

From Wire Service teports
The Minnesota Twins, leaders
in the American League's West
Division and the Detroit Tigers,
who think they are leading the
AL East, were both cooled down
yesterday by divisional challen-
gers. The Twins were halted by
the Chicago White Sox 4-3, and
Baltimore nicked the Tigers 3-2.
Jim Palmer pitched and hit

the Orioles to their victory, halt-
ing a four game Oriole loss
streak. Palmer, 3-3. spaced four
Tiger hits, including two solo
homeruns. and scored the win-
ning win after tripling in the
seventh inning.
Palmer started the seventh
inning rally by booming his
three-bagger over the head of
center fielder Jim Northrup. Don

Bo signs 28 recruits,
awards spring honors

Michigan football coach Bo
Schembechler announced Sun-
day the signing of 28 players
who will enroll at Michigan in
the fall. All 28 are from the
midwest with Michigan being
represented by 12 players, Ohio
13, Indiana two and Illinois
The group includes two play-
ers, Greg Strinko and Keith
Johnson, who already have bro-
thers on the Michigan squad.
Strinko's brother, Steve is a
sophomore linebacker while
DIAL 8-6416
Academy Award

Johnson's brother, Larry, is a
junior defensive end.
Schembechler is pleased with
the group, saying, "These are
the kind of young men that we
feel will contribute to the Mich-
igan program, helping it to re-
main a success. It is scholar-
athletes of this caliber that we
want at Michigan."
Schembechler also expects to
announce several more signings
in the near future.
Schembechler also announced
the annual spring practice
awards with junior Randy Lo-
gan, sophomoreTons Drake and
and freshmsans Denntis Franklins
winning the honors.
D)enny demoted
ANAHEIM (P) - Onetime
Tiger 31-game winner Denny
McLain was optioned to the
minor leagues yesterday by
the Oakland Athletics.
Manager Dick Williams
said the former Cy Young
Award winner was sent to
Birmingham of the Class AA
Southern League.
Logan, a senior defensive
back from Detroit won the Mey-
er Morton Award given each
year to the player who shows
the greatest development and
most promise as a result of the
spring practice.
Drake, who moved into the
starting job at defensive wide
half-back was awarded the
Frederick C. Matthaei Award,
which is given to the junior-to-
be who displays leadership,
drive and achievement not only
on the playing field but also in
the classroom. Drake moved in-
to the starting job at the wide
Franklin, a quarterback from
Massillon, Ohio, won the John
F. Maulbetsch Award, given to
a freshman after spring prac-
tice for desire, character, capac-
ity for leadership and future
success, both on and off the
field. Extremely quick and
showing a strong arm, Franklin
demonstrated throughout the
spring that he has the ability
to become a fine field general.

Buford followed with a bloop
single to center 0- score Palmer
and knock starter Les Cain
(0-2) out of the game.
Detroit's runs came on homers
by Gates Brown and Willie Hor-
ton. The Tigers now trail first-
place Cleveland by a full game.
Minnesota was cooled down by
the strong charging White Sox
who took their fifth straight win
behind the pitching of Wilbur
Wood, now 6-2. Dick Allen and
Bill Melton supplied the scoring
punch, batting in three Chicago
The Kansas City Royals moved
out of the basement of the West
division by nipping the Texas
Rangers, 5-4, on Cookie Rojas'
tie-breaking double. Rojas' hit
in the eighth inning came cff
reliever Horacio Pina, the last
of three Texas pitchers.
In National League action
Houston moved back to within
one-half game of the Los Angeles
Dodgers by blasting Atlanta's
inept pitching staff for eight
runs, and an 8-2 win. Philadel-
phia shut out Chicago 4-0, the
New York Mets topped Mon-
treal 5-3, and Pittsburgh ripped
the reeling St. Louis Cardinals
4-1 in other NL action.
Major League
Amercan League
Cleveland 14 8 .36 -
Detroit 13 9 .591 1
Baltimore2 1i .522
Boasto 12 .400 5
New York 8 14 .364 6
Milwaukee 6 14 .300 7
Minanesoa 16 06.727
Oakland 13 7 .650 2
Cbicago 14 9 .609 2.)
Texs1T 14 .417 7
ssCity 1 5,40
California 9 14 .391 0
Baltimore 3 ietrt
Kansas City 5 Texas 4
aadat Califoainc.
Other clubs not sehedttled
Todays Gaoes
Oakland (Se go 00) at California
(ClIark , ngt
Texas (Gogolewski, 2-2) at Kansas
City (Rooker, 1-0), night
Minnesota (Woodson, 3-0) at Chicago
(iBahansen 34)mnight
Baltimotre (C ac r 1-3) at Detroit
(Ti nterman, 2-2), night
New York (Kekich, 2-2) at Cleve-
land (Colbert, 0-t or Hargan, 0-0),
Botston (ttCulp, 2-3) at Milwaukee
(Brett, 2-3), night
National League
New York is 71720-
Philadelphia 15 10 .600 3
Montreca 3 2 .50 5
Chicago 11 13 .40 6.
2t1sb2r .00 5.
t Loots101 .30 8
Los Angeles 16 10 .615 -
Houston 15 10 .600 ,
Cincin at5A .430 3:
San Diego 12 14 .461 4
Atlanta 10 16 .4006
san Francisco 9 19 .321 8
Yesterday s Results
Ph iia drphia 4, Chicago S
New York 5, Montreal 3
Pittsburgh 4, St. Louis 1
Houston 8, Atlanta I
Los Angeles at San Diego, inc.
Other clubs not sheuled
Today's Gmet
Montreal (Morton, 1-2) at New York
(seaver, 5-1), night
Chicago (ooton, 2-3 at Philadelphia
(Champion, 3-0), night
St. Louis (Wise, 3-2) at Pittsburgh
(Walker, 0-1), night
Atlanta (scheuler, 1-0 or Jarvis, 2-2)
at Houston (Reuss,2-2), night
Los Angeles (Singer, 2-3) at San
Diego (Grief, 3-3), night
Cincinnati (Nolan, 3-1 and Billing-
ham, 0-5) at san Francisco (Carri-
thers, 1-2 and Stone, 0-2), 2, twi-
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