Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual
opinions of the author. TThis must be noted in all reprints.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1972 News Phone: 764-0552
Endorsements ..
BASED UPON endorsements explained in Saturday's
Daily, we urge the following votes in today's
primary election:
State Representative (Derocrat):
Helen Forsyth
U.S. Congress (Democrat):
Walter Shapiro
Circuit Court (Non-partisan):
Jerold Lax and Patrick Conlin
FOR LACK OF a satisfactory candidate, we urge
voters to abstain in the County Sheriff's pri-
mary. These endorsements are for today's primary
election only, and should not be regarded as apply-
ing to the November general election. This must be
noted in all reprints.
-The Michigan Daily
Who REALLY wants
to see Moon elected?
News and the Ann Arbor Sun would. ever agree on
anything? But both newspapers, for their own reasons,
have decided to endorse the same person for the Demo-
cratic nomination for Washtenaw County Sheriff-Harold
Pity poor Fred Postill. At one time Postill thought
that his campaign would convince people he was a pro-
gressive liberal and he would sweep to victory on the
combined votes of students, liberals, and freaks.
But Postill from the beginning has been attacked by
most of the media in the county.
The Ann Arbor News, in Sunday's endorsement edi-
torial, said Postill's campaign was based on hatred of
Sheriff Doug Harvey. They said as a deputy Postill "was
a hard-line, quick on the draw (and the fist) type
DON'T LET THE NEWS endorsement fool you. They
don't really want Moon to be Sheriff. The News is
hoping for the Republican Undersheriff Harold Owings-
their endorsed candidate-to be elected and they feel
that Moon would be the easiest person for Owings to beat.
The Ann Arbor Sun has also been trying to discredit
Postill over the past few weeks; and has rightly charged
that Postill's program doesn't deal with the real issues
that concern the people in the county.
Postill's plans will increase the budget and better
equip the police, but will not stop corporate polluters,
nor prevent rent freeze violations, for example.
RUT JUST like The News, The Sun does not want Moon
to be Sheriff. The Sun wants a Human Rights Party
candidate to be Sheriff.
The Sun's staff figures that if Postill is defeated or if
he only wins by a small margin, it will increase the
chances of an HRP victory in the fall.
Neither of the two major college newspapers in the
county, The Eastern Echoi and The Daily, have made any
endorsements for the Sheriff's race.
The Echo didn't because they have a policy of not
making political endorsements and we at The Daily didn't
because we feel that none of the present candidates would
measure up. Perhaps HRP will find an acceptable can-
jT IS SAD when two area newspapers endorse a candi-
date without making their real reasons clear to their
Both The News and The Sun owe it to their readers
to explain that they are really supporting Moon because
he will be easy to beat.
Today's Staff ...
News: Meryl Gordon, Carla Rapoport, Ralph Vartabeldion
Editorial Page: Alan Lenhoff
Photo technician: Denny Gainer
l ra _ e t G -I era rcP
WASHINGTON - Every citizen,
regardless of politics, is supposed
to get a fair shake from our legal
authorities. But the Justice De-
partment is a little more fair if you
happen to be a Republican. Here
are just a few examples:
. Over two years ago, I pre-
sented conclusive evidence t h a t
Republican Rep. Jim Collins, a
Texas millionaire, was squeezing
salary kickbacks out of his staff.
The FBI reluctantly investigated
and an indictment was handed
down. But it wasn't Collins who
was charged. It was his adminis-
trative assistant, George H a a g .
Last month, Haag was found guilty
in federal court. Collins, who mas-
terrninded the plot, remains free.
I also reported that A r c h
Moore, the rotund Republican gov-
ernor of WestcVirginia, had stuf-
fed political contributions in his
own pocket. The Internal Revenue
Service investigated and f o u n d
Moore had under-reported his in-
come by at least $131,000 over a
five-year period. Yet the Justice
Department quietly allowed Moore
to settle his tax case out of court.
* Over the past few years,
Teamsters boss Frank Fitzsim-
mons has developed a close rela-
tionship with President Nixon, Fitz-
simmon's son, Richard, is a local
union official in Detroit. He has
come under investigation for al-
legedly purchasing gasoline for his
personal cars with union funds.
But Fitzsimmons senior promised
to deliver the Teamsters' endorse-
ment to Nixon. At the same time,
the federal investigation of Fitz-
simmons junior suddenly stalled.
The statue of justice wears a
blindfold - supposedly to prevent
discrimination. But the Republi-
cans have provided justice with a
GOP seeing-eye dog.
House leaders Hale Boggs and
Gerald Ford recently returned
from a trip to Communist China.
Here are excerpts from their con-
fidential report to the President:
" Boggs and Ford held more
than six hours of private talks
with Premier Chou En-lai. They
informed the President he had fav-
orably impressed the wily o 1 d
Chou during their summit meet-
ing. The Chinese leader respects
Nixon particularly for his grasp
of international affairs.
O Boggs and Ford also retr Yed
the astounding report that R e d
China doesn't really want the Unit-
ed States to disarm. They want
us out of Vietnam but they want
Gerald Ford Hale Boggs
Just back from a chat with Chou
LIs to withdraw carefully. They
definitely do not want us to leave
the Pacific entirely. The reason
for this is China's f e a r Rus-
sia would move into the vacuum.
* The Soviets will never dis-
arm, the Chinese feel, and a u r
disarmament would serve only to
upset the current balance of super-
powers and threaten world stabil-
* Boggs and Ford also told Nix-
on that Chou doesn't approve of
suggestions to pull U.S. troops out
of Europe. As long as we are there,
the Chinese reason, Russia will
have to keep troops on their Euro-
pean front. This, in turn, dimish-
es their strength along the Chinese
Israeli diplomats here are quiet-
ly passing the word among their
American-Jewish friends that Is-
rael prefers President Nixon over
George McGovern in the 11F72
presidential race.
Alarmed that Jews may' defect
in large numbers from the Demo-
cratic party this November,
George McGovern has sent top
aide Myer Feldman and I d a h o
Senator Frank Church to Israel to
talk with Golda Meir.
Meanwhile, Egypt's decision to
expel thousands of Russian tmili-
tary advisers is causing several
of its Arab neighbors to re-eval-
uate their relations with the Unit-
ed States.
Some Arab leaders expect the
United States to move back into
the Arab world as the Soviets are
compelled to withdraw. The Arab
country most actively-seeking bet-
ter relations with the United Stat-
es is Sudan. One intelligence re-
port suggests that Sudan may be-
gin negotiations to exchange am-
bassadors with the United States
as early as this year.
The money crisis in the Demo-
cratic party apparently is having
a backlash effect on the Republi-
cans. The Democrats are so badly
tn debt that the GOP money men
are having problems convincing
potential contributors that they too
need cash for campaigning.
Congressman Bob Wilson. t h e
Republican congressional cam-
paign chairman, sent out a recent
fund-raising solicitation to past
GOP contributors that rang with
Wilson's appeal was printed on
telegram paper, but sent through
the mails. In the clipped tones of
Western Union, Wilson wrote: "Ra-
dical liberal organizations are put-
ting all they have behind a plan
to elect even more liberal Demo-
crat Congress in November. Cannot
match that big msoney but believe
we can win bare majority in Con-
gress in '72 even on tight budget
Emergency TV film costs .
not yet covered. I am grateful
for your past contributions . . . tut
must ask again."
Equally urgent is the plea re-
cently sent on behalf of S o u t h
Carolina's Republican senator,
Strom Thurmond. Enclosed with
the letter is a. snapshot of Sena-
tor Thurmond's campaign office
in Columbia. "It's been empty like
this for several days now," says
the letter, "because we don't have
the money to put in desks, chairs,
tables and phones."
c) 1972 United Feature Syndicate
Bremer, Eagleson: Who's sane?
seem that there is little con-
nection between Sen. Thomas
Eagleton, George McGovern's
former running mate and Arthur
Bremer, assailant of George Wal-
However, in a sense, both men
were on trial last week and both
lost. And in each case the cru-
cial determining factor was their
mental stability.
Ironically Eagleton lost because
he failed to convince those judg-
ing him that he was sane
while Bremer lost because he
failed to prove himself insane.
Eagleton, an energetic and ag-
gressive junior senator from
Missouri admitted two weeks ago
that he had untdergone electra-
shuck treatments for mental de-
pression following an election
about 10 years ago. Both he and
his doctors are satisfied at this
point that he has been cured.
touched off a torrent of protest
and calls for his resignation.
The New York Times ques-
tioned whether Eagleton could
withstand the "fearful pressures"
of the Presidency.
Matthew Troy, a leading Mc-
Govern backer in New York, put
it more bluntly saying he could
not support the Democratic tic-
ket knowing that Eagleton might
have his finger on the nuclear
Eagleton had to go, McGovern
said, because "the public debate
over his past medical history con-
tinues to divert attention from
the great national issues that
need to be discussed."
Four days later, Brener was
convicted in Upper Marlboro,
Maryland of the attempted as-
sassination of George Wallace.
Who pulled the trigger was
river in question in the trial.
rie basis of Brener'shdefense
was his attorney's contention that
he was insane.
BREMER'S PLANS and dreams
as revealed in his diary clearly
showed him to be a disturbed
The evidence strongly suggests
that he is a deeply schizoid per-
sonality according to several doe-
tors. His medical history is filled
with sexual frustration, rejection
and isolation.
Yet it took the jury only a lit-
tle over an hour to find him sane
and therefore guilty.
An attorney for the prosecu-
tion explained that Bremer had
to be convicted despite the sanity
question in order to change "the
opinion in thisanation and the
world that s'e are a lawles~s na-
The platitudinous excuses of-
fered in each case do not hide
the essential shabbiness of the
IN THE NAME of expediency
we have found Eagleton to be in-
sane and Bretmer to be sane. It is
a very curious judgment.
The Editorial Page of The
Michigan Daily is open to any
one who wishes to submit
articles, Generally speaking, all
articles should be less than
1,000 words.