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August 05, 1972 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-08-05

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Saturday, August 5, 1972


Page Seven

(Paid Political Advertisement)
PLEASE VOTE August 8 Primary
Shirley rsoyneF

Leaning on a lam post
The "Man from Maine" pauses briefly by his favorite lampost
in suburban Bethesda, Md., yesterday on his way to the airport
to fly to his home state. Rumors have it that Muskie may accept
George McGovern's offer and try once again to be Vice President.

Shirley Bren s ..
Experienced ..
Humane ...
She sees definite need for change
in today's courts ...
"I believe in law, morality, and people. I believe in free choice and individual respon-
sibility. I believe in free, open and responsive communication.
"I have lived personally or vicariously nearly every human experience. I understand
human beings and I like them. I have always searched for the best answers possible.
"I want a Court where individual rights and the rights of society are respected. I want
to be a judgewho is willing to bend and change with time. I want to respect the time
of all individuals involved in the process, including jurors, witnesses, litigants and
"I will be 40 years old before the November election. I graduated from law school at
the age of 23. As a trial lawyer I have handled nearly every kind of civil and criminal
case. I believe I am mature and ready to be a Circuit Judge.
"I believe that as a judge I will use the power of the office for the good of all of
us ... neither for personal gain nor for any one group.
"My decision to run was considered and serious. I want to be elected. I hope to make
a significant contribution to the growth of our community."
Vote for One Who Understands
For Circuit Judge
August 8 Primary-Non-Partisan

* Preparation for tests required for
admission to graduate and pro-
fessonal schools
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" Voluamnou material for home
study prepared by experts in
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21711 W. Ten Mile Rd., Suite 113
Southfield, Michigan 48075
(313) 354-0085
Success Through Education
Since 1938
Branches in principal cities in U.S.
The Tutoring School with the
Nationwide Reputation

Lost money
DETROIT (j)-The best-watch-
ed bags of money can some-
times go astray.
Brink's, Inc., which transports
money in armored and guarded
vehicles, said yesterday it had
misplaced two white canvas
bags, one full of $50 bilts and the
other stuffed with $100, and each
containing $10,000.
"We're trying to find out
where they went," Brink's Man-
ager Thomas Horigan said.
"They could be misdirected
The FBI declined to enter the
case, saying that since the bank
was not directly involved, the
disappearance is the responsibil-
ity of Brink's and Detroit police.
The money is insured.
Use Daily
Cl assi fieds'

MurrayJ Knowles, Jr.
to office as Washtenaw County
A qualified, proven candidate
Two prior terms as Washtenaw County Drain Commissioner
Six years Washtenaw County's sole Drain Engineer
Five years Monroe County's Drain Engineer
Past Vice President of Michigan Association of
County Drain Commissioners
Member of Drain Commissioners' Association special committee
which codified all of Michigan's Drainage Laws
Six years Melvindale, Mich. City Engineer
Professional Civil Engineer and Consultant
Past meener of Detroit Regional Metropolitan Planning
Commission and member of committee for potable water
standards in Southeastern Michigan
-paid political advertisement

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