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August 05, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-08-05

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See Editorial Page

Vol. LXXXI I, No. 57-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, August 5, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Muskie ponders Dem. VPoffer
WASHINGTON AR - Sen. Edmund Muskie has been
offered the Democratic vice presidential nomination by
presidential nominee George McGovern and is inclined to
accept the job, a source close to Muske said last night.
The source, a liberal Democratic senator, told a re-
porter "There's no question McGovern offered it, and
there's no question Muskie's considering it now."
The source said McGovern "thinks he's got Muskie
sold on this now." He added that Muskie's wife, Jane, had
. talked with her husband by phone Thursday night or yes-
terday morning and said she would prefer not to have
him accept the nomination.

AP Photo
GEORGE McGOVERN leaves the Capitol yesterday amid reports that he has asked Maine Sen. Ed-
mund Muskie to be his new runnng mate. Although no decision has been made public, rumor has it
that Muskie is leaning toward accepting.
Protest of dike raids sought

But the source added 'I
decision, she'll go along."
He said Muskie is expected to
give his final answer to Mc-
Govern later today.
Muskie said earlier yesterday
that he had a two-hour meeting
Thursday night at Muskie's home
in suburban Bethesda, Md. While
neither man would say definite-
ly, there were strong indications
that McGovern had asked Muskie
to take on the assignment.
It was not entirely certain that
Muskie would welcome a second
run on the No. 2 spot of the
Democratic presidential ticket.
He was Hubert Humphrey's run-
ning mate in 1968 when the
Democrats lost a close one.
The same close associate of
Muskie who reported the firm
offer and its likely acceptance
late yesterday had said on
Thursday, before the meeting
with McGovern, that the Maine
senator "sounded as if he
wouldn't go . . . He thinks that
things are in such bad shape
that it's virtually a lost cause."
Muskie declined last night to
say if he had been offered the
Muskie, arriving at a private
airport in Sanford, Maine, for a
weekend stay at his summer
home in nearby Kennebunk, said
he expected to be in contact
with McGovern "over the week-
end, and possibly tonight."
Muskie, the Democratic vice
presidential nominee in 1968,
said McGovern is not having
trouble finding a running mate to
replace Sen. Thomas Eagleton
and said there are many candi-
dates "willing to respond to the
challenge." He would not say if
he was one of them.
Before letaving his Bethesda,
Md., home, Muskie said he was
concerned about the campaign
and the issues involved in it but
said his possible place on the
ticket was a "question to be con-
sidered , and resolved in due

suppose if Muskie makes his
o Pln
By The Associated Press
Sen. George McGovern said
yesterday he will procede more
carefully and deliberately in
choosing his second running mate
than was the case the first time.
The Democratic nominee has
come under considerable criti-
cism for not having taken ae
closer look into the past of Sen.
Thomas Eagleton before select-
ing his at Miami Beach.
McGovern said he is looking
for someone who agrees with
him that the Vietnam War should
be ended quickly, that federal
income taxes should be revised
and thai military waste should
be reduced. Hopefully, he said,
the man will be a good cam-
paigner as well.
He told newsmen then that he
was considering a list of possi-
bilities that included women,
blacks and Mexican-Americans,
but that he wouldn't make any
choice before talking with Sen.
Edmund Muskie.
today's. weather
Clearing and warmer with low
temperatures' around 60 increas-
ing to the upper 70's later in the
day. The weekend outlook is
great with rising temperatures,
sunny skies and little or no
chance of rain. The expected
high for the weekend is 80.

By The Associated Press
Declaring there has been de-
liberate U. S. bombing of the
North Vietnamese dike system,
10 Democratic senators asked
Congress yesterday to go on re-
cord against it.
For a special report from Viet-
nam compiled by Le Monde of
Paris, see Page 8.
The White House and the
State Department said any
bomb hits on the dikes are ac-
cidental, not deliberate, Such
accusations "only serve to fur-
ther the enemy propaganda ef-
fort," the White House spokes-
man said.
President Nixon has ordered
that no bombs be dropped on

the dikes. The State Department
said last week there have'been
12 accidental hits on dikes and
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-
Mass.), told the Senate it is
clear to him it is administration
policy that "if the dikes are in
close proximity to a potential
bombing target, the policy of the
administration is to bomb the
dikes anyway, regardless of the
consequences to the dikes."
"It doesn't take a Philadel-
phia lawyer to label this policy
for what it is = a policy of de-
liberately bombing dikes," he
Senate Republican leader
Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania
agreed 'that if the dikes were
breached the United States

could turn North Vietnam into a
lake in less than a week."
Meanwhile, government ma-
rines claimed they killed 44
North Vietnamme troops in
fighting around Quang Tri yes-
terday but their drive to isolate
the walled Citadel in the heart
of the city was at a standstill.
Saigon command spokesman
Lt. Col. Le Trung Hien admitted
the elite marine division had
made "no significant progress"
in its push to recapture the cap-
ital of the country's northern-
most province, which fell to
the enemy May 1. The marines
are trying to but off the Citadel
from supplies and reinforce-
ments by occupying western sec-
tions of the city along the Thach
Han River.

In search of a good book

Eating, bicycling, drugs, and
doing it yourself - that's what
people on campus want to read
about this summer.
According to Elissa Miller, a
clerk at the U Cellar, the most
popular books are those t h at
teach people how to use their
wits and hands to do things for
Among these are "how to"
books - books which show you
how to make or repair anything
from acid to Volkswagons. Con-
sidering the large VW population
in Ann Arbor, it's not surpris-
ing to find that How to Keep
Your Volkswagon Alive is one of
the best sellers in this category.
Illustrated handbooks on bi-
cycle repair and maintenance
have enjoyed high popularity on

city's bookshelves this summer.
Less tame, but potentially more
fun are the perennial favorites
Brew it yourself and the Culti-
vator's Handbook of Marijuana.
Along more unorthodox lines,"
the Cellar also has a book which
can teach you how to build your
own dome. While there hasn't
been any great surge in dome-
building interest, Miller says that
some people have purchased the
book, built their own domes,
and are now living in them.
One of the more popular books
which defies categorization is
The Massage Book - a compete
guide to the various parts of the
body and how to massage tnem
for maximum effect.
A quick survey of the Cellar's

book browsers, however, reveals
that not all people have time to
indulge in reading purely f o r
One young man who was look-
ing through the section on wo-
men's books reported he prefer-
red watching television w'h e n
he wasn't reading his text books.
A harried-looking older woman,
when asked what books she liked
to read, answered "Right now,
I'm reading only what I have to.
"I haven't read what I want-
ed to for 4 years and I regret
it," she added as she thumbed
through statistics books.
A bearded young man who was
browsing through the outdoors
books reported that he 'lidn't
buy books very often but j u s t
"browses a lot."

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