Friday, August 4, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Friday, August 4, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pa9g Nine FCC RULING Racist's ads cleared WASHINGTON (A) - The Fed- eral Communications Commis- sion (FCC) yesterday upheld the right of an avowed white sup- remacist running for the U.S. Senate to have his campaign ad- vertising broadcast in Atlanta without censorship. The commission rejected a pro- test by three groups and At- lanta Mayor Sam Massell that the advertisements of D e m o- crat J. B. Soner present a "clear. and present danger of violence." Three of the seven FCC com- missioners acting as a board- Robert Lee, Rex Lee and Rich- ard Wiley - concluded a four page letter to Lonnie King of the National Association for the Advancement ofColored People "If there is to be free speech, it must be free for speech that we abhor and hate as well as for speech that we find toler- able or congenial." Stoner, one of 15 candidates in next Tuesday's Georgia primary, said in Atlanta that he apprec- iates the FCC upholding his constitutional rights and those of "all white Christians." "I don't care how obnoxious the views of my enemies, I think they should have freedom of speech to say on radio or tele- vision whatever they want about me," he said. "I think the FCC ruling should apply to every in- dividual." Stoner had been running ads over radio station WPLO and over WSB-TV saying: "I am the only candidate for U.S. senator who is for the white people. I am the o nl y candidate who is against inte- gration . . . the main reason why niggers want integration is be- cause the niggers want our white women. I am for law and order with the knowledge that you can't have law and order and niggers too." King was joined in the re- quest to the FCC by the Rev. Joe Boone of the Atlanta Com- munity Coalition on Broadcast- ing and Stuart Lowengrub of the Anti-Defamation League. They asked that the stations be permitted to delay broadcasting Soner's ads until they are review- ed by "an authorized body" with- out the stations incurring FCC sanctions. The commissioners noted that the three said the constitutional right of free speech has certain limitations such as not yelling fire in the crowded theater and that Stoner is yelling fire in the crowded theater. The FCC said that the Con- munications Act bars 's broad- caster from censoring r r o a d- casts by legally qualified candi- dates for public office. 0 Under New Management The VILLAGE INN NOW SERVING LIQUOR Open 4 p.m. Daily, including Sunday CAT'S EYE Weds.-Fri.-Sat, starting at 9:30 p.m. 3411 WASHTENAW NEAR ARBORLAND 973-2100 k kL Defense rests after THE BLIND Bremer diary heard sI exvclusive cafe UPPER MARLBORO, Md. {MP The charges dropped accused Open 7:30 a.m.-2:30 a.m. - The defense of Arthur Her- Bremer of assault with intent to man Bremer rested yesterday maim Wallace and three other 208 S. First St. after presenting an anguished, persons wounded by .38-caliber - often jumbled diary in which pistol, fired May 15 at a po- the defendant detailed his stalk- litical rally at a Laurel, Md. ing of President Nixon and Ala- shopping center. CARL F. bama. Giv. George Wallace. Remaining were four counts The 114-page diary laced each of assault with intent to with four-letter words and murder, assault and battery,and H ,.aino a h rlon~n i xil fin of K C Return Murray i Knowles, Jr. to office as Washtenaw County DRAIN COMMISSIONER A qualified, proven candidate (REPUBLICAN) Two prior terms as Washtenaw County Drain Commissioner Six years Washtenaw County's sole Drain Engineer Five years Monroe County's Drain Engineer Past Vice President of Michigan Association of County Drain Commissioners Member of Drain Commissioners' Association special committee which codified all of Michigan's Drainage Laws Six years Melvindale, Mich. City Engineer Professional Civil Engineer and Consultant Pastmember of Detroit Regional Metropolitan Planning Commission and member of committee for potableater standards in Southeastern Michigan THIS IS THE EXPERIENCE WE NEED -paid political advertisement lamentations of failure, de- scribed how Bremer pursued Nixon with a pistol during an April visit to Ottawa, Canada, retreated in despair to Milwau- kee, Wis,, and then settled on Wallace while watching the film, "A Clockwork Orange." The four-day hearing in Prince Georges County Circuit Court went into an afternoon recess. Considering a defense motion, Judge Ralph Powers dropped for incufficient evi- dence four of the 17 charges against the defendant. using a nandgun in vioiauion oz Maryland law and one charge of illegally carrying a handgun. Final arguments and instruc- tions to the jury by the judge are scheduled to begin this morning, after which the six men and six women will begin weighing the evidence, deciding first whether Bremer was leg- ally sane. Bremer has pleaded innocent by reason of insanity. The jury will have to resolve conflicting testimony on this key point from psychiatrists called at wit- nesses by both sides. for SHERIFF * EXPERIENCED * INTEGRITY Vote Republican an Aug. 8 COidpoticaladvetiseient Now you can see"The Graduate" again or for the first time. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, AUGUST 4 DAY CALENDAR RENT International Folk Dance: Barbour Glym, 8-11 pm. RELIEF Music School: Melvin Harsh, trum- pet doctoral, Sch. of Mus. Recital de noerat nall, a em. iv ers ity Players: Albee's "Who's tto representatie fraid of Virginia woolf?" Power Cen- Paid Political Advertisement oCIMEITA IX presents a weekend featuring Superman, Captain America, The Lone Ranger, Laurel and Hardy, Groucho Marx in 'You Bet Your Life' and many others. OUR BID FOR BEST SHOW OF THE SUMMER, WITH SOME FOOTAGE NEVER SCREENED BEFORE IN ANN ARBOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY-7 & 9:30 p.m. AUD. A, AN ELL HALL-$1.00 JOSEPH E. LEVINE ACADEMY AWARD WINNER PRESENTS 1ET96E7R-MK NCO MIKE NICHOLS-LAWRENCE TURMAN OPEN 12:45 IRDUTINSNOWS Dale I T E GRADUATE AN AVCO EMBASSY FILM 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.M. ANNE BANCROFT DUSTIN HOFFMAN - KATHARINE ROSS CALDER WILLINGHAM BUCK HENRY PAUL SIMON SIMONGARFUNKEL LAWRENCE TURMAN MIKE NICHOLS IPGI "l"" -=" TECHNICOLOR"PANAVISION' An Avco Embassy ReleaseudL P°/aHONE 662-6264