Fridoy, August 4, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Friday, August 4, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five EMMA GOLDMAN America s most dangerous woman LIVING MY LIFE, Emma Goldman, Dover, $3.50. ANARCHISM AND OTHER ES- SAYS, Emma Goldman, Dover,. $2.50. THE TRAFFIC IN WOMEN AND OTHER ESSAYS, Emma Goldman, Times Change Press, $1.25. MY DISILLUSIONMENT IN RUSSIA, Emma Goldman, Apol- lo, $2.95. RED EMMA SPEAKS, edited by Alix Kates Shulman, Vant- age Books, $2.45. By LYNN WEINER In 1919, aspiring government official J. Edgar Hoover labeled Emma Goldman "the most dan- gerous woman in the country" and placed her at the top of his list of 60,000 "organized agi- tators" plotting to overthrow the government. That year, she was among the first group of poli- tical rebels deported from t h e United States. In 1972, Emma Goldman has become a minor culture hero - the reissuance of her essays, her autobiography, and the study of her career has popularized her name and life experience to a new generation seeking historical models of integrity and libera- tion. Through her writings emer- ges a woman striving for free- dom in all spheres of her life, and thus of a woman who mark- ed the boundaries of options pro- vided by her society. By 1919, Emma Goldman had a 30-year history of involvement in a myriad of political events which branded her a symbol of radicalism to the American pub- lic. First implicated in the at- tempted assassination of Car- negie Steel Corporation executive Henry Clay Frick in 1892, Gold- man was jailed for allegedly in- citing a labor riot in 1893, impli- cated in the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901, jailed for lecturing on birth control in 1915, jailed for con- spiracy against the draft in 1917, and finally deported, in 1919, to the new Soviet state. Because of this record, many believed her to be, as the New York Times termed her, t h e Queen of Anarchy,' a creature "apart from the mass of human- ity., By the time of her death in 1940, most Americans had for- gotten both Goldman and the ideals she fought for. In 1934, the editors of Harpers Magazine wrote "A generation ago, it seemed to many American con- servatives as if the opinions which Emma Goldman was ex- pressing might sweep the world. Now she fights alone for what seems like a lost cause." B ut today, Goldman's cause - with its concepts of decentralized au- thority, humanism, and the prior- Today's writer ... Lynn Weiner, who wrote her honors thesis in history on Emma, Goldman, is a former senior editor for The Daily. Currently, she is doing re- search on women's history whil e preparing herself for graduate study at Boston Uni- versity in the fall. ity of personal values - has as- sumed a new urgency, and h e r ideals no longer seem as lost. Her opinions enveloped the great questions of liberty a nd personal freedoms in a central- izing society. First inspired by the execution of the Haymarket anarchists in Chicago in 1887, Goldman wrote she would dedi- cate her life to the cause of an- archism, a cause where her life, her body, and her thought were hers to direct. The best source for under- standing Goldman is her remark- able autobiography Living AI y Life. First published in 1931 and reissued four decades later, the book stands not only as a fine record of an individual life, b u t lies. "In this country of ours, the judge at her trial declared, "we regard as enemies t h o s e who . . . counsel disobedience of our laws by those of minds less strong . . . for people as would nullify our laws, we have no place in our country." A combination of events-the Russian Revolution of Novem- ber, 1917, the "bomb plots" of 1919, when explosives were mail- ed to government officials, and an outbreak of labor strikes in the fall of 1919 all probably con- tributed to the "Red Scare," a phenomena expressing the fear of a radical alien takeover of the nation. Over half of a report prepared by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer which suggest- ed that preaching anarchy be a crime was devoted to Goldman. When she emerged from the Missouri Penitentiary in 1919 she and hundreds of others were herded into deportation camps. At her hearing on Ellis Island, Goldman told the court their charges against her were in es- sence against her beliefs. And, she added, the hearings were "opposed to the fundamental guarantees of a true democracy. Every human being is entitled to hold any opinion that appeals to her or him without making himself liable to prosecution." But the court held otherwise, and on December 22, 1919, Gold- man, her life-long comrade Alex- ander Berkman, and 247 others sailed from New York Harbor and towards Russia From the time of her deporta- tion until her death two decades later, Goldman found her auton- omy and her ideal increasingly limited. Her high expectations for the new Soviet state were shattered after her visit there, where she talked 'with Lenin, toured the country, and saw an- archists shot, exiled, and viewed as enemies of the Revolution. Her experiences were preserved in her recently reissued work, My Disillusionment in Russia. After leaving Russia in 1921, Goldman wandered through Eu- rope, finally settling in England in 1925. She wrote her autobiog- raphy in 1931, and spent nine years unsuccessfully attempting to reenter the United States, where she believed her friends and work remained. In 1936, she plunged into the rebel cause in Barcelona. W h e n she visited Toronto in 1940 to lecture for Emma Goldman, 1901 as an outstanding reflection of an entire era. As Goldman de- scribed her autobiography, 'the larger canvas is America, and my life is thrown against it in bold relief." Her career brought her into contact with a solid cross-sec- tion of the nation -- ;overn- ment officials, students, 'vorkers, and the "vigilante" citizens who literally fought to defend their social order against her threat. Her interaction w i t h these groups was as important a part of American history a, it was of her life. Living My Life is especially valuable for the record of Gold- man's struggle to live both a. private and public life at a time when the role of women was considered to be one or the other, and not both. "I had long realized," Goldman wrote, "that I was'woven of many skeins, conflicting in shade and texture. To the end of my days I should be torn between the yearning for a personal life and the need to give all to my ideal." Because women, unlike men, usually did not live in b o t h spheres, when Goldman sought both she was pulled into the poli- tical arena. Her life-long effort to resolve the ensuing tension, and to then deal with the re- sultant clash against the values of a nation, provide the dialec- tic of her autobiography. Gold- man's honest chronicle of her love relationships (always seek- ing to be loved for her total self; not just' as "a woman" or as "the famous anarchist") and her personal growth, from her birth in Russia to her immi- gration to the United States through her political exile in Europe, sustain the autobio- graphy through the often minute- ly detailed pages of Goldman's career. It is in Anarchism and Other Essays, first published in 1911, where Goldman's political vision is most aptly expressed. Gold- man generally built her ideas from the anarchist tradition of Kropotkin and Bakunin. Many of her views seem startingly pro- phetic today; in a discussion of the state and violence, Goldman noted that the very officials who condemned the illegal violence of radicals "would be delighted over the possibility of the Amer- ican nation soon being able to hurl dynamite bombs upon de- fenseless enemies from flying machines." That was in 1908. By 1911 her works on feminism linked her anarchism to the oppression of women. Her views on marriage and love, especially, have been dusted off and reprinted - one concise book which contains her feminist writings is The Traffic in Women and Other Essays, published this year. Marriage, Goldman believed, "differs from the ordinary life insurance agreement only in that it is more binding . . . if . . woman's premium is her hus- band, she pays for it with her name, her privacy, her self-re- spect, her very life." In the heated debate over the suffrage issue, Goldman quali- fied her support. Suffrage d i d not go far enough, she suggested. The right to vote, or equal rights, may be good demands, but true emancipation begins neither at the polls nor in the courts. It begins in woman's soul. History tells us that every oppressed class gained true liberation from its mas- ters through its own efforts, It is necessary that woman learn that lesson, that she realize that her freedom will reach as far as her power to achieve that freedom reaches. It is, therefore, far more im- portant for her to begin with her own inner regeneration... Goldman's thoughts on anar- chism and feminism are well pre- served in the edited collections of her work. Her response to technocracy, however, is not as well known. In 1906, Goldman told a Detroit Times reporter that Americans had to return to another world, "back even to the primitive methods and hap- py comradeship -of the colonial days, rather than the nerve- racking, hope-destroying, free- dom-debauching, centralization in productive societies." Indus- try, she added, instead of illus- trating the need for greater cen- tralization,exposed that progress as reactionary to human needs and values. In 1908 Goldman spent the summer on a farm to illustrate her point - her friend Bolton Hall pitched a tent on a. vacant Harlem lot to demon- strate the example of farming in the midst of a machine-bound city. If her solutions were not always the most viable, Gold- man certainly served to point out when human priorities were being ignored. As ended many of her concepts, her anti-machine feelings were buried in the me- tallic scrap heap of industrial- izing and centralizing America. But, undaunted, in 1909 Goldman presented the nation with h e r "New declaration of independ- ence" against the dependence fostered by the new program. While Goldman was writing and lecturing, she was also edit- ing. her monthly magazine, Mo- ther Earth. Published between 1906 and 1917, the journal aimed to link anarchist. philosophy with the "young strivings in the var- ious art forms in America. Mother Earth was Goldman's forum to the public. It was the vehicle through which she pub- licized her tours and shared her experiences with the growing police suppression of her 1 e c- tures, which she gave with her then consort Ben Reitman, known as the Hobo King. The magazine published Nietszche, M a r y Wollstonecraft, Tolstoi, Kroptotkin, Whitman, Randolph Bourne, Margaret Anderson, Vol- terine De Cleyre, and o t h e r s. Many of Goldman's essays and speeches from this period are preserved in Red Emma Speaks edited by Alix Kates Shulman. Goldman, at this same time, was one of the first to introduce the American reading public to Shaw, Ibsen, Hauptmann, and booksbooks, other European writers, through her book The Social Significance of the Modern Drama, published in 1914. This was also the time she was active in publicizing birth control methods - she was the first in the nation to pub- lically display a contraceptive de- vice. Mother Earth's political intent was most clear from its incep- tion (the first cover in 1906 dis- played a nude man and woman, facing a rising sun, with broken chains lying at their feet) and in 1917 it was declared seditious and closed down, after the maga- zine published' a cover of a gravestone for American liber- ty, killed by the conscription act. America's impending entry in- to the first world war and its concurrent militarism was an is- sue Goldman refused to back- down on - she insisted the war would only profit munitions man- ufacturers. She was jailed for two years for founding the No-conscrip- tion League (her sentence be- gan 55 years ago last week) and for organizing huge anti-war ral- funds for the cause in Spain, she suffered a stroke; on May 14, 1940, at the age of seventy she died. Only in death, was she able to return to the United States. This brief essay only provides a sketch of the full and complex life of Emma Goldman. High school history 'texts don't con- tain her life as a, model for Americans; most people don't know her name or achievements. But the person who was once labeled "the most dangerous woman in the country" had an invaluable influence for the cause of freedom in this country -for free speech, birth control, and 1 a b o r organization. The growing availability of literature about her and her thought pro- vides a more subtle but equally important influence in this era when we primarily have the lives of queens, Presidents' wives, and other "official" women before us in the media. Emma Goldman stands apart. Her life-dedicated to liberty and self-realization- provides the indispensable les- sons we now most need.