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August 04, 1972 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-08-04

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Dems fighting for sheriff's
spot highlight Aug. 8 primary

The most explosive campaign
in the August 8 primary - fore-
shadowing what promises to be
an even more explosive battle in
November - has been the race
for the Democratic nomination
for Washtenaw County sheriff.
camaign: ?79
Richard Horn, a constable in
Ypsilanti Township, Harold
Moon, president of Moon Bail-
ing Agency, and Fred Postill, a
former Washtenaw County sher-
iff's deputy are seeking the nom-
Most of the fireworks have
centered around Postill and

Moon. Horn has spent little
money and does not appear to
be campaigning hard for the
Postill has been criticized in
recent weeks by The Ann Arbor
Sun which previously ran a
favorable article on Moon. The
Sun challenges Postill's claim
to being a "progressive candi-
date" and has agcused Postill of
planning to train deputies like
secret agents and buy more riot
control gear.
Postill tienies these charges.
He says The Sun must be at-
tacking him because they owe
favors to Moon or want to lay
groundwork for a Human
Rights Party candidate for
Postill is running on a. plat-

form of professionalizing the
sheriff's department, establish-
ing a Citizens Advisory Board,
and building a new jail.
"We need up-to-date profes-
sionalism with modern tech-
niques to concentrate or crime
prevention not just law enforce-
ment," Postill says.
Postill urges the use of "the
two major universities for re-
sources. We could get people to
work at the jail and the uni-
versities can give them credit
for the work."
Another of Postill's programs
has been criticized by Moon.
Postill feels the sheriff's depart-
ment "will have to move to a
sub-station system with two or
three men in each station. The
See DEMS, Page 12

SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT officers stand in formation during
a local anti-war demonstration last April.

Vol. LXXXII, No. - tt s
Vol. LXXXI f, No. 56-S Ann Arbor, Michigan--Friday, August 4, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages

Muskie hinted
as VP choice
WASHINGTON () - Democratic presidential candidate
George McGovern said yesterday he is considering Maine
Sen. Edmund Muskie as a possible new running mate.
McGovern told reporters he has not decided whether
to ask Muskie to replace Missouri Sen. Thomas Eagleton
as the Democratic vice presidential candidate.
But the South Dakota senator added, "I'll talk to Ed
Muskie before deciding who to seek for the spot."
At the same time, McGovern appeared to. downplay
speculation that he was considering former Peace Corps
Director Sargent Shriver for running mate, saying neither
he nor any of his staff had contacted Shriver.
But the candidate insisted he has not decided on a
replacement for Eagleton.

Sad note
Caught in a pensive mood, this young musician rests on his cello during a break at the summer con-
ference of the National School Orchestra Association in Kentucky.
Alternative political parties
gain momentum across nation

Earlier, McGovern's national
political director, Frank Man-
kiewicz, had said the decision
would be announced no later
than tonight. McGovern said
only that it would come before
Tuesday's meeting of the Demo-
cratic Na t i o n a 1 Committee
(DNC), which must approve the
senator's choice.
McGovern said he has offered
the post to Democratic Senators
setts, Abraham Ribicoff of Con-
necticut, and Hubert Humphrey
of Minnesota, but that all three
turned him down.
Meanwhile the executive board
of the 1.2 million member United
Steelworkers of America
(USW), the largest union in the
AFL-CIO, voted y e s t e r d a y
against endorsing either the Re-
publican or Democratic tickets
in November's presidential elec-
The announcement came frons
USW President I. W. Abel, who
stated his union would "concen-
trate on congressional, state and
local elections and will vigorous-
ly support deserving candidates
in every lawful way."

Arms pact
ate yesterday ratified the treaty
with the Soviet Union limiting
American and Soviet develop-
ment of defensive missile sys-
The treaty was hailed as an
historic first step on a journey
toward ending the "mad mo-
mentum" of the nuclear arms
The treaty was ratified 88 to 2
on a roll call vote. Approval by
two-thirds of the Senate was
necessary. No House action is
It bars the Soviet Union and
the United States from creating
nationwide interceptor missile
systems, limiting ABM deploy-
ment to two bases for each na-
Under it the United States
would be permitted to deploy
100 ABM missiles to defend the
capitol at Washington and to
protect offensive Minutemen
missiles at Grand Forks, N.D.

Ann Arbor student's political
power is not an isolated pheno-
mena. All across the -nation,
radical independent parties are
organizing - and they mean
business come November.
In addition to Michigan's Hu-
man Rights Party, third parties
from numerous states have co-
alesced into the People's Party.
The party recently named Dr.
Benjamin Spock, and black ed-
ucator and activist Julius Hob-
son'for president and vice-presi-
As many as fifteen states, are
running People's Party candi-
dates on the November
The party, which has affiliate
organizations in nearly all 50
states, expects to attain ballot
status in 20 .more states.
Success of the People's Party
+ oday s weather;
It will be sunny and cool to-
day. The expected high tempera-
ture will be in the low 70's. The
low will be in the mid-50's.
There is little chance of rain.

has varied in different states. In
Cotati, California, the party won
a majority of city council seats
this spring and put its mayor
into office.
The Liberty Union, Vermont's
radical party, received five per
cent of the statewide vote for
its candidate in last year's con-
gressional race, according to lo-
cal City Council member Nancy
Weschler (HRP-First Ward).
At a four-day convention last
week, which Weschler attended,
the People's Party gathered its
ranks from all over the country
to adopt a platform and nomi-
nate its candidates.
Why this third party effort?
Weschler says its purpose is
"political education," to "call
attention to the third party
movement," and to provide an
alternative to the Democratic
and Republican parties which
both "represent the ruling class."
The People's Party in each
state can, however, run Mc-
Govern on its ticket or any
other candidate it desires. But
Weschler predicts that only
about 10 or 15 per cent of the

party members would -vote for
Aside from the candidates,
the People's Party platform is
its main attraction. Conceived
because the Democratic plat-
form is too weak or disre-
gards certain issues, the Peo-
ple's Party planks are based up-
on what Weschler calls "real
anti - imperialist feeling" and
The planks call for:
-Transformation of the cap-
italistic system into the "collec-
tive property of the people" so
that workers run industry;
-Free physical, mental, and
preventive medical care;
-Immediate withdrawal of
U. S. troops from all foreign
countries except Indochina,
where 90 days would be allow-
ed for pull-out;
--An end to racism and sex-
ism, and abolition of "crimes
without victims"; and
Legalization of all "psycho-
active drugs," including mari-
juana and heroin, and creation
of public clinics to administer
drugs at nominal cost and treat
users on a voluntary basis.

Rtimors inside
the news
(See Editorial Page)

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