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August 03, 1972 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1972-08-03

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Thursday, August 3, 1972


Page Seven

Thursday, August 3, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven

Street fights erupt in Belfast
as attempts at peace continue

City's hiring program
not racially equalized

BELFAST - Hundreds of Ro-.
man Catholics and Protestants
fought a running street battle in
Belfast yesterday, and a n e w
surge of guerrilla gunfire shat-
tered the brief calm in North-
ern Ireland.
As the violence erupted, new
efforts were launched to reach
a political settlement ending
three years of sectarian war-
fare in Ulster and the I r i s h
The street fighting was touch-

ed off by the wounding of two
Protestant factory workers by
sniper fire from the Catholic
Short Strand area of central
Wihtin minutes, Protestant
workers at the Cirocco engineer-
ing plant massed on the streets
to organize a protest march.
They ran into a hail of stones
from the Catholic side.
The Protestants hurled nuts
and bolts in return and dozens
of windows in nearby houses

Under New Management
Open 4 p.m. Daily, including Sunday
Weds.-Fri.-Sat. starting at 9:30 p.m.'

were smashed. Several Catholics
were reported injured.
Several hundred Protestants
marched to government head-
quarters at Stormont to protest
the shootings and demand great-
er protection from the British
administrator for Northern Ire-
land, William Whitelaw.
On the political front Whitelaw
invited leaders of the S o c i a l
Democratic and Labor Party, the
main opposition in Northern Ire-
land to meet with him Monday
in a search for a peaceful set-
tlement. The party has refused to
talk with him in the past and
did not immediately reply to the
Earlier, four party leaders flew
to Dublin for a meeting with
Prime Minister Jack Lynch of
the Irish republic. A joi nt
statement said the Northern Ire-
land situation and a fresh poli-
tical initiative for peace h a d
been discussed.
Lynch's governmen( also an-
nounced a clampdown on guns in
the republic and hinted at new
action against the Irish Repub-
lican Army (IRA). The justice
minister, Desmond O'Malley, or-
dered all pistols, rifles and am-
mutinion surrendered within
three days.,

(Continued from Page 3)
However, the "white depart-
ments" continue to hire more
whites than blacks. For those
departments whose black em-
ployment level is below ten per
cent, the hiring rate has been
around 28 per cent blacks or
eight per cent below the aver-
Conversely, in predominately
black departments, the hiring
rate of minority personnel has
been about 54 per cent-14
per cent above- the average.
Personnel director Wil-
liam Garrett recognizes that
racial divisions are being per-
petuated and considers the re-
versal of this trend to one of
his "major problems."
"You're faced with tradition
and the whole historical as-
pect," he says. "When a black
leaves a job he tends to be re-
placed with another black."
Another problem in breaking
down race lines is a low turn-
over rate in heavily white de-
For example, the Fire Depart-
ment, which employs 109 whites
and 2 blacks, has only hired
one man in the last year,
In the Treasurer's Depart-
ment which is all white, there
has been only one opening in
the last year as well. Accord-
ing to Orlos, a black was re-
cently hired to fill the position

but was subsequently terminat-
In the police department,
where blacks are nine per cent
of the work force, the problem
is often an inability to find
blacks who meet stringent hir-
ing requirements.
"We're working on easing the
regulations in somecases, but
it's hard to find people to ap-
ply," Orlos says.
But Personnel Department of-
ficials are generally proud of
what has been accomplished
and optimistic about the future.
"In our files we have red
circles around these depart-
ments (with low minority em-
ployment f igures),"
Garrett says. "And in the fu-
ture, we're going to start getting
to them."
McGovern VP
choice delayed
(Cotinued from Page 1)
will ratify McGovern's choice.
During the day, McGovern
was sent some unsolicited advice
from the National Women's Po-
litical Caucus which urged him
to choose Frances "Sissy" Far-
enthold, the former Texas guber-
natorial candidate who came in
second to Eagleton in balloting
for vice president in votes taken
at the convention.
However Sen. Edmund Muskie
of Maine was still thought to be
the leading candidate on Mc-
Govern's list, which reportedly
doesn't include Farenthold, Rep.
Wilbur Mills (D-Ark.), or Sen.
Henry Jackson (D-Wash.).
One of McGovern's closest
friends, Frank Church of Idaho,
said he thought McGovern would
have to "reach into the larger
cities and industrial areas" for
a new vice presidential nomi-

"Hire him. He's got great legs."

If women thought this way about men they
would be awfully silly.
When men think this way about women
they're silly, too.
Women should be judged for a job by
whether or not they can do it.
In a world where women are doctors,
lawyers, judges, brokers, economists, scien-

tists, political candidates, professors and com-
pany presidents, any other viewpoint is ridic-
Think of it this way. When we need all
the help we can get, why waste half the brains
Womanpower. It's much too good to waste.

ior political science major
at the U, is running for
the Democratic nomina-
tion for Washtenaw
County Commissioner in
AA's 15th district.
To put his people-center-
ed ideas into effect-like
consumer protection and
child-care - he n e e d s
your vote.
Vote in the
Aug. 8th Primary
paid for by
People for Rollinger

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