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August 03, 1972 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1972-08-03

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Page Two


Thursday, August 3, 1972

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August 3, 1 97~

Woo: PowerfuIplot
By JAN BENEDETTI George and Martha do claw action in every scene. The words,
Go and see Michigan Reper- their way through the wreckage then, create an almost musical
tory 72's production of "Who's of their lives, exposing their de- rhythm.
Afraid of Virginia Woolf" in lusions and stripping away what's Chester Smith as George mast-
the Power Center this week. left of their masks. They end up ers this rhythm beautifully. His
Even though the show contains with only themselves-for solace' wordy, bitter, guilt-ridden his-
several flaws, Edward Albee's cold and afraid of "Virginia tory professor is nearly flawless.
play still provides an evening of Woolf e." He injects a needed bit of sar-
powerful and stimulating thea- Albee wrote a technicaly beau- donic humor into the proceed-
ter. tiful play. The text abounds with ings.
In reference to this play, Al- allusions and images that flesh As the terrible secrets are re-
bee reportedly once said, "We out his major work of American vealed and pretenses are remov-
must claw our way into com- drama. Bits of dialogue a n d ed Smith settles into the role,
passion." speeches build within capsules of conveying the impression that he
- - -does, as Martha says, know every
rule of their "games". George
is, indeed, Martha's equal and a
suitable partner.
Irene Connors admirably re-
sists the temptation to p 1 a y
Martha as only a screaming
for 0 hag-castrating bitch. She retains
PLEASANT a hint of Martha's partially-in-
tact intelligence and sensitivity.
DIFFERENCE Connors matches Smith's tech-
nical skill in the powerful finale
at ANN ARBOR'S of the last act when George
"kills" their fantasy child.
Kenneth Marshall as Nick and
Barbara Montagna as Honey are
a disappointment, however.
Though Nick functions partly
as an unwitting pawn in George
and Martha's sado-masochistic,
FEATURING: hate-love conflict, he is also a
MEXICAN TRIO-Weds. thru Fri. ruthless, phony bastard in his
own right. Nick has his own
FIESTA HOURS-4-6:30 Tuos.-Sat. guilts and sins to hide. Mar-
shall fails to incorporate t h e
hard edges into his portrayal,
OPEN TUES.-SAT., 11 TO 11 0 SUN. 2 TO 11 though he handles Nick's at-
FOOT OF BROADWAY L3- O tempts at ingratiation well.
BRIDGE AT PLYMOUTH RD. Montagna's portrayal is out
See WOOLF, Page 12

Scene from 'Virginia Woolf'
A gem on .e

Neil -Diamond, super - stud
star of the post-high school set,
came on stage - his hair a
bouffant hairdresser's original,
his pale pink shirt unbuttoned
just enough to be enticing. The
approach was of gentle aloof-
ness, slow and easy, overpow-
eringly suave. His eyes, often
described as those of a distant
poet, spoke of subtle seduction.
"We've met before, haven't
we . . . almost l i k e o l d


friends . . ." he sighed to an
audience who were mostly in
their late twenties and their
early teens.
Monday night at Pine Knob
Music Theatre was for me an
unusual sort of concert . . .
casual and refined. No tight se-
curity precautions evident, no
groupies rushing the stage, no
heavy get-down boogie music.
A few wails, a few swoons,
and Diamond promptly warned
his friends that "If I had
known people would have been
this crazy, I never would have
come out here."
Diamond did, however, sing a
decently long set of pleasant
music, to the accompaniment of
a group of enthusiastic mu'si-
cians. He was into playing gui-
tar and into stretching his vo-
cal chords - not necessarily
putting on an energetic show
for his followers.
But his audience seemed con-
tent . .Diamond's casual stage
presence being only part of his
expected charisma, part of his
Warming up the audience be-
fore Diamond's appearance was
Jackie De Shannon, a woman
with long blond hair and a sweet
California smile.
Her voice seemed not so pol-
ished as studio recordings, a
problem partially resolved by
another woman singing behind
And the music, which includ-
See DIAMOND, Page 12
The Michigan Daily edited and man-
aed bystudetsa t theUniversity of
Michigas. News shoe: 764-0562, 5eccnd
lass postage paid at Ann Arbor Mich-
gan. 420 Maynard St., Ann Arhor
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier. $11 by mal.
summer Sessionpublished Tuesday
throufh Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $5.10 by carrier (campus
area)-; $6.50 local mail (in Mich. or
Oho); $7.50 non-local mail (other states
and foreign),
The place to meet
Bruce Gustafson, harpsichord
Arthur Lawrence, harpsichord
playing concertos for two harp-
sichords by Blanco, Krebs, Bach.
And more.
Tkurs., Aug. 3, 8 p.m.
So. Quad, West Lounge
served ofterwards
75 Coals
No musical knowledge needed.
Absolutely EVERYONE invited!
Further info 663-4875, 769-1605

the California ' /
way with Arnel
dresses for Miss J
is soft and sweet enough to
charm the most loyal sportswear
fan. . by California Look, in
top-stitched brushed
Ceanese Arnel triacetate tied
,sashes and tiny embroidered
flowers. Sizes 5 to 13
A. Yoked dress in navy. $28.
B. Tucked dress in wine red. $24.


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