Harvey charges Postill behind rape suit By PAUL TRAVIS Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey charged yester- day that a $1 million lawsuit filed against him was prompted by Democratic primary candi- date for sheriff, Fred Postill. The lawsuit was filed by local attorney Michael Stillwagon on behalf of Donald Norris, 17, who was assaulted and raped by six inmates in the County Jail Feb. 19, 1972. The suit charged the County and Harvey with negligence in failing to patrol the cell areas and prevent the assault. Harvey, who is seeking re- election on the American Inde- pendent Party ticket, charged that Postill convinced Norris to file the suit and fed and sup- ported Norris while he was out on probation. Postill, in a statement re- leased yesterday, called the charge "a complete fabrica tion. Harvey, -as usual, has dis- torted the truth to serve his own political ends." In a taped interrogation play- ed for The Daily by the Sher- iff's Dept. Norris, in the pres- ence of Asst. Pros. Atty. John Salan, Harvey, and Capt. Stan- ton Brodine, told this story: "I was in District Court to testify against the six guys (who raped me) when Postill introduced himself and said he was running for sheriff. He said if there was anything he could do I was to call him. He said I had a good lawsuit against the county. It was the first time a lawsuit was mentioned. "When I got out on proba- tion I call him (Postill) and asked for five dollars to take out a girl. He told me to come over and he gave me the money. Then he took me across the street to the McGovern head- quarters and introduced me to Mike Stillwagon. "We talked about filing a lawsuit and I signed an agree- ment that if we won any money he (Stillwagon) would get one- third and if we didn't win it would cost me nothing." "I've eaten at Postill's house. I've slept at his house and at his office. He 'has given me money now and then, 'cause I helped around the office doing campaign work." The questioning took place at the County Jail where Nor- ris is presently being held on charges of attempted robbery. Left unanswered by the tape is whether Norris is withdraw- ing the lawsuit as Harvey claims. However, according to Still- wagon, who says he talked to Norris 30 minutes before the tape was made, the suit is still pending and is not being dis- missed. "The Washtenaw County So- cial Service Agency told me the poor kid had tried to slash his wrists on Sunday." said Still- wagon last night. "He (Norris) will say anything the sheriff wants if it will get him out of the jail. The first time he was in he was raped and now he has tried to kill himself." "There could be only two possible reasons to drop the suit," adds Stillwagon. "Either to get him out of the jail or to get the charges reduced on the attempted robbery charge." "When I met with Norris in the afternoon, we discussed the case," Stillwagon. "The suit is not being dismissed." Postill explains his relation- ship with Norris this way. "I first met Norris at the pre- trial examination, discussed the case with him, and told him I thought the sheriff had not met his legal obligation to maintain his-Norris'-safety while in the jail. I also learned that Norris, who had been released from jail on his own recognizance, was in need of social service assistance, and I suggested he get in touch See CAPTIVE, Page 8 ZCI e irl ig n 43 it Vol. LXXXII, No. 55-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, August 3, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages McGovern meets with blacks in VP search WASHINGTON iN--George McGovern talked over his search for a new running- mate with several influen- tial blacks yesterday, then d e c i d e d to announce his choice tonight or tomorrow. Word that the Democratic presidential nominee would dis- close his selection as early as tonight came from Frank Man- kiewicz, his national political di- rector. But Mankiewcz refused to say whether McGovern already has made a final decision. Earlier yesterday, McGovern said he is seeking advice from a number of persons, including congressional colleagues, a n d won't be hurried into making a choice. McGovern met for more than an hour in his Senate office with the black group which included Ceretta King, congressional dele- gate Walter Fauntroy, California Assemblyman W i 11 i e Brown, Gary. Ind. Mayor Richard Hatch- er, Georgia legislator Julian Bond and five others. Press s e c r e ta r y Richard Daugherty said McGovern called the group "a kind of steering comittee" for his campaign and that Fauntroy heads it. Participants in the meeting would say little about who or what was discussed, except to say that a new vice presidential nominee wasn't the only topic. McGovern's campaign man- ager, Gary Hart, said roughly a dozen names were mentioned in the meeting as possible replace- ments for Sen. Thomas Eagle- ton, whom McGovern persuaded Monday night to resign as his running mate. Hart and the others refused to repeat any of the names or to say whether any were blacks. Some of the participants stayed on after the meeting broke up and were joined by the Rev. Ralph Abernathy, chairman of the Southern Leadership Confer- ence. McGovern met with var- ious black leaders for more than three hours. W h i l e McGovern conferred, Democratic National Chairman Jean Westwood said at a news conference she expects that the Democratic National Committee See McGOVERN, Page 7 Increasing cloudiness, cooler, 20 per cent chance of precipita- tion tonight. High today upper 70's, low near 60. au Ah, to be a kid again Paul Mureiko of )Hanover Park, Ill., cools it in a sea of mud that took over his backyard after a recent shower. GOVT. ACTION LIKELY: England suffers food shortage in doc sstrike LONDON (A') - Strikebound A royal proclamation, allowing ships anchored in Britain pre- the government to control food pared yesterday to dump hun- prices and requesition transport dreds of tons of rotting food to shift essential supplies, was cargoes they cannot unload be- ready to be rushed to the Isle of cause of a national port shut- Man, off England's west coast, down. for the signature of Queen With a strike by 42,000 long- Elizabeth I. She is paying an shoremen in its sixth day, house- official visit to the island. wives were finding food shelves While a committee of dock denuded and stocks of fresh employers and union leaders was fruits and vegetables dwindling again busy trying to find a rapidly. formula to get the men back to work, government officials were Pr i m e M i n i s t e r Edward becoming increasingly anxious Heath's government was re- over the food situation. ported close to a decision to take Newton Jones, chairman of emergency powers to cope with the British Export Houses Asso- the dock workers walkout. They ciation, said the strike had also are making job security de- held up exports worth more mands, than $245 million. Daily Pnoto y JIM WALLACE FRED LEONARD, principal of Forsythe Junior High, awaits a decision on his transfer at last night's board meeting. School board delays vote on city principal By MARILYN RILEY The Ann Arbor Board of Edu- cation last night voted 5-2 to hold in abeyance the transfer of Fred Leonard, black principal of Forsythe Junior High School. Board member Cecil Warner initiated the action which would delay any transfer decision un- til after an executive meeting between Leonard, the Board, and the superintendent Aug. 7. The board had previously de- cided to transfer Leonard from his position at Forsythe to a po- sition as director of field ser- vices for the Ann Arbor Public Schools. This action, taken with- out consulting Leonard or the Principal Selection Committee, was protested by members of the community. Warner's motion for a hearing was a substitute for one by board member Henry Johnson which called for the reinstate- ment of Leonard. Johnson was opposed to the hearing, calling it a "continua- tion of misunderstanding" on the part of the board members concerning their function as a policy-making unit and not a personnel selection unit. "The board has boxed itself into an embarrassing situation," Johnson explained. The only way out, according to Johnson, would be to "admit we have blown it" and rescind the pre- vious decision to transfer See SCHOOL, Page 8