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August 02, 1972 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1972-08-02

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Wednesday, August 2, 1972

Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 2, 1972

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Daily Classifieds
- _-MwLA N
staete repres~entlaive
PaiPoliticlAdeiti's nt

Pros tune up for PGA

Special To The' Dally
elite of golf's touring pros be-
gatuning up for the fourth sod
final major- tournament of the
season, the PGA champion'ships,
Monday at Birmingham's 0 ak
land Hills Country Club.
Metiopolitan Detroit welconied
the start of PGA ateti il ittittiti


galleries, the size of w'hi
prompted Arnold Palmer to ast
one of the tournament off ic-al1
if the people of Birminghatt
work lot a living.
The atmiosphere was light and
casual hotfa-days as tie p1ty-
ers, many of whom vere rin
the routrse lorthferfirst ine,
dropped and hit halls fiotm dii-
ferent areas of te liirtt oanac
rotighi and putteci to variotus pa t.
of the green.
Lee Trevin o, Patmer. and thir
playing partoer Laony W-tdkius
ptayed well sod hod only ott'
bogey bettween thuerron'te ilrst
seveit holes Moniday. Trevino
was nearly faailtless in liti
thtt ''monster's'' lightfaitrwas
anttt lmner had the ernotd rtee
tog when lie canned 'itreu
strtight btrdte ptttts on t ivre
six anti seseit.
Defreditgritamit. Joelk Ntt
liiis arrived at Oatland Hl.I 1 :
iatt'Moitday afternoon and teat-
ed a relatively small gallery tou
one-muon exhtibition thaItcit eiv
rotuids of oohis andad ts.
Nicklattsmmis his chiance 01
DIAL 5-6290
~Great fun, oal thc ogy.
'iceta cnto~t'huom imelo,,

capturing golf's_ never-achiievetd
grand slam, shouted no ill ef-
fets other than a bandage o
the sate right index finger vuhteli
kept bin hospitalized for three
days last week.
The btitly Htickeye reoca Id
Oakland Hills' 521-yard srcomid
lisle writht a drive tand a ftwa-
trout and then stink a 10-footart'
for iii eagle thtree.
Nicklans sad Trevino a r e
generally conceded the layor-
ites' role in this year's PGAX
and super-Mrx is fired up to
win it. ''Not even an atomic
bomb c an stop mie this week."
quipped Trev ins to Palmer on
the practice tee Monday.
Although Nicklatis took the
PGA title last year at P a 1lin
B~reh Garidens. Florida, t Ite
ulls' Va

touiriiment has a history of go-
log to golf's lesser known pt'o,)s
Natmrs like Dave Stockton, Ray
Floyd, Don January, Al Geiber-
gee and Dave Marr have all ap-
pesied at the top of the heap
in the last ten years,
Thte pin placements of Oak-
land Hills' demanding layout.
seeited to give the pros their
biggest headache in pradce
pltay. The pins tave been licat-
ed largely near the middle of
lie greens, buit in areas w h e re
ridges or sleep slopes n-i9ke
character butildetrs ottc- one
and tswn-foot puttts.
Sit far if appears thatt he
keepetrs 01 this fabled inomte~ir
ate going to their hest; to see
liat nit ont' brtng~s it to its I ate
this year.
L iet' lad s

youth assault on police

MIDLANDfPa tf --_Puttcer
saidiprofessiottatbtasketball play-
e.Noetit Van Liere of the Cii
eao go Dulls wssitrested yestet-
iday att allegedhlyletudin"gia
iroup it ytoungblarcks tontihart-
fisteciJtstitotiotwlo nolicetiet
it it' l ocit slttonhouse.
Vtt it25, aroteof Miu
1 'tla. i takeniti tousttody,
ats cotti to poltce, -atid ctorgeci
itit sutvyof t'lie peoce-.asstautlt
attdlbatte ry ott to polie officert
irnitng;to riot oatd obstrructioni
orf a polite officr.
Alter being treated at ntarby
Rochlester Hitspitatliiir a he'adl
lacrtaion, Van Lierewas ar-
raigned before a district imagis-
Irate and 'eleased 00 $2.500 bond

to awti-lia tearing. He waisun
itvailable foercomnment.
Viticet Ditri, police chiel of
his Ohto bitrdeecotiutintity, said
thei dis'tiiiboncestenmmed ftroiit i
dispute betwri-tiVan Liet and a
Iocal policematn, Charets Sallits.
Dittri said Van Lietalto at-
tentded Si. Francis College in
Lorttot, Pa.,rcaie to the police
sttiolate'Moodsay-nightt atud
ctotfronted Sallis a-len lie teportt
ed foe duty,
"VAN LIER w00 very noa-t
and boisterous and he arertosed
Officer Sallis of spreading str-
ites arouind thatlie, Vaal.ieI i
had been selling dope," Ditri
Van Lierewas airestedl a)ft
hte allegedly struck rte officer,
according io pullce.'

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