page three 94r *1 g~n:4atitj BUISINESS rHONE: 761-4-05 Wednesday, August 2, 1972 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: 764-055) Local chess unchec, Ulster quiet as Iced-siege continues BELFAST (/)-A sullen iseace dh'cended ysterdscay onNoirth- ciin Ireland as BiishPtroopss smazshed tl1asi:barsricades singing gersilla liongholds and seicd hgsoto'-es ofsins. British ad- mnisiliabs Williams Whiteloswinnved to patclhtigiethiei aiiesw political initialise. The anon said she bloodstained provinice had its quietest day foi months asthi Isrisis NRepublicain Airmy kept-ut of01sight follow- ing thetiihtairy inv asian of their main eclcaves ini Belfast and LosndosndesrisMonidais Witsselaws shlips>offotiiigcii ieaie betnt heci iiNoth'sifeud- ing 'Pirotestant imajoirits aiid RotniiCathiolicsiitysiii eriiiboost ied by aii annouiicemient IiroinPimiieiMissistesrJick Lsynch o0flt Iirishs iepublic backiingthienoslitaiiysswep "iirusided iit55aves livs." Lyuch speaking aflsei aiiiemergieniciysCabiiii ieiinin i Dublin In studsyIlse nesssitua- tionsin the ioilont srgd imi * -useu dials talks "so atchiise a poli il t cal siolutions Lychalso piramissedi Iis gon.-, 1NY GAINtR ernmoent swnuld cratk dosiw L ee ti ns syes rated at Ihaid ass IRA mess opieraisg ili ass Wi ass legally in she repsiblic.SAIiSTi icPi iiiisis aise]pole ini tsi sisrihiasrt Ccriststts aslw s .ltestay yes- beesi fllw- sikanid liiiedi tfbosmbinsg asnd slt tvo isitei the fioi 550ry1 shoing'asid the bomsbes s t Iltise rn s aa'ti ci-pro er cnitiss- a ii 5 fouisdci must hi elimsisnated flintsthi scsi it sisenrlas ioithast swould is in Mars poltngr' the catmsspherTi.sso's ta thoingbor'ze surpose of scioo dircirs(iri n aIsis ondnerweesh ice, a 's 1(isuis ende lutheA'S Ti- i tots' osiiittierea- 51 P13 sMilitarsixdoinsationsof the Bog - ss s sdi -