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August 02, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-08-02

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Vol. LXXXII, No. 54-S Ann Arbor, Michigon-Wednesdoy, August 2, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages

Vol. LXXXII, No. 54-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 2, 1972

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

McGovern cancels
T time; decision
on VP postponed

A SOUTH VIETNAMESE SOLDIER, smoking a cigarette and
holding a grenade, lifts up strands of barbed wire while his buddy
crawls under.
Haiphong shipyard it
by U.S. N\avy planes

George McGovern cancelled a
national broadcast last night on
the Eagleton matter when the
networks refused him free time.
He said he would announce
his new running mate "within a
few days," along with a state-
ment concerning Sen. Eagleton.
Speculation on Eagleton's re-
placement on the Democratic
ticket remains high.
Two sources close to the presi-
dential candidate said the lead-
ing contenders to replace Sen.
Thomas Eagleton following his
precedent - setting withdrawal
Monday night appeared to be
Sens. Frank Church of Idaho
and Edmund Muskie of Maine.
But two other major possibili-
ties mentioned were former
Democratic National Committee
Chairman Lawrence O'Brien and
former Peace Corps director and
one-time Ambassador to France
Sargent Shriver.
McGovern's press secretary,
Richard Dougherty, said the
networks refused to give the
candidate free air time last
night to talk about Eagleton
unless McGovern also were to
announce his choice as a run-
ning mate.
Network spokesman in Wash-
Ington, however, disagreed.
NBC bureau manager Frank
Jordan said it was his tentative
understanding that the broad-
cast would be a discussion of
reasons that led to the decision
to drop Eagleton. "This would
have led to equal time prob-
lems," he said.
Sen. Edward Kennedy of Mas-
sachusetts, who turned down the
offer once before, was probably
still McGovern's first choice, ac-
cording to all sources contacted.
Two other names that resur-
faced Tuesday were those of
Wisconsin Gov. Patrick Lucey
and Boston Mayor Kevin White.
Lucey told The . Associated
Press he had been contacted by
a McGovern staffer and told he
was under consideration. Lucey
said he told the staffer he would
accept the vice-presidential
nomination if it were offered.

SAIGON (P) - U. S. Navy
planes blasted a shipyard in
North Vietnam's main port of
Haiphong; the U. S. Command
announced yesterday. President
Nguyen Van Thieu predicted
the war could be over in six
months if the American air
blitz continues.
The air attack Monday on
the Haiphong Shipyard No. 3
was the first of the war against
that target, a spokesperson
Pilots from the carrier Sara-
toga reported leaving much of
the yard'in flames.
Twenty-seven foreign vessels,
including four Chinese ships, re-
main in Haiphong's deepwater
channels, trapped by the mines
planted last May, but U. S.
spokespeople said the air strikes
were not near the deep-draft
Overcast skies reduced U. S.

strikes over the North to little
more than 200, the command
said. It reported American war-
planes hit other targets that in-
cluded eight bridges, 12 river
craft, 13 storage areas and
warehouses, two fuel pipelines,
12 trucks and missile and artil-
lery sites.
U. S. planes also flew 318
raids against Vietcong positions
in South Vietnam and B52
bombers made 35 strikes north
and south of the demilitarized
zone, the command said.
Thieu declared that Hanoi
wants to use its American war
prisoners in exchange for a
bombing halt but . urged the
raids be continued.
"If we want to end this war
we must continue to destroy all
of North Vietnam's military in-
stallations and economic pow-
er," he told the National De-
fense College.

RICHARD FERREIRA, vice president of Norsid Corp. of Waltham,
Mass., displays a strip of McGovern-Eagleton bumper stickers in
his office. Ferreira said, "The distributor told me orders are still
coming in for Eagleton material and he hasn't received one
U.S. to send jets to

Thail and
Dispatch News Service
BANGKOK-Seventeen A37B
jets, donated through Washing-
ton's military assistance pro-
gram, are on their way to Thai-
land to reinforce the Royal Thai
Air Force in its fight against
locally-based insurgents. The 17
planes are valued at a total of
$9.5 million.
Last year the Thai Air Force
purchased 16 OV10 Broncos,
twin-prop strike and reconnais-
ance aircraft designed specifi-
cally for use in "unconventional
warfare." A Thai Air Force
spokesman recently announced
plans to buy an additional 16
OV10s, at a cost of $15 million.
As American airpower has in-
creased in Thailand, allied air-
power has followed suit. Accord-

Air Force
ing to unofficial American mili-
tary sources, there are now over
200 prop-driven T28 bombers
operating in the Laotian theatre,
a considerable increase over last
Equipped with'slide-in, slide-
out markings, the T28s bombing
in Laos are of unclear owner-
ship. Informed Americans say
that the planes can change
their markings daily, if neces-
See U.S., Page 7
Today will be hot and humid
and thundershowers are expect-
ed. Temperatures will range
from a high of 83 to a low to-
night of 57.

Chess champs
See Story, Page 3

British troops survey Belfast from a newly established post in the New Lodge Area of the Ulster
capital. New bases have been set up in the Catholic ghettos in the hopes of checking the Irish
Republican Army,

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