Page Six THE /MICHIGAN DAILY 1 a --- 1 t v _ gel the job done i (continued from Page 5) PETS AND SUPPLIES PERSONAL AFGAN ROUNDS, cre amsoand bindleBUMPER STICKERS customo puned BUSINESS SERVICES 8 weks.Vry reaonable. 45-622 wile-Uwtt! $2 ML Press,117 PROFESSIONAL Lite1ary Srvies Ediigwritingrewrtng, draftng OUR SAM ESE ca ilon Iely, 'causVSTAoMo'Inygn o 0 fromodtaBoks, specialpojects, e ork all day His nae isAndySITyounnperd 511onyogm ylbldbefore Box 2 Dily. 90J58 0Slapo~oe Itlltany Fbaoyiaooloaoroe mundae name you55 mig1t1care i' Fine qality damronds and200o priceso BIKS2Six<:=:<:w>x5's'^